
Amazing Products TV The AMAZING 8-Way SLI VooDoo Brick

Awesome Tips The AMAZING 8-Way SLI VooDoo Brick

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Multi-GPU setups like SLI and Crossfire once ruled the PC gaming scene, but micro stuttering and development complexity have made them obsolete. Why, then, are we boldly predicting that the future of gaming is multi-GPU?

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Intro: Laszlo – Supernova
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Outro: Approaching Nirvana – Sugar High
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Intro animation by MBarek Abdelwassaa
Monitor And Keyboard by vadimmihalkevich / CC BY 4.0  
Mechanical RGB Keyboard by BigBrotherECE / CC BY 4.0
Mouse Gamer free Model By Oscar Creativo / CC BY 4.0

0:00 Intro
1:21 Quantum3D made some crazy GPUs
2:31 Setting up the Mercury Brick
3:46 Powering it up and gaming with no jaggies whatsoever
5:42 Turning off anti-aliasing is easy…
6:30 It’s a night and day difference
7:08 Simulation demos
8:04 Quantum3D still exists! And they were bigger than you think
11:02 3dfx’s demise didn’t stop multi-GPU development
12:57 Consumer multi-GPU’s demise – Micro-stuttering and support
14:45 Multi-GPU is coming back – And Apple is pioneering it
16:43 Conclusion – It took a long time to get here

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  1. Next time when u say ble ble ble , plz say suka first.

  2. Back in 2000 I bought a Geforce 2 with 32MB of RAM (I guess) for about 300€.
    This was a nice throwback.

  3. imagine this but on rx 7900 xtx or rtx 4090ti

  4. If there's one thing that consistently Linus annoys me with, is how he always grabs video cards by their fans without any kind of care. Doesn't matter if is a cheap or expensive card, he treats them like cheap props
    For most of us, a video card is usually an expensive investment that we treat with care and hope to have it working properly for years to come. Linus is like: "I have money and don't give a shit."

  5. I remember seeing the Quantum 3D Obsidian 2 SLI 16 mb in CompUSA back in 1999 and it was like $800!!!!!! Can't imagine it playing Unreal in full glory especially that game was made for the 3dfx cards back then.

  6. Just need to shove four GPU dies in one card, then give it 64GB of VRAM, and a 24volt descrete PSU.

    So what if the motherboard becomes a daughterboard because of the sheer mass of the graphics.

  7. Vegan free shoes? Sign me in.

  8. ATi used Tile Based Rendering since the X1800 series (R520),, as where NVIDIA never came up with that at all, their GeForce 6000 series (NV4x) & 7000 series (G7x) used Split Frame Rendering , their GeForce 8000 (G8x) series like the 8800 Ultra to right down to the RTX 3090 Ti (Ampere) these all took use of AFR aka Alternate Frame Rendering.

    3dfx used SLI aka Split Frame Rendering the meaning of NVIDIA's SLI had a very different meaning, they made it known as Scalable Link Interface, ATi's Crossfire was actually more scalable when the R580 came out which was used for the X1900 series of cards.

    The X800 & X850 cards never used split frame rendering they been using Alternate Frame Rendering even since the Rage Fury MAXX, only NVIDIA took use of Split Frame Rendering aka SFR.
    Also 3dfx never used GPU's they used Rasterizer Graphics chips, to be a GPU they would need a Geometry processor for S3TL, yes S3 made TL first NVIDIA stole the idea from them and released it with NV10 which was released earlier with T&L enabled.

    A nice video sure but many of the details were very incorrect.

  9. I loved this video! So much info on gpu and sli!!

  10. imagine 2 4090 chips interconnected. How to start a fire 101

  11. Hey @linus – I watched this yesterday and was like – OK – cool.. but then as I was testing my PC at home I realized that Furmark was showing Corssfire was enabled and working – even still with the latest AMD Radeon drivers/software installed on my Win 10 pc… WHAT??? I thought they disabled it a LONG time ago… well – apparently my old 8600K and old Z370XP SLI from Gigabyte are still pushing frames with even hetrogeneous dis-similar GPUs if crossfire is enabled on the MB bios… wow! 5 years later after they killed Crossfire – it is back? Anyone else seeing this? I would love to post a screenshot 210+ FPS on a RX580 with a RX6700 installed in this old beast I have just been keeping alive because I am too cheap to invest in new CPU and hardware when I can push this machine to limits and still be stable at just shy of 5Ghz… I mean.. the best gaming and work pc I have ever owned just keeps surprising me…

  12. huh…. um… I don't know if it was planed by Zoho, but when I clicked on the video, an add popped up, I got the website because it would help my mom with what she want to do, but the add was for another Zoho thing, to be more precise Zoho Creator, for making apps and all that, so I don't know if they deliberately do that or what lol 😅

  13. I feel like multi die gpus will definitely be a thing, using the same tech apple is using. It's just the exact same thing that happened with CPUs when moore's law ran into a wall.
    Can't wait for AMD's Infinityer-fabric for their GPU dies. xD

  14. Great thing that Linus didn't handle the GPU drop… i mean installation

  15. Getting rid of aliasing artifacts for simulators is actually a pretty big deal. I remember when I was going for an instrument rating in MS Flight Sim '04, one big tell that I was heading off-course was when the pixel edges of things started shimmering too quickly, which is something that someone piloting a real plane could absolutely not rely on at all.

