
Amazing Products TV The World's First AI-Flown Fighter Jet Can Dogfight

Awesome Tips The World's First AI-Flown Fighter Jet Can Dogfight

In a joint project between DARPA and the US Air Force, a special aircraft called the X-62 Vista (based on the F-16) became the first tactical aircraft to be piloted by artificial intelligence. 

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  1. Pilotless jet fighters?


    Im still baffled how people think a.i is the ultimate in intelligence…

    Like it's such a drag and waste of energy to explain the obvious truth why a.i no matter how smart it gets cannot best natural intelligence but I digress…

    Pilotless fighter jets sounds boring unless of course ur using a.i to train fighter pilots in live action with SIMUNITION m…but why do that when you can have a while nation of fighter pilots?

    How is this possible? Well to achieve that I've explained it several ways…first thing that needs to evolve is humanity's ways of living paying to live and how they live…first live together with nature…do not eat animals…learn from sacred medicines…when humans evolve from within then we can truly evolve externally and we can have a nation of fighter pilots.

  2. I'm disappointment there was no Ace Combat 7 reference in the comments.

  3. The movie Stealth should’ve warned us about this but no not even Jamie Foxx and Charlize Theron can save us now!

  4. Why would anybody in their right mind or company let the world know what DARPA is doing so they can copycat us

  5. Manfred Albrecht von Richthofen…….aka…RED BARRON says "….scheiße…."

  6. Ai: 10101Eliminating threat1010

    General: Disengage

    Ai: 10101Threat eliminated10101

  7. I think we better build it faster than they do.

  8. Hackable?🤔

  9. <<Aircraft are meant to be flown by human beings. To those listening in, am I wrong?>>

  10. Set it to patrol mode to shoot down balloons

  11. Yep, the UFOs people been seeing are just AI controlled fighter planes that no longer need to be limited to the human body. It can fly as fast and pull as much Gs the Aircraft it’s self can handle. The end result is flying weapons that can do what would have been impossible maneuvers by human pilots in the cockpit and even remotely controlled on the ground.

  12. I would take that thing down. No doubt

  13. The future of war and air dominance in a combat theater.

  14. Makes sense. A natural evolution of tech and warfare. It's very cool and the future autonomous jets will be cool too.

  15. This is both exciting and frightening at the same time. The obvious conclusion to this technological track is full squadrons of combat aircraft that can take on missions that would otherwise require endangering a human life. However, what does war look like when decision makers don't have to worry about explaining to a family why their daughter or son is not coming back? When the decision to fight no longer involves a calculation on human warfighters, will the decision to attack be made quicker?

  16. Watch the move stealth

    • Way
    • March 2, 2023

    Much easier for AI to fly than drive. No having to deal with many unpredictable humans sharing the road, tiny slivers of road and obstacles. This is a walk in the park in comparison.

    • A J
    • March 2, 2023

    Scary future ahead. You know this technology will be misused by evil actors

  17. That moment when Cortana takes over for Masterchief in the halo tv show.

  18. What's the MTF, mean time between failures? Let's see you reboot this thing in midair.

    • Luna
    • March 2, 2023

    Man I’m planning to become a pilot…

  19. Now all we need is to see them fight each other and see if the winning robot wants to fight us next.

  20. Termination day is here quicker than you think

  21. This is why we don’t have universal healthcare.

  22. I’m 57, and a former flight surgeon. This is fantastic. Many fighters are used as bomber escorts, making this technology the perfect substitute. Fighter pilots are precious resources for the USAF. I love this.

  23. Why wouldn't the military just use advanced drones that have more aerial maneuverability and arsenal

  24. Can anybody say terminator 2 movie future?

  25. That’s incredible, AI retired from basketball years ago, now he’s flying a fighter jet. Way to Allen Iverson. I had no idea he got a pilot license.

    • XXX
    • March 2, 2023

    Anything named 'Vista' will crash

  26. This is terrifying. With AI flying you could design smaller planes that go faster with higher G forces since you dont need to worry about a human.

    Then you could network them all together and have them coordinating as one.

  27. Send these to Ukraine lol

  28. But will it be autobot or decepticon?

  29. Thank God for Max Headroom…

  30. All the people involved with this need to watch the Star Trek episode A Taste Of Armageddon. Just because we can do a thing, doesn't mean we should.

  31. I remember this Jamie Foxx movie

  32. This reminds me of that 2005 movie, "Stealth".

  33. Then we don’t put seats in it

  34. Before the ai we had the pilotless drones in full aircraft as targets, with full maneuverability from the ground. To watch them land was awesome.

  35. EDI or Eddie from the movie stealth is real! They need to make a movie that mixes top gun wit stealth using EDI and Tom Cruise (bring the stealth cast and mix them with the top gun cast)

  36. It’s gonna be like the movie stealth 😮

  37. Game changing for warfare…but also puts commercial airline pilot jobs at risk. Which should lower cost for airfare travel and cargo.

  38. 17 hours…interesting number

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