
Amazing Products TV Top Moments From ChatGPT Creator's Congressional Testimony

Awesome Tips Top Moments From ChatGPT Creator's Congressional Testimony

ChatGPT creator Sam Altman answered questions from congress about the safety and risks of ChatGPT. The topics of discussion included regulation, election integrity the effect of artificial intelligence on jobs.

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  1. Fascinating hearing.
    Undoubtedly many lives would have been spared had Victor Frankensteinโ€™s creature been properly regulated. ๐Ÿค”

  2. This hearing was somewhat encouraging. We do need a new regulatory agency, because the challenge is too big for Congress to keep up with and move swiftly enough to correct.

    One regulation I want to see is a label requirement for every product or business that uses AI. People should know if something they are buying is created with A.I., just like we require the Country of Origin of Products to be disclosed.

  3. I love it , every person in that room is there on their own self interests ๐Ÿ™‚ its a direct threat to their job too – this didnt seem to matter when skills were outsourced overseas , or minimum wages dont meet inflation. This is All under the guise of caring for the people lol every person in that room is a multi-millionaire and theyd love to keep it that way.

  4. Do you mean the printing press that was used slave sales notices and Playboy

  5. Guy behind Altman looks like Elonโ€™s smarter brother

  6. It's nice to see this as more of a discussion, the questions weren't hostile, there was no left or right wing motive, Sam looked relaxed, it felt so much more mature. It's a shame previous hearings were not as good. Maybe it's the members asking the questions, maybe they're learning, or maybe they're going in with a more open mind.
    Mr Graham maybe needs to wind his neck in a bit and let people speak. I know there's a time limit, but let IBM expand.

  7. 15:01 why do these tech company reps always look stressed out and scared while answering to the congress?

  8. The discussion should have been about openAI and not chatgpt

  9. The last question related to the military drone, just screams of Skynet lqtm

  10. Sam Altman: Hello ChatGPT, tomorrow I will have a congress about the safety and risks of using you. Can you help me draft a credible speech?
    Chatgpt after 2 seconds: Of course! I'd be happy to help you draft a credible speech for your congress on the safety and risks of using me. Here's a starting point:

  11. Voice cloning using AI is a point of concern. Many customer support services own voice records as a part of their "training and quality purposes".

  12. Lindsey graham is the WORST

  13. I'ts good that they are being proactive on this AI revolution. Sensible regulation and plans of action on different scenarios should be top of mind for all governments starting this year

  14. If you loose jobs, then you lower interest rates. lower rates more harshly effects the rich and benefits the poor.

  15. Alarmism. It's just a sophisticated text bot.

  16. Why don't we put ChatGPT on the stand? By the way, none of the members of congress know anything about reversible computation, so they need to do some basic reading before embarrassing themselves. RC is the future of computing. People will be much better off if they actually realize this instead of worshipping their own ignorance.

  17. Here we go again

  18. That was great up until the last guyโ€ฆ what a bigot. he had no respect for the woman, would not let her speak at all, seemed to have an ego bigger than the entire room.

    Regarding drone decision making (fear of accidental innocent deaths via automated drones) this kinda has nothing to do with chat GPT and this fool is trying to punch down on Altman treating him like it is. Would the military have AI built to auto pilot their drones that is built on a chat bot or large LANGUAGE model? No. LOL. Some people just fear what they do not understand.

    Yes, it needs to be regulated, but more than that, humans need to be EDUCATED.

    Chat GPT can ASSIST with that.

  19. elon musks brother in the background hahah or is that his cousin?

  20. The US should focus on real world risks not hypotheticals. The country is facing some of the biggest drug epidemics and mass shootings in history but a productivity tool is in the spotlight.

  21. the crypto community is still waiting for regulations lol…

  22. The government is more concerned about their Elecction reults I see….

  23. history in the making my friends

  24. The guy who knows most about what his companies technology could do is pretty much the most concerned and the biggest advocate for regulation. He's the right person to be in charge and maybe we should be more concerned than him

  25. that guy mr. hawley just sound just like something from a text to speech engine

  26. They just need to stop development of AI till the point where humans can integrate with computational power of AI. Simple.
    They should ask questions like," Can AI over throw government's"?, why is all the focus on content creation and helpful tools, etc ?
    Also the last bit feel like Mr Graham will be a first target for AI as he drove the point across simply, bypassing Altman's farse of keeping human race calm till AI becomes self aware and destroys us all.

  27. Was Richard Hendricks based on Sam Altman? They spoke in the hearing quite similarly

    • Joe
    • May 18, 2023

    Did the group of congress people from the TikTok hearing got lost on the way? These guys are miles more congruent and on the ball

  28. I bet Sam Altman wrote his opening statement in GPT 5

  29. "To quote chaptGPT" ? Um…beep bop boop…does not compute.

  30. When large scale companies like IBM and Microsoft ask for regulations, you can bet that it's usually only good for adding new barriers of entry for other LLMs competing with ChatGPT and others. Where was OpenAI when Elon Musk did his open letter on AI overall?

    We have a landscape of new technological enablement and the discourse is more about who is able to work in it than actually tackling the major problems with misinformation.

  31. Such ashame for human right freedom and liberty, american regime is doing the same thing other country do to protect themselves and claim other not democracy.

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