
Amazing Products TV We Shattered a Community – WAN Show March 3, 2023

Awesome Tips We Shattered a Community – WAN Show March 3, 2023

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  1. I like the idea of the car that turns of features or even reposses itself. It's a good feature. But i know for a fact they are going to implement it in the worst possible way, there it's built into the car and will be prone to errors and be a massive security hole…
    What they SHOULD (but won't because it would be $1 more expensive) do is have some kind of sealable debug port to which this repossession box could be connected when you buy car on loan, and then, after loan is paid off, you drive the car to their mechanic and they remove the box and seal the port back up, preferably with industrial-size screws and a metal plate. And, obviously, there should be an indicator like on Android (where you have a permanent non-dismissible notification if debug mode is turned on and something has connected to your phone) to clearly show when your car has something attached to it that could seize control of it… But you know they are NOT gonna do that because it would cost a $1 more than baking it into the car computer and compromising ALL of their users: ones who bought it on loan, ones who just bought it, and even second hand users…

  2. So he got a hundred million offer or up.
    I can see that.
    He's huge, and he's only doing more and more with the store, and great stuff too, and the lab is costing a shitload of money but he might become the main independent fact checker and tester of a lot of products.
    Just watch what the new products are doing, and there's gonna be so much more coming, they will have to expand the team. Wouldn't surprised if in a few short years they'll have to expand and buy another building just for the people designing and working on new products.
    And there are growing pains, EVERY company has those, but frankly, they're doing well, and the fact that had more income means they were frankly more able to handle things well since they had finances (even with so much being sunk into the lab). Some companies die because of a single bad product or handling a problem badly, either because they just fuck it up or don't have the money to do it. The carabiner being bad on the bad, it'll cost them quite a bit to fix it, but they'll do it. I've had that very same problem with a company that was mainly about keychain rings and carabiners, and they fucked it up, they're still around, but they fucked that up badly.

  3. I never expected to appreciate Tarkov journalism.

  4. Video games are not sports.

    The idea that anyone would even think of putting them in the Olympics is absolutely absurd.

  5. Can't the WAN show go on a separate channel ?

    So sick of it appearing in my feed and it's mostly benial crap chat about already covered subjects, I have like 7 episodes appearing when I scroll down and have zero interest in it, just jogging space for better videos that are not middle aged men rambling about a whole bunch of nothing

  6. Gran Turismo is the number one played racing game in the world. Eat that, Linus Tech Tips

  7. There are problem players who are willing to spend thousands of dollars a year cheating in games. They have multiple hardware setups, buy new ones regularly, and use residential proxies.
    I am not even sure what to do about them. Live Biometrics + govt Id scan?

  8. Last year I paid $750 for a Quarter of a cow. One year later I placed the same order with my butcher the price of a quarter cow went up to $850. 13.3333333333% price increase in a year.

  9. 1:20:00 ==> E-Sports as an Olympic "discipline" will crumble as soon as an 8 year old female Chinese tech prodigy sweeps the medal board, and the US team gets thrown out for energy drink and pizza abuse.

  10. On millennial pause; 2 options that I've seen. Comedy podcasts often have a 'soft start' that feels informal. (Sort of catching them chatting) then an official start when the numbers viewing seem good enough. Second option used for presentations or premieres is a count in timer . Ultimately for the specific case of WAN show, it really doesn't matter. As it is, is fine.

    • Jero
    • March 4, 2023

    The thing with job hopping is this, back in the day if you did well you get a promotion. nowadays employees barely give promotions or an increase of pay. we try to better our selfs with new jobs and new opportunities. employees also lie a lot with benefits these days. i also feel like boomers commit 100% to a job where as we know we are just a number to a company and we don't matter. think that's the main difference. if we see a opportunity to better ourrselfs we take the rist.

  11. I've been playing for over 30 years and pvp is almost completely dead in games for me. Great thoughts today guys. You helped the greater good here.

  12. "They'll watch 4 hours, whatever!"

    Never have I felt so disrespected, and understood.

  13. Would it be possible to do game accounts like they do in Korea in the west? Like you get one account linket to your social security or something. So if you get banned you can't get a new account.

  14. 9:36 now imagine all the creators who stood against G0at are actually cheaters
    Never bite the feeders hand

  15. A millennial pause would seem to me to be related to how fast the technology was when adopting it. I sure had a lot of recordings lose the first few words if I trusted the indicator.

  16. Online competitive multiplayer may be on the way out because of these issues and because so many publishers have poisoned the well with microtransactions. It may seem inconceivable right now because we may be standing close to the high point for the popularity of online multiplayer, but I wouldn't be surprised at all if it's all downhill from here. I'm old enough to have been there at the absolute peak of popularity for MMORPGs in the early days of World of Warcraft, and I've watched that genre slowly decline and it's almost just a niche now. So it can definitely happen to an entire category if the gaming userbase as a whole gets too disillusioned. If that's true, what it will mean for streamers, certain kinds of creators, and eSports in particular is going to be an interesting and probably sad to watch. Maybe there will be a move back toward playing only with friends and trusted communities and matchmaking with strangers will become a thing of the past? That might be a good outcome to hope for.

  17. Olympic eSports ? The choices are just stupid overall, but they could have been worse, Tetris would have been on my list to play,. The thing I am expecting in new Olympics is " Pole Dancing " . And did you know that Painting WAS an Olympic sport in the past ?

  18. 1:21:15 I mean, I can tell Luke what the point is of it being "so similar." COVID. They clearly want to get their foot in the door for future indoor competitions in case the remote work and entertainment trends keep spiking.

    But yeah, it still doesn't answer why they made 0 effort to get some actual eSports experts involved as well. There's no way they can be old enough not to see the potential of the scene at this point.

  19. i feel like cheating in tarkov is way worse because of the experience its trying to be
    in most games that means you may have a cheater in a match every once in a while and you can write that game off and still have fun in the others.
    if there really is a cheater in almost every tarkov match, not only does dying to them have negative consequences in the longer run, but also you probably never have a game without one.
    in the video goat asked how many cheaters would be acceptable, and in most games id say as low as possible, but in tarkov i would say 0.
    thats what makes it so much worse. and considering valorants anticheat catches cheats for tarkov, its actually not unreasonable to assume that in at least that game, maybe in others too, the rate of cheaters is actually lower.

  20. my kid wants to watch a minecraft YouTube that edits the gap between words and all breaths, its a never-ending stream of noise, im right on the border of gene/milenial and ive never felt more "boomer" than when i saw one of his videos and asked why is he editing every possible gap between words out

  21. Best State Games

  22. Nothing to do with millennial shit, people are just fucking idiots these days

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