
Amazing Products TV I wouldn’t give this cable to my worst enemy – O.MG Cable

Awesome Tips I wouldn’t give this cable to my worst enemy – O.MG Cable

Level up your desk game! Check out the Secretlab Magnus Desk Pro:

Play Crusader Kings 3 this weekend starting May 11th:

The Rubber Ducky? Basic. The Flipper Zero? Child’s play. This is the O.MG Cable, a stealthy, powerful hacking tool that allows the attacker to log your keystrokes, access your device, and emulate both keyboard and mouse movements. It’s priced accessibly for the average consumer, and could be used to juice jack your phone or laptop. How do you protect yourself from such a device?

Data Blocker Teardown:

Big thanks to the following creators for their code:

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Buy an O.MG Cable from Hak5:

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Intro: Laszlo – Supernova
Video Link:
iTunes Download Link:
Artist Link:

Outro: Approaching Nirvana – Sugar High
Video Link:
Listen on Spotify:
Artist Link:

Intro animation by MBarek Abdelwassaa
Monitor And Keyboard by vadimmihalkevich / CC BY 4.0  
Mechanical RGB Keyboard by BigBrotherECE / CC BY 4.0
Mouse Gamer free Model By Oscar Creativo / CC BY 4.0

0:00 Intro and Features
3:43 Data Infiltration and Exfiltration
4:45 Getting around passwords
5:56 Extended Data Exfiltration
6:57 Self Destruction
7:51 DANGER! (Protect Yourself)
10:15 Why is this allowed?
11:46 Conclusion

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  1. You know what else is less than the price of an LTT Backpack? A FREE weekend of Crusader Kings 3 starting May 11th. Build your dynasty at: https://lmg.gg/CK3CS

  2. 250 for a backpack?
    , rather get that cabel…

  3. But does it actually work as a USB cable?

  4. Evil cable steal yo stuff man

  5. $250 for a backpack? I make 6 figures and i'll never spend that much no matter how good it is.

  6. 11:21 So buying a similar-looking cable from London Drugs, swapping them, then returning for it to be placed back onto the shelf as open product, or dropping the cables off to a thrift store, or even hanging them yourself, are not realistic scenarios today? $119 is a lot, but as with playing the lottery, you only need 1 win to become rich.

  7. 4:49 so allowing sideloading is bad for security? Where have I heard that before?

  8. "Here's a malicious cable detector! It's totally okay to plug this in without verifying the firmware, NBD"
    6 months from now: "Here's our malicious malicious cable detector"

  9. This is the first time of YEARs watching LTT that I am disapointed. Secret labs is highly scammy. The chairs are actually not ergonomic (but they claim to be) and if you want to ship something back (happened to me) disassembling the piston is so frecking dangerous. I hurt myself and had to go to the ER and I also had to pay over 120 bucks for shipping it back…
    Please don't promote something like that!

  10. 250 dollars for a backpack, jeez

  11. damn a USB stick is one thing but to pack all that into a USB cable i dont even thing Hollywood has gone that far. hell if you where really serous you could customize this to look like a cable someone already has plugged in and they would be none the wiser its almost like the Bolivian Tree Lizard of cables.

  12. We should drop this in front of irs and with the help of a karen up there help tax the big bois

  13. Where is the good old intro? https://youtu.be/r2pxfm-CiZ8

  14. How is this legal to build and sell again..??

  15. r/unexpectedTF2 Loved all those payloads

  16. This is one of the reasons why I dislike the idea of devices that can only get power through a combined power+data/comms connector. You never know what may be on the other side.
    You only want to get power, but it comes with a nasty surprise.
    Never used a public USB socket even before these devices started appearing.
    Call me paranoid, but there you go…

    Now we need USB firewalls… great

  17. To be fair, a lot of things are cheaper than a backpack from LLT store… like who is spending $250 on a backpack?

  18. To be safe on public charging-stations, you could also just use power-only cables. Those don't have any Data-lines.

  19. When that Paradox spnsor hit, I thought i was in a fever dream.
    I don't know how to feel about this, this just weird

  20. 12:30 Fin.

  21. Who plugs in random cables they find laying around?

  22. I love that the creator had to make a malicious cable detector lol

  23. lol data blocker, powered by the NSA?

  24. why is it our responsibility now why dont they stop making those … well its easy to defend against those, easy fix you can easily wipe attackers data or whole system with one picture they stole from you so sit back and relax

  25. I love powwer shell

  26. Give us the real Dennis 😂 he cant be allowed to go on vacation.

  27. 4090 getting cheaper? hell no. 3080 is still above msrp

  28. Thanks for the video as a wake up call. I knew that plugging in any usb device or flash drives found on the street would be a dumb thing to do. But I had no idea until now, that even just a cable can be malicious. They always seemed really benign to me.

    • WVW
    • May 11, 2023

    Is there a software solution to prevent or block these, example limit number of keyboard/HID devices. Or somekind of permisssion thing before a usb device is accepted.

    • RdL
    • May 11, 2023

    even though it allready existed.
    your video made more people aware of and they are abusing it was we speak
    thanks linus
    saying you tell us so we can be aware of is not a good excuse to make a video about it and make money off of it.
    im sure somewhere in the world a familie has his bank account plundered by now by abusing this cable

  29. When he says "bad actors" I always think of Steven Seagal

  30. Where is the intro song

  31. I'll give this statement in response to your question of if Mike is a 'bad guy' – Red Teaming is absolutely the BEST and most effective way to ensure a sensitive network/enterprise is properly protected. As far as the 'expensive' vs 'Cheap' argument goes, HakShop also offers the BashBunny, which offers all of the features (as far as I know, they may NOT offer wifi yet) as the OMG cable, at a fraction of the price, but it's a noticeable USB dongle vs a VERY well hidden and much smaller in form factor processor that hides in a USB 'blister'. It ultimately depends on the creativity of the hacker and the ultimate gullibility of the target, and trust me, with a collared shirt, tie and clipboard, MOST users can be EASILY convinced to plug in a USB dongle. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PDNrSuTS3L8)

  32. The next version of windows will have a pop up that says "did you just plug in a USB KEYBOARD?" and you will have to click yes or no before it allows you to use the device. That will be their "fix" for this.

  33. Won't take long for lower cost knockoff's to appear as embedded malware on "premium" usb cables bought online from ebay etc. Unless some intervention/detection is made at the OS level this is going to be problematic for as long as passwords exist as a means of securing anything. Very cool as a remote acess/debugging tool for less nefarious purposes such as maintaining access to devices in remote areas.

  34. I saw that hunter2 reference. Whoever slipped that in, well played.

  35. Time to start sterilizing your cables. All that is needed is a compatible port, and wall voltage (US 120V) through a 4.7K ohm resistor… Wire that to VCC and GND. If it's not an inert cable, it will start getting warm real fast, and the internal circuits will be quite dead.

  36. Something not mentioned enough about android phones is that you can make it default to only charge from USB when plugged into a USB device so that no data will be accessible until you say so

  37. Apple should add a thing where if you already have a keyboard or mouse and you plug in a new device then it will ask you if you want to trust it

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