
Amazing Products TV The Bank of Silicon Valley Just Collapsed – WAN Show March 10, 2023

Awesome Tips The Bank of Silicon Valley Just Collapsed – WAN Show March 10, 2023

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Amazing Products TV 🥰 New Gadgets & Versatile Utensils For Home #7 🏠 Appliances, Make Up, Smart Inventions スマートアプライアン


  1. How about First Tech Kit ? Could be offered with and without screwdriver + X !

  2. In Europe, the maximum sum insured, after European law, is even only 100k. Of cause banks can offer insurance for higher sums outside of what they have to by EU law. Quite a few banks seems to insure up to 5 million for private persons and up to 50 million for companies.

  3. 5000 hours divided by 24 is 208 days. 2000 dollars divided by 208 is 9.61 a day spent. I guess…

  4. 1:19:10 the interac debit outage was actually caused by the rogers outage. Interac actually used to have multiple routes to the internet, until they got sold a "rogers redundancy" package for some unfathomable reason; which basically meant that instead of having multiple routes to the *internet*, they just had multiple routes to *rogers*, which is all well and good if you assume that an ISP the size of rogers could never be stupid enough to accidentally delete all of their BGP routes and cut themselves off from the internet, right?

    • G M
    • March 11, 2023

    So LTT has some prep choices here. Set asside an emergency fund for another bank or take money out of the business to reineject as capital in the event of such an issue.

  5. AI really needs a general law that says if misused, you get a 100 000 – 2 500 000 dollar fine based on how it was misused …It would scare people in to using it more properly …and not just for profit

  6. "Peace Love and Hippies" in 1976 🤣🤣🤣

  7. Killed the firmware

  8. I mean Samsung Magician can flash firmware updates and there is a Linux tool for this aswell. Maybe they updated his drive firmwares with a blank firmware and killed it that way?

  9. SVB becoming insolvent is their own problem. They took too much business from startups rather than established stable companies, made too many bond investments they should have been able to predict were likely to go bad, and probably got involved with woke ESG BS rather than solid (traditional) financial analysis. Should the government bail SVB out? 100% NO. Silicon Valley screwed up, with assistance from bad policies pushed by politicians they helped put in office. Too bad for them. Silicon Valley is full of supposedly smart people – Let them figure out how to unwind their own failure. There's enough corporations, enough individuals, in the Bay area with extraordinary wealth – At least some with large chunks of their wealth in cash and – Who are facing little/no material impact from this, and who could afford to bail out SVB with little/no impact to themselves.

    • Rada
    • March 11, 2023

    13:26 i believe the saying goes "God created the World but the Dutch created Holland"

    • Null
    • March 11, 2023

    2:18:42 I used to work for a small nonprofit and we solely relied on grants, and donations. Grants were the absolute worst and grant writing is so dull, boring and monotonous. Then you have all of the follow ups and interviews and reporting. I can understand how a small business can have two full time employees who’s sole job is to find, and apply for free money. And the it’s another job just to stay in compliance.

  10. Land banking in the UK… not a great idea lol!

  11. Is dell trying to give you a tour of china? 😂😂😂

  12. 1:34 Please tell me I'm not the only one who noticed the Starcraft reference.

  13. Dan pls note down chapters/timestamps and upload with video

  14. Wow, you pay 15 cents above minimum wage. You're such heroes.

  15. “The land bank” – or Housing bonds – was literally the reason for the financial crisis in 2008

  16. That Glass Ceiling Crumbled huh…

  17. Eggs in one basket

  18. Here at 274,175 views.

  19. F in chat for timestamp guy =(

  20. Omni Pouch.

  21. Linux user since your game linux challenge and I love it. Win at wrk is disaster. OS system is the best if I do not even know what system I have.

  22. So this was not a millennial pause

  23. The tech pouch should be called the L-BOH(Linus Bag Of Holding).

  24. My biggest planned obsolescence pet peeve is furniture. It feels impossible to get good wood furniture that’s well-made and that’ll survive a move that doesn’t cost $5,000

  25. Sounds like Luke knows someone who was fired and is jaded. Know plenty of lifers at Walmart and are very happily working there after 10 years. I've actually experienced very slimier sentiments from someone who knew a local grocery store who employed mostly family and friends who couldn't compete with new Walmart and closed.

  26. Idk why but this genuine anger from Linus is really satisfying to me so I’m making a replay button 1:34:25

  27. I think most big companies operate their own credit unions. My workplace does and that is how they issue paychecks. I know my dad's old company did as well.

  28. Some background on cheating with rootkits and bypassing secure boot from a DEFCON conference talk https://youtu.be/99t7wEYs8h0 (from 14: 45 if you want to skip how secure boot works). For people interested in the topic on a more technical level 😉.

  29. 1:22:26 Why did linus sound like Michael Scott when he yelled “noo”

  30. Windows 11 hasn't been designed to help the user, it has been designed to lock the user down a little more than Windows 10 did. People don't seem to understand the world Microsoft is anticipating in the future. Does anyone remember when Windows 10 launched and people were going crazy about the tracking/privacy? The NPCs all said "Oh my god, it's not a big deal, they allow you to turn it off" and everyone with a working brain said "Yes…they allow you to turn it off…for now…". Now look at it, they no longer allow you to turn those options off completely.

  31. This was the first time I watched the sponsor segments 😂

  32. we all know colton makes minimum wage.

  33. Linus, for your insomnia, it's not a good idea but ask Yvonne what she remembers about Hypnotica like Zolpidem
    It would work, maybe not it exactly, since it eases you along for the beginning of the night, but it's more of a mess with your pharmaco boo kinda of idea, to see if and how much she dislikes that idea

  34. Anyone else got strong deja vu from the voice recognition rant?

  35. Timestamps:

    0:00 Show Starts
    1:12 Intro
    3:35:29 Show Ends


  36. From my understanding, SVB was not insolvent, it was illiquid. It bought too many long-term investments that are still good, but not liquid, due to the giant cash infusion of the 2020-2021 tech boom.

  37. Call it the LTTP

  38. About the grants, I work on a team of six whose only directive is to apply, interface and manage government grants for our parent company. It's a full time job for a lot of people

  39. Nothing has frustrated me more with windows (other than updates) is it trying to shove Bing and edge down my throat.

  40. Linus always use the hard R bed.

  41. When you find out you’re bank closed on the Wanshow 😢

  42. is it too late to suggest tech snatch?

  43. My elderly dad is sometimes bedridden and we put a localized webcam in the room then so we can check on him without waking him or having to go up and down the stairs. There’s tons of legit reasons someone could have a camera in their bedroom.

  44. The only time I dont skip the sponsor spots

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