
Amazing Products TV iPhone Subscriptions Just Feel Wrong

Awesome Tips iPhone Subscriptions Just Feel Wrong

Apple reportedly is cooking up a subscription plan that has you lease an iPhone like a car. But making hardware another subscription presents a number of uncomfortable “what ifs.”

0:00 Get ready for new ways to pay for iPhones
1:29 The iPhone subscription reports explained
2:28 We are holding on to our phones longer
3:16 What will happen if you stop monthly payments?
3:35 Other hardware subscription models
4:33 Why would Apple need this?
5:14 We may see a more expensive iPhone Ultra
5:36 Could this keep you locked into all-things Apple?
6:21 iPhone subscriptions could be a good thing

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  1. "Sell them at cheaper prices"

    Laughs in Leonardo Di Caprio

  2. This is fine to me until you fall on hard times and become poor. BAM your phone needs to be handed back.

    Now you don’t have a device to manage your way out of your situation.

    • Mo Mo
    • February 18, 2023

    A subscription model is for middle class, and above, people to continue paying Apple more money. 💸💸💸

  3. Let this be a lesson in not believing everything that you hear until it comes straight from the original source itself.

  4. These companies were successful in lobbying, to stop the right to repair. So this is the result. Microsoft already did the console financing program. The good thing I'd that they gave people free xbox live, and other services. So if it need repair, it did not cost you I hope. Phone carriers will charge more for plans. These carriers are not going to let Apple interfere with their phone financing plan.

  5. You make the choice on what you want or don't want to pay for. Stop being so dramatic. 🙄 You don't like it? Go to Samsung.

  6. iSheeps Unite!

  7. A phone is an awful capital investment, so we should stop pretending that it is. I would love this option since now I pretend that I spend $100 per month on a phone and just upgrade each year for about $1200.

  8. The way this video was scripted was very good. It was fun to watch. At times it did feel like it was overdone. But hey, it was fun and I learned new stuff

  9. This just allows Apple to charge even more.
    The other thing is, why should I get a new iPhone when it is the same as my current model…

  10. This is an Apple, GET OFF MY LAWN!!! moment. I already own too much Apple gear, as a matter of fact I own every new product they have released in the past 2 years including the new HomePods. I have 2 of those for Pete sake. I don't rent my Car and I'm not going to rent my phone. I have a 13 Pro Max and like you I'm totally happy with my iPhone. I really don't need more Apple Services. I'm a sad human, I'm chained to my master Apple.Sigh………..

  11. 12 pro and you're having your phone for too long? Dang

  12. I'm with you, Bridget, I trust Apple about as much as I trust a tornado.

  13. It will succeed only if consumers accept this BS.

  14. Eco-friendly I think phone subscriptions are if DONE PROPERLY. Return the phone when there is a new upgrade and Apple could recycle the older version.
    People dont trade in right now when there is an upgrade is you still have to pay more money on top of it. Perhaps if we dont need to pay much when there is an upgrade to trade in people may do it more.

  15. It, also, gives them the right to shut your phone down.

  16. Doesn't Apple already have this option? People are already paying Apple a monthly fee for the new iPhone every year. What's the difference??

  17. The next generation phone is like a jigsaw puzzle and you gonna pay the company to assemble the phone for you.

  18. It makes sense. Nobody is upgrading their iPhones every year cuz new iPhones are not significantly better than prev gens. Apple need to get the price right for this plan to work.

  19. Told ya

  20. Tbh it’s one of the best idea ‘Apple’ is coming by because now people don’t tend to upgrade every year but if there is a subscription where i can use the latest and greatest every year? Why wouldn’t i take it?

  21. I would subscribe if only $10 a month. 😅

  22. Well NVIDIA already done just that, is call GeForce NOW, except worst, you not even "rent" a physical graphic card.

  23. The reason they want to do this is that they don't want to comply with Right to Repair in the EU.

    Time to get off the iTrain. $1000 for a phone is about 4 times too much to pay for a phone anyway.

  24. The problem is those iSheep that would keep supporting apple no matter what sullbhit apple throw at them, I havent upgrade my iPhone X and note 9 not because I cant, because I wont… I wont pay those assholes for pretending to be "green" while robs me of my charging brick and I dont need a little faster phone or a little better camera when my current phone is still working well enough for me

  25. iPhone Repo!! OPEN UP!!🕴🏽🚪🕴🏻😂😂😂

  26. Housing market is also doing this, rent never own

  27. Really this sounds like a joke

  28. I traded in my XS Max for a 14 Pro Max. I typically keep my iPhone for 4-5 years before I upgrade. But if Apple made it a good deal, I might do it.

    My last android phone was a Galaxy S4 and I don’t plan on switching anytime soon.

    Android software changes too much and I don’t want to relearn how to use a phone every year, it’s annoying.

    So my answer is maybe, depending on the price.

    • Joe b
    • February 18, 2023

    Is this on top of paying your cell bill with your carrier? That's too expensive maybe unless it's not much more than paying it off with your carrier. I'd like an option of not upgrading, myself with Pixel since I'm not in the Apple ecosystem, and keep the phone for a while until updates aren't supported anymore though bundled services might be nice to have. What a conundrum.

  29. 10 years ago or more I’m probably showing my age, that’s how the cellular industry worked. Nobody owned the phone, nobody would’ve dreamed of paying $5000 for that old analog brick so it was a service.

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