
Amazing Products TV A Muslim tries Impossible Pork. What religious leaders think.

Awesome Tips A Muslim tries Impossible Pork. What religious leaders think.

Impossible Pork is prompting debates about the religious permissibility of a product that imitates a forbidden food.

You can see the products featured in this video here šŸ‘‡
Impossible Sausage:
Impossible Burger:
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  1. As a Muslim, I have the same curiosity. Then I tried Beyond pork. It tastes different, no meat like it. šŸ˜‚

  2. i would like to try impossible marijuana

  3. It made from plants that gmo making synthetic clone animal cells. Its not good. HEME is solent green synthetic human cloned blood. N0! Its not made by Allah it aithest science! No camel, ostage, rabbit, or catfish they have parsights its spoiled. Chemicals are wrong unhealthy its spoiled! Aslo toxic yeast eaxtract! N0!

  4. Getting curious about forbidding things ? Isnā€™t that what our father and mother Adam and hauwa did? But whatever good luck šŸ‘šŸæ šŸ™„

  5. ā€Planted based porkā€ is not pork.

    • J M
    • April 9, 2023

    I think the division of the two cultures is the worst bit.

    You either get "pig-headed" people who think the height of cuisine is a bacon sandwich or you get people who think eating the flesh of a pig is an act of evil because of what they read in a book from the 7th century.

    Both sides are wrong

  6. food contains name pork, devil, or bad thing is haram

  7. lahim khinzi is a forbidden food in Islam. That is as written, not as interpreted. Which means any food called by that name will literally be forbidden. I am not Muslim, so if I am missing information, I appreciate you helping me to understand.

  8. That's a pretty common misunderstanding, the average consumer is the one that would know the difference, it's the occasional consumer that doesn't. And that's where a lot of companies go wrong when they alter their recipes, is that they're making a change that affects their highest selling demographic, the people who already like it LOL.

  9. Those safety glasses though…

  10. Is there any need of plant šŸŖ“ based šŸ¤” pork for muslim when we already have various meat option

  11. Lahaula Wala Quwwat may Allah Guider her Right path… Astaghfirullah

  12. You feel wrong about it even if itā€™s halal
    Because this isnā€™t about religion
    Its about fear and thoughts
    God donā€™t care
    He doesnā€™t get involved with humans and what they do

  13. This should still be wrong bc itā€™s imitating something itā€™s not . Would you praise a false ā€œimpossibleā€ Allah? No right so you shouldnā€™t eat fake pork . Idk just my thought

  14. if it doesn't contain pork. can you remove the 'pork' name? can you give another alternative name?

  15. Impossible foods is doing gods work.

  16. If you eat halal things like you are eating haram things it will be became haram.. If you eat haram things like halal it will be remain haram to! You eat haram 100% and make yourself islamophobic mind it!

  17. I wouldn't eat anything named Pork… because I don't want to ever get close to real Pork. There are billions things that I can eat, why eat things that can cause confusions?

  18. I have Muslim friends who eat real pork
    And I'm a Christian who's religious beliefs are against pork. Can't we just eat food in peace

  19. Is there glycerin in the impossible ā€œ meat ā€œ ?

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