
Amazing Products TV THE BIG REVEAL – WAN Show April 29, 2022

Awesome Tips THE BIG REVEAL – WAN Show April 29, 2022

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Timestamps: (Courtesy of NoKi1119)
0:00 Chapters
0:58 Intro
1:32 LTTStore satin eggshell shirts ft. written notes
2:47 Topic #1 – Apple removes unused, outdated apps
4:29 Update bumping, developers & community response
9:30 Revealing written notes so far
13:18 Topic #2 – Calling Head of Labs ft. OBS shenanigans
17:45 OBS fixed, interviewing Gary
23:30 Lab one to be converted into linked media
27:02 Expected amount of Labs hiree
33:40 LMG to require more field experts in the future
35:34 LTTStore original constellation shirt returned
37:48 Topic #3 – Teamviewer called Linus once more
38:16 Voiceline once again, Linus rightfully angry
41:37 TELUS bothering Anthony, discussing PureFibre & Shaw
45:22 Luke’s take on “fibre to the node” wording
50:40 Topic #4 – Apple’s self-service repair program
52:12 Repairable parts, guides & price discount
53:49 Most happy thing to be about, right to repair
55:03 Apple’s website, comparing with Steam Deck
59:36 Availability of parts & its effect on the environment
1:02:09 Linus tired of Fold’s low battery, site legitimacy
1:03:49 Merch Messages #1
1:04:25 How much money would Linus accept to sell LMG
1:06:26 Depp objection joke, Linus is team Jhonny
1:07:56 Linus not selling LMG, Yvonne’s conversation
1:11:51 Lawyer moment, Yvonne’s contribution & relationship
1:18:45 Umbrella organization, removal of “Linus” branding
1:21:50 Going public for funds, offers on LMG would not matter
1:23:22 Linus the control freak, Linus & Luke dynamic
1:24:36 Sponsor – Squarespace
1:25:46 Sponsor – XSplit
1:26:33 Sponsor – Vultr
1:27:35 Floatplane’s amazing pitch for Squarespace
1:28:50 Topic #5 – LMG’s day off, Game Gear pre-show debate
1:29:44 LMG went bowling, Boston Pizza & watched Uncharted
1:31:20 Modding Game Gear’s display, potential LMG production
1:36:52 Hot Wheels PC mods
1:37:09 Merch Messages #2
1:37:16 Preferred VR controllers for Beat Saber
1:39:38 Upcoming tech to look up to the next year or two
1:42:45 Linus reads about AYA Neo Air
1:43:59 Luke’s personal rig update
1:44:34 Dream product to sell on LTTStore
1:45:41 Topic #6 – SEGA pulls off old Sonic games from stores
1:47:30 Linus’s sell-able dream products, fun game ideas
1:50:55 Linus’s & Luke’s products & ideas
1:58:01 Merch Messages #3
1:58:07 Oura Ring & mandatory paid subscription
1:59:48 Linus’s creative process in 2022 LTT, COVID effects
2:02:16 Linus recalls a dream idea, Nintendo IPs, BotW
2:04:59 LTTStore backpack & screwdriver notifications, talking Labs
2:09:42 Topic #7 – Twitter accepts Elon Musk’s offer
2:10:00 Luke thinks Elon was scammed, compare with Amazon’s Twitch purchase
2:11:17 Twitter’s & other companies’ R&D in 2021, Luke’s baffled
2:19:54 Linus on Billionares buying unprofitable companies
2:22:15 Merch Messages #4
2:22:20 Preferred ways to play old games
2:25:35 Labs profitability, changing the direction of the industry
2:28:33 Linus on the future of LMG, forums post & merchandise
2:35:18 Linus’s “we’re leaving” home video, top 3 memorial notes
2:40:23 Intel’s Alder Lake-X, higher end desktop market
2:45:00 What Linus & Luke do when in a funk, donation discussion
2:55:50 Topic #8 – Twitch’s take on unintrusive ads
3:02:05 Merch Messages #5
3:02:12 Floatplane compared to Twitch
3:05:44 Linus Marriage Tips, wedding bands
3:09:56 How long was Linus married for & whether to dive into one
3:11:08 LTTStore cargo pants & jorts ideas
3:11:38 Skill or hobby wishing to have more time for
3:13:17 Hardest & easiest part of leaving the home
3:14:51 LTTStore constellations purchases update
3:15:30 Linus calling Nick on the amount of blanks
3:16:50 Possible return of PC or no PC shirt
3:17:53 Outro

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  1. Linus my dude! Rip the height marked door frame out!
    Of all the goofy stuff you have added to upgrade your house. A cheap door frame would be a drop in the bucket to have those memories with you in your later years.