  16. PowerVR worked better with multi-GPU configurations due to how it natively rendered the scene in 16×16 pixel tiles in on die memory instead of by scanline. Plugging in multiple cards was supported even with the first generation Power VR card from NEC and it didn't even require any sort of bridge between the cards for this, AND it scaled pretty linearly with the number of GPUs. You just had the GPUs render every other tile. Sega leveraged this with the Naomi 2 arcade board which used two PowerVR 2 GPUs. It was basically a Dreamcast with a second GPU a second SH4 CPU and a transformation and lighting coprocessor added as well as more RAM.

  17. I still remember back when nVidia were into the whole "dual core GPU" thing. First one I recall seeing was (IIRC) the 7900gx2. Friend of mine picked one of those up and sold me his pair of 7900gt's on the cheap…was all dandy till one of them burned out. That's about where I gave up on SLI, but I definitely recall the GTX 490/590/690's when they were out. Still, the big hassle was always "does this game support SLI?", which made the whole thing way more of a bother than necessary.

  18. Really wish I could get this kind of antialiasing for Elite Dangerous, game is aliased as heck

  19. Could’ve used PS Pros butterfly design too.

  20. thought you would have cracked out turok and quake

  21. Can you please give Linus a way to show us computers without having to tilt the tower towards the camera in such a way they can be destroyed?

  22. Power is a problem. Im not running two 3070s , my power supply cant , maybe not the fuse in the basement. Now get 3060 eq. down to 100 ish watts . allow them to stack adding 75% of each of their graphical power to the gaming and thats something. I could add 1 at a time for 200- 250 ish and get a bump in frames each time without making server amounts of heat or using tons o power.

  23. Who the hell is the guy with the hair? make him get a hair cut

  24. 5:48 wtf is that standing next to linus LOLOLOLOLOLOL, is that a real life emo cross dresser?

  25. Well… multiple chiplets won't look as slick as 4x water cooled GPUs inside a PC case but I guess at least we will get the performance in the future.
    Looks like the future will be very minimalistic and not very artistic.

  26. Hopefully it makes to mainstream market! No limits on mGPU have great niche scenarios. Like VR and Sim in general.

  27. Apple? Very bizarre indeed!

  28. bleh bleh bleh XD

  29. Watching this video takes me back! I spent all summer as a 16 year old kid saving up to be one of the few human beings who bought an Obsidian2 X-24 when it was new. Yes people assumed I was nuts to spend 599 bucks on a video accelerator. They said the same thing about my 8800gtx SLI setup! I might actually still have the X-24 somewhere at my mom's house. Also, I'm a glutton for video card induced punishment, as in 2023…I'm also a 4090 owner ><

  30. Lmao owner looks like he's from 1999 god damn

  31. Why didn't Linus dye and spike his hair for this vid?

  32. Man this is wonderful.

  33. MultiGPU going strong in 3D and video workflows – NVLink/SLI Bridges just stopped being necessary

  34. At 2:38 we can see a comment about an authentic fan of the channel.

  35. The PS4 Pro is also a dual GPU design, it's really basically 2 PS4 GPUs interconnected (with newer architecture and higher frequency too)

  36. I had several of the Quantum 3d x24's, absolutely loved them!

  37. I tried SLI with NVidia /Intel systems(twice tried) and it didn't do squat for my games. Waste of money.

  38. At the end credits : editor:TO POOR FOR A GPU🤣 i feel u my guy.😭

  39. It amazes me the fact that NVidia fail to support multiple GPUs for every single use case and platform directly on the hardware level and Apple had to do it first.
    Scalability of performance would be an amazing selling point and just a matter of trowing more money at NVidia for more performance.
    It is really hard to believe it wouldn't pay off in the long run.
    SLI was crap that is why many people didn't adopted it. Make it good and there are plenty of people willing to pay. 4090 existence proves that.

  40. Thanks again to Tokyo Hotel for helping Linus out in this video.

  41. Still not fixed that green drift!

  42. Oh this bring such good and bad memories back. Loved the way it clicked over and graphics were excellent. But the bad feelings are from my card went bad, "looked like a CAD drawing on the screen. Sent it in for repair or replacement, and never ever got it back.

  43. Love the aspect ratio of the video. Perfect for max iphones. Thank you.

  44. SLI was awesome, yes kind of dumb, but awesome and super fun to tinker with.

  45. Guy with hair from early 2000s shows off computer from late 1990s…

  46. Quantum3D is a name I haven't heard in decades. They were the baddest of the bad back in the day.

  47. Interconnect.. why don't they use CPU or PCIe as interconnect. =|

  48. The owner came straight from 2014

  49. Peak PC gaming for me was late 2010-2012 ish when top tier GPUs were actually reasonably priced, and multi GPU setup was relatively well supported. Tri-Fire 7970s was my peak. Absolutely a blast to setup and play with. Sure, stuttering and scaling weren't great, but it was a ton of fun getting things to work. Oh, and CPUs actually had enough PCIe lanes for all of your PCIe devices.

  50. The headcrab on that guy had no aliasing either

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