
Amazing Products TV Watch Mark Zuckerberg’s Metaverse AI Presentation in Less Than 10 Minutes

Awesome Tips Watch Mark Zuckerberg’s Metaverse AI Presentation in Less Than 10 Minutes

At Meta’s Inside the Lab event, CEO Mark Zuckerberg and executives from its artificial intelligence group reveal new research and …

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  1. The hiring section didn’t age well 😂

  2. UTC+7🌤4PM Feb 5th 2023

  3. I digital world is not a real world its virtual what we dont need

  4. So far my life is pretty awesome without products made by meta. Zuckerberg's idea's sound so boring. just like facebook and the other crap he produces.

  5. Why does it show a snack paprika with 0 points on the scale of Scoville instead of a real Habanero chili?

  6. Thank you Mark Zuckerberg for, indirectly, reviving Hokkien people's ancestral language, Hokkien , which is only a spoken language for more than 100 years in one of Borneo villages here.

  7. Metaverse will be awesome thanks

  8. robo

  9. Haha…1/2 bodies only, with all of that tech.

  10. 🤮🤮🤮🤮

    • J H
    • February 7, 2023

    Like really what's the purpose of all this

  11. You finding some metaverse play to earn game to play? I playing Zombie World Z so i recomend it. The game have big community and the price really stablizing, so you can invest and re back your investment just 2-30 days ROI

  12. In all honesty I’m really against this, yes it would be helpful but I think that once kids start to use this then they will grow up with that. And I feel once that happens then we will become to dependent on the AI that we may even forget how to converse with people in the real world. For example, in this presentation they showed an example of how the AI helped him remember what pepper his mother liked, but I think that it’s healthier for the human mind to ask his mother instead of the AI telling it for him. Now with the mindset of this example let’s say that we are now years ahead we’re this AI is used constantly like how we use our phones, this would be a problem. The reason why is because if someone doesn’t know how to problem-solve on there own then without the AI we would most likely just be like babies, waiting for someone else to do something for us. I don’t mean to be rude, I know he is trying his best for the future of the world and humanity buttttt… this is not a good idea in the long run.

  13. Oo Okay, time to buy $IMX .. ty Mark

  14. Listen have you heard this… I am the way, truth & life no one comes to the father (God) except through me.John 14:6 Please believe that Jesus died for your sin & rose again. Then confess your sins to God today! Heaven awaits, please think about it, dont be left behind, you can still be saved even after the rapture. Love Y'all

  15. “Trussssst in meeeeee. Jusssssst in meeeeeee. Ssshut your eeeeeeeyes. Trussssst in meeeeee.” 🐍

  16. Marhaban ya romadhon 🙏🏻 Mark Zuckerberg ,I'm bruc wan Contry Indonesia 🇮🇩 ,How are you ?
    Tecnologi ,movie , Desain digital Cartoon Hhee 🙏🏻🤭😁 Mudah2an Mendapatkan Keberkahan ilmu pengetahuan teknologi Mark Zuckerberg Amin 🙏🏻


  18. 🙏🙏🙏🙏👍👍👍👍👌👌👌

    • Max
    • February 7, 2023

    first he betrayed his friend, now he betrays people on the planet, lies about Ukraine, lies about Russia ! Mark let you dream of the corpses of the children of Donbass

  19. my nft……

    Minimum bid 1.5 wETH

    Have you noticed the resemblance between Mark Zuckerberg and Christ in Leonardo da Vinci's painting Salvatore Mundi?!! In this painting, Christ holds and protects a glass ball that is a metaphor for the world. In My collage art, Mark Zuckerberg and the Meta Project, which show a pioneering picture of the future of the world and the connection with metaverse.

  20. Watch "The Terminator" enough said lol

  21. Mark, I have a great idea you buy the house it's yours and my family can live in it but it will be yours Ginger jinger Renee

  22. Turns out, people don't want to be analyzed and generated to play The Sims. You will remain all alone 🤖👦

  23. This has Sky Net written all over it

  24. God there’s already signs of ai wanting to dominate the world and have human zoos and now this. Oh god… 🤖

  25. I tried to like it…but it is so much bs…

  26. The Metaverse is a trap.
    The main meaning of the Metaverse is the purposeful depopulation of humanity,
    the last stage.

  27. This is so fire but scary at the same time 😩 because it’s like yes technology evolving but the fact that is really replicating a human is like what is the limit that y’all stop

  28. hi bro..my unity agree to share the tecnology…and aim still at my first talk to yo..as aim agree before..if you got time plz come to malaysia.. and see also do what as we do now…

  29. Tbh he freaks me out and makes me uncomfy. He is way to calm shows no expression and talks in the same tone all the time. He reminds me of a robot almost it's like he is programmed to say what he needs to. Idk why I searched him up again but you tell me.

  30. you know where should you meet me.. so i get ready for it..thanks for yrs suggestion…i will waiting for yrs arrival tq

  31. my bro plz come we sitdown ok..

  32. this is an artificial human

  33. ) (

  34. Mark. Can you boo my d hole son and tell him to tail me a response to the lst two emails i sent him before i strt pulling the jewish mother card

  35. In future people will become dependent on meta ai to remember things and humans become memory less.

  36. The world does not need your FB nor your weird AI.

  37. Does he use Botox in his forehead

  38. Ridiculous mArK

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