  2. my hybrid coax hitting 1.6gigs (1.4ish avg) down and 100 up i got grandfathered in to the higher upload all new ones are 50 up lol

  3. Advertising companies always lie about how much viewpower they supply

  4. "If I say 'yes' does that mean yes?"

  5. Back for more… again…. 3rd time of watching. I love the WAN show lol

  6. The bleeps changed, right? A few eps back? They're now blatting out a lot of the surrounding words making it hard to understand what Linus is saying, and making it seem a LOT worse. Would love it if the old bleep was back somehow.

  7. 1:21:00 It's not stupid… you're reinvesting in the company that gave you all the money to invest….. You act like you got the money from somewhere outside the compnay then are putting it into a different one to expand???…. Got to love the people that when they have money they make it way more valuable than "Your" money.

  8. Luke: Shout out from a legit RadioShack, several private stores are still open! Lol – San Luis Obispo, CA (As well as Morro Bay and Paso Robles)

  9. Guys who is the atty person when @linus says "youtube has many experts that eat sleep and breathe a particular topic" and be said for example "like atty who does streaming encoding……" I am wanting to learn more about streaming and encoding so I would really like to find this person's channel. I did many Google and youtube searches under "Addy" aswell as "Atty" but nothing came up.

  10. Linus is the face of LMG and Evonne is the brains of LMG The name fits

  11. LFG Sarah

  12. That's exactly why consumers need something that isn't app store it's honestly just communism sorry I mean democratic socialism.

  13. S

  14. What if Linus and Marques play each other in both badminton and a one-on-one version of ultimate frisbee. 10k up on each. No money changes hands if both win their own domains – winner takes all.

  15. Didn't Twitter try to stop Musk from buying it and then just kinda gave up? I'm not sure how he can get ripped off if he was the one making the offer….

  16. 1:48:00 it’s hard to hear over Luke’s hysterical laughter, but almost 5 months later I think I can finally hear it, after saying “we could build it,” did Linus really say, “and they will come (cum)”? That’s hilarious! 🤣

  17. If you all want to look into a major monopoly you should look into shentel in northern Virginia and eastern west virginia the will not allow comcast or anything else in where they have there lines at currently and it is extremely frustrating… most places are paying $50-$60/ month for 15mbps when 30 miles away people are gwtting comcast for the same price but they are getting speeds of 150mbps minimum

  18. I love how linus save $10 a year on saving soap, also personally i would hate less soap, my hands get dirty as hell. Also there is tooth paste despensers.

  19. I'm an android developer but I haven't released anything for iPhone natively but in Android development we have to specify which Android os systems are compatible within the manifest file. We also have to specify resolutions and width/height compatibility because Android doesn't have a intuitive description for phones and tablets for compatibility checks within Google play.
    The way I see it if developers are not updating compatibility with newer devices running on modern os and specs then Apple can see a project as abandoned and taking up space withing thier cloud application storage..

  20. File a complaint with teamviewer about the harassing calls and get a case number. If they continue to call file a non-criminal harassment complaint with the RCMP. I had to do this because of a car dealership in Squamish.

  21. Youtube chat is just toxic…wow.. been watching it for the last 5 minutes literally everyone putting a downer on everything.

  22. I’ll say the labs guy was a big letdown reveal after all the buildup but if he does well then who cares.

  23. Has producer. Producer doesn’t produce audio.

  24. 1:33:55 I would love to see console mods

  25. There’s a company you can order toys off of and send them back in to get new toys when your kids are done playing

  26. Idk if linus was using the quest controller the right way, I have small hands and the strings wrap around my hands so tightly I can only play about one album before my fingers lose circulation from how tight the string is. I don't even close my hands or hold the controller at all, the controlled are basicly tied to my hands(knuckle strap style)
    Remove the battery cover and loop the string through the circle at top of controller then close the battery cover again. I swear it's the only vr controller that is secure enough to play beatsaber past expert level.
    The other ones all slip off/out of your hands.

