
Amazing Products TV World's Largest Fusion Device Breaks Energy Record

Awesome Tips World's Largest Fusion Device Breaks Energy Record

The world’s largest fusion energy machine has more than doubled its own world record for energy production. We asked a scientist what this milestone means for the future.

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  1. Produced by the Microwave & Imaging Sub-Systems group of the French multinational Thales, which provides electrical systems and services for the aerospace, defence, transportation and security markets, this video describes the company's work to design and build radio frequency and microwave sources for the ITER Project. The mastery of vacuum, high voltage and microwave technologies is critical to creating wave-generating sources of ITER's radiowave external heating systems. The company is bringing all of its expertise to bear to build the European-sourced gyrotrons of the electron cyclotron heating system and the tetrodes of ion cyclotron heating system and contribute to "a disruptive alternative" in the 21st century energy mix.

  2. The well-known and reputable developers of a commercial fusion reactor do not know or understand how to make a commercial fusion reactor. The proof? 70 years of no result! If they knew, they would have done it in three years.

    • Brain
    • February 17, 2023

    help im stuck in the reactor

  3. She has an opinion!

  4. If we can figure this out,we could colonize the galaxy.

  5. When a meteorite lands, it releases a lot of energy. Can large power plants be built with this mechanism?

  6. Has any of the experiments been Done at challenger depths?

  7. Creating a magnetic field hotter than the sun's core…. hmm seems like fusion energy is good for teraforming venus and mars…

  8. Only masters can make this on …… ?

  9. ☀️

  10. Extremely expensive , clean energy ? Hardly , 45-55 yr lifespan then it must be cut up and buried at a cost equal to construction…. its not the answer , this is a sales pitch.

  11. Binary stars… are found in planetary systems where the words, "We've done it; we've successfully created a fusion reactor", were spoken milliseconds before an ordinary, single-star system, suddenly became a binary star system! 😉

  12. ☀️☀️🌞

  13. let me just interject and say that capitalism will get its claws into this venture and ruin it for sure.

  14. How do I invest in this?

  15. Once again fusion energy in 30-50 years

  16. ☀️🌞☀️🌞☀️🌞☀️🌞

  17. 🤩🌞💖

  18. Still feel like this is a pipe dream sadly

  19. Almost there. Just keep going. Get it done.

  20. Yeah yeah yeah 50 years in the future

  21. Tony Stark was able to build this in a cave!!! With a box of scraps!!!

  22. Notron notron notron
    Hot notron
    To be isotopes

  23. A woman’s opinion doesn’t matters, she should focus on cheese for the sandwich

  24. 🌞🌞🌞

  25. They should use these things to heat water to power gravity batteries, so that they can capture and regulate the energy release efficiently.

  26. This stuffs starting to get a bit funky

  27. RIP University of Utah

  28. If it can power an Iron Man suit yes I’m excited

  29. Remember, these improving results are based on how we THINK fusion should be done and its possible at some point, there will be a ah ha moment when we realise we can make change and then all the pieces fall into place and reduce the size of this thing down. The experiments are based on the obvious of we must use Det or Trit and make He but this requires massive heat and pressure as the sun does now as it doesant know any better too and it just is because of the cosmos and how that was made. So we follow the logical path and its slow going but i hope, we have that special moment when we can do this differently such as a form of cold fusion as making a mini sun and containing it may not be practicable and Aliens where ever they are will have gone way past this iron age thinking and will have small boxes running at 100% efficiency and no heat giving out insane amounts of power; sort of thing Bob Lazar claimed working on but is kept secret as it somehow in private hands through the navy and thus the govt can enquire? or raid or anything like that to take over the project. Anyway its all very murky assuming that really happened 30 years ago, but it makes you wonder if all the worlds scientist are wasting their time as this stuff already exist and is held very tightly secret for various reasons,
    Either way, lie or not, aliens a thousand years or hundred thousand years ahead, would have been through all this and for me, i would love to see the science and tricks and tech to jump forward and get to the end product to avoid all this waster money and failures and the clock is ticking on earth for climate a bit, so we need to get base line working clean and deal with cars ect using electrics with better batteries that dont pollute or cause their own problems. Great to look ahead 10 years from now and see if we hit a wall on Fusion or making it happen…

  30. 🌞

  31. ☀️

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