
Amazing Products TV Recycling Machine for Your Home (Lasso Loop First Look)

Awesome Tips Recycling Machine for Your Home (Lasso Loop First Look)

The Lasso by Lasso Loop is a home recycling machine that detects, cleans and breaks down materials you’d normally throw in your recycling bin so they can be more easily reused.

Get a deeper look at the Lasso Loop here:

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  1. Thanks for watching! Find more details on the Lasso’s power usage, bottle rebates and revenue share on waste linked in the article in the description!

  2. The Juciero of household recycling.

  3. Not thank… I Have to buy your expensive machine, use my own power, take time to sort out each item, at the end the company is the one making the profit off my recycling…I rather toss mine out with the trash..

  4. The future sucks, what a lame thing

  5. Wth

  6. If it made the recycled material into something usable to regular people, like metal/plastic filaments for 3d machines, then it would be pretty cool. But as it is, just increases the chance of the waste being recycled, like that doesn't make any sensw

  7. Its so big, I'd rather have a fast food drink dispenser 🤣

  8. I want this in my kitchen said no one

  9. The shredded materials are being emptied into plastic bags…

  10. This is where the real WALL-E's origin story begins!

  11. but… why? what problem is this trying to address?

  12. With this one you purchase it and maintain it, you clean and process, you pay for the cost of the electricity. Do you know someone invented one already that turns plastic back into a petroleum product that can heat your home? That one would benefit you, this one benefits someone else. That’s why it’s offered

  13. Ridiculous. This cannot be efficient or good for the environment. Individuals do NOT need their own device. Insane.

  14. I see many problems with this kind of machine. Right on top of my head, how much energy does it use (never mind the noise and time consuming) and also, to whom am I supposed to sell the materials to? I mean with all the time and energy I investing in recicle my trash you don expect me to also pay for it to be made into products again

  15. 10 mins per single piece…amazing. It's like Lomi said look at this stupid idea we came up with and then Lasso said hold my beer. I take it back they are smarter than Lomi because they want us to 1) buy the expensive machine 2) we absorb all running costs 3) they pick up the 'high value' recycled materials and sell them for profit? lol

  16. I’m not completely saying it’s a bad idea. I could see version 2.0 being more practical and cheaper. However, this looks way too complicated and expensive for a home appliance that’s not critical. Ie., not a fridge, dishwasher, or washing machine. For regular people, this isn’t as realistic. Maybe if it wad subsidized, or maybe if you get a recycling credit tax wise. Or significant discount for products made with recycled materials. It just seems too complicated for it to have an impact on even changing our global conservation by even 1%. I feel bad for being so negative on this, because I would like to see a more practical way for us to conserve globally. But we as people are the smallest factor in this. Government and manufacturers along with innovation is what’s needed. For us people, it’s easy for us to throw our refuse out in properly marked distribution. It’s not like we’re throwing trash on the streets (at least we shouldn’t be).

  17. Why not increase the size and market to disposal companies? Having this at home is great, but the issue with recycling is that waste companies still have to sort materials from the truck, which is where the shreds are likely to wind up in. If this company can develop a large conveyer system that can sort waste from recyclables for waste management sites, they will make insane money off of leasing alone.

  18. Me: Interesting idea.

    Price: $3,500

    Me: out to the recycling bin.

  19. Thanks for the video!

  20. impractical. . to big!. to expensive!. no benefit for the end user. but a good concept that needs lots of work ahead for a consumer product. it needs to do its own sorting, remove the lids on its own during shredding. also add an composter that turns organic waste like paper, liquid waste from the machine and food waste into soil. then make it the size of a dish washer and you might have a good product. the containers can be emptied into the recycles bin and organic waste into the garden. Make that and I would buy one.

  21. Decent proof of concept. If they could add a tray where you could put in multiple items and walk away, and shrink it down to dishwasher size (or a little bigger with the tray), make sure it's very energy efficient, and add a good revenue share and/or rental program. Then maybe they will it get to market. If not, they will probably need to market it to restaurants or grocery stores or apartment landlords who can offer it as a free service to their customers. It may work for families living off grid or far from a recycling center.

  22. How much electricity does it use to do all these?

  23. This is garbage it should come out sand. Just an over price shredder.

  24. So you pay for a painstaking chore that you pay someone to pick the results of up so that they can sell it for money ……wtf

  25. The Theranos of recycling

  26. What a useless device

  27. The corps that make these bottles should take them back, instead of home processing. Put this burden on the original bottle maker, not individual consumers!

  28. SO they made a huge machine that that basically shreds stuff. This does not need to exist in the slightest

    • Ak
    • February 4, 2023

    Seems very energy intensive

  29. Home electric bill 📈

  30. This unit would be better suited for a laboratory that uses small sampling sizes of ground material for……some purpose…..I don't know what. For this to be worth having it would need to have nearly continuous use. Something much larger for use at the recycling center. Where it's more efficient to recycle.

  31. Why would this not be sold to the recycling company? Why to the consumer to do extra steps. The recycling industry puts to much on the consumer

  32. We could have this massive, probably extremely expensive, refrigerator sized machine in our kitchen…. Or beverage distributors could use real reusable or biodegradable materials.

  33. Someone got a government grant, I suspect. This is possibly the most useless thing I've ever seen.

  34. Very skeptical about this. Yes specifically PLASTICS recycling is broken everywhere, however recycling anything else is working as intended. What's the guarantee that this company will not just dump the problematic plastic waste it collects into a landfill/incinerator while turning a profit on the other things it recycles? I don't see a point in using this instead of regular recycling, unless your specific council is not able to provide recycling services which nowadays is pretty rare in developed countries.

  35. Since when shredding became recycling?

  36. $3.5k to make the world a worse place? There is no way this thing does more good than harm to the environment.

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