
Amazing Products TV Ultimate Tsunami Escape Pod Survival Test

Awesome Tips Ultimate Tsunami Escape Pod Survival Test

How do you survive a massive, unstoppable wave? In episode four of Hacking the Apocalypse, Claire Reilly puts a high-tech tsunami escape pod to the test.

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  1. I don't see anything inside it that dampens impacts and isolates them from the occupant. If its all just rigid high-strength materials, those impacts will be transmitted into the rider and kill them. Same principle when it comes to car crashes. If the vehicle didn't crumple, it'd kill the occupants.

  2. Amazing how noone thought of the crew actually surviving the kinetic energy of a tsunami

  3. Its need to be electric proof

  4. As someone who lost family members during 2004 Tsunami, this pod is a joke.. really !? Floating on the ocean?!!!?!!!!! You’ve no idea what are you in for

  5. Palouse has been kayaked multiple times

  6. my aunt's mom died in the 2004 tsunami while they were talking abt my aubts marriage 😕

  7. Imagine surviving a tsunami, only to be stuck in a giant bowling ball trapped in rubble underwater.

  8. "Good luck trying to get out of it lol"

    • Tom
    • May 30, 2023

    Are we forgetting all the possible debris that comes along with a tsunami? Homes, boats, buildings,etc? Can these take a beating?

  9. The door was partially under water all the time. I would hate to have to escape. That water would sink that bubble in seconds.

  10. Pole shifts

  11. Basically you're gonna die in that pod

  12. the roll cage is going to crack someones head open. Its like trading drowning for blunt force trauma

  13. Why is there no liquid stabilizer inside so the innershall wil keep the