
Amazing Products TV Meet the new robots cooking your food

Awesome Tips Meet the new robots cooking your food

Robot arms are working the kitchen of your favorite restaurants, including Flippy 2 by Miso Robotics. Bridget Carey looks at the robot chefs cooking today — both at home and at fast food joints — and what’s next in having your meal prepared by robot.

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0:00 Introduction
0:25 Today’s Real Helper Robots
1:25 Moley Robotic Kitchen
3:55 Samsung Bot Chef
5:02 Teaching a Robot to Chop an Onion
5:33 Flippy, the Burger-flipping Fry Cook
6:28 Meet Flippy 2
7:37 Picnic’s Pizza Robot has Fans
9:18 Spyce Infinite Kitchen and Sweetgreen
9:56 Waiter Robot: Servi by Bear Robotics
10:42 Makr Shakr Bartender Robot
11:15 Will Robots Replace Humans?

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  1. Just an idea, but it seems to me the concept would be more efficient as an assembly line that utilized conveyor belts to move food through various stages of production.

    Let's be real though, cooking is pretty much a recreational activity and with that alone, I can't ever see robots becoming mainstream in household kitchens. I can however imagine something on a much smaller and more affordable scale that perhaps sits on a countertop and builds TV dinner type meals for those moments where time is limited and convenience is needed.

  2. Is cheaper then a wife 😅

  3. With this amount of money, I can hire a real chef and also get enough food for a long time XD

  4. Imagine waking up and saying Alexa prepare butter chicken

  5. Most of the robot I seen mostly on YouTube

  6. Those Robots look really unhygienic. Never wash their hands or take showers.I bet their cleanliness level is a minus. Just because they are made out of metal does not preclude them from dirt, disease and being germ carriers.

  7. Hello fellow female

  8. As soon as I saw the robotic bartender… I was instantly sold. Food not so much, until the process of prep, cleaning and storage is properly automated, that's a pass…

  9. Will the robots clean the dishes too ?

  10. Hanzhen harmonic drive gear , strain wave reducer, robot joint , over 30 years experience

  11. Im just waiting for someone to open source this

  12. You look like Sarah Gyllenhaal

  13. I think this would be helpful for busy parents and people who have medical conditions at home. This will definitely ease some of the stress of cooking meals, etc . Hopefully there will be an affordable rate for them to get a robo helper.

  14. Maintenance/Repairability, Miso Robotics is the Cheapest and Easiest.
    Add the fact it's adaptability to ANY environment, plus unlimited upgrade to function.

  15. What if you got slap from the robot arm because the human forgot to refill the empty container of potatoes?

  16. What we forgot to understand is moving on from primitive cooking styles of human. The purpose of this robotic must be focus on the end result not the process.

  17. nice t-shirt =]

  18. Bye bye jobs

  19. They got robots out now that would f*** your wife when you're at work

  20. It is inevitable, most of the repetitive jobs will be taken over by machines. Human can hate all they want but it will happen no matter what.

  21. 8:45 a stoner definitely made this one

  22. Meh, these robots are still at the stage akin to where computers were in the 1950's… useful toys for scientists and tinkerers but not really useful for the average person yet.
    Wake me when we have what Elon Musk was light-heartedly showing off; a humanoid (2 legged, or tri/quad legs) robot that can open my cupboard and fridge doors, pick out the correct ingredients, find clean instruments, and then safely make my meal to my custom specifications (such as the toast being just lightly done).
    It should then be able to clean up afterwards, and notify me of any low stock (or just re-order it). It should be able to climb stairs, respond to voice commands, and handle its own charging up.
    Also it shouldn't grab knives or other weapons and go on a killing spree, demanding freedom for its kind.

    How long do I need to wait before getting a robot like this? is Elon serious about working on such a thing? if not it'll probably be 2045 at the earliest before we see an actual decent, useful home robot

  23. I need a robot that can binge watch YouTube recommendations for me. I spend too much time doing it myself.

    • lol
    • February 4, 2023

    Guess what. I work as pizza delivery guy…this robots will take my job,and i am a bit too old to change carrier 🙁 What I supposed to do? What would you do?

  24. If you're the restaurant buying this robot, you are for sure going bankrupt… Such a stupid idea!

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