  27. 1:37:17 As an Oculus Quest (with Link Cable) Beat Saber player, I've had great luck with the claw grip (where you put your middle finger and pointer finger through the hole at the top of the controller)

  28. I hated Luke's takes and majority of what he said this vid… I normally love Luke too. I'm so disappointed.

  29. @2:56:56

    ‘you guys dont understand’ please educate me, o great white arbiter of all that is!

    hey champ, here’s a brain-buster: whilst your corporate greed was showing during the revelation of your strange love affair with billion dollar companies (that im sure is too complex for me to understand 🙄), perhaps take a moment to consider that advertisers dictating the ecosystem of content publication is why people are suggesting new ways to do things.

    cheers, chode

  30. The height thing is something that tore at our heart too.

  31. Linus pal, A word of advice from a stranger who means no harm. I only write this in hopes if you receive it, it resonates with you in a way only your wife notices; that hopefully neither of you need to admit to anyone. ( Unless I don't know you find a way to make sure it goes viral, I can totally forgive ya if ya'll felt it would help with the views; just leave me outta it. LoL not that I'm against being part of anything, more so that I offer these words freely; wither they be unseen, unread, denied, ignored or accepted. ) Perspective is key, and it's clear you love your wife; as she in turn loves you. It's awesome she's trying to be open more, and it's awesome your encouraging her to do so. You said her biggest flaw was insecurity, and you encouraged her by claiming it was great, but even though she did great and no one would care she didn't do any of the hundred of things she could have done, it's not who cares…. She cares man, she notices. Solid legit of course she knows your there for her, it's hearsay to legitimize she's not. Just perspectively feeling seen or being notice is important. Wise words nobody ever shared with me, but they say in practice comes understanding, and understanding brings clarity; and with clarity the perspective one may have lacked In the reflection of something they knew over reflecting a practical demonstration of understanding something they'd devote their life to define by never settling upon known why as something they knew but didn't understand.

    So to all those Tl:Dr'er's who didn't make it to the end I hope you understood what others may not have, and I hope yoo to never gave up trying to understand; to those who have tried, I wish you the most. I hope your noticed by more then a stranger who's left you this message by attempting to share something he'd didn't know, but understood his devotion to demonstrating his understanding of what he'd never claim to know or seek accolades for or by thinking he knew anymore then anyone else.

    Tyler Durden ( not me, but what better advice is there then by someone who doesn't exist? To be forgotten doesn't mean ones effort need identity, in fact rather the latter; let my efforts go in vain and of there truth let them lay right here. Or in the reflected of those who understand honorable acts cause no harm and need not be acknowledged and/or be reciprocated by others; or
    be used to solicit, motive or radicalize other by attempting to define something they didn't know by not surrender their knowledge of them as irrelevant. )

  32. Wow, what a WAN show! One of the best with all sorts of topics, insights and behind the scenes. Love it and wishing you all the best!

  33. Looking forward to labs!

  34. 44:24 – this is why I love EU, and that all fiber laid needs to be able to be connected by any ISP that is willing to connect to it. Everything under the roads is something like a public property, so if you become an ISP, they must let you in on the fiber already laid. Ofc there are ISPs investing a lot of money, but they kinda expect that you go with them, even though it's stated on the letters that it doesn't lock you in to go with only them. I excercised the possibility of having an ASN generated and connect directly to an IXP through these "public" optical fibers.

  35. Take the house with you lol

  36. Please make the “clench to prone” peripheral. I would buy it and keep it in a “in case of emergency break glass” case beside my pc just for the laughs.

  37. I work for Telus and that Telus chat made me laugh

  38. man am I pumped for the labs

  39. I love that you miked Producer Bell(spelling?) now!

  40. Oh yeah, wow, the difference between those 2 screens is like night and day!

  41. Linus, when you moved from your dad's house to your mom's, why didn't you take your game systems with you?

  42. "How are they profiting off of me?" Maybe a better question would be "How are they profiting FROM me?" Ya wanna know that even more, don't ya?

  43. But at least if you buy the tools, you don't have to pay that much every time you need to do that repair. So not spending that much money for every time you do that repair.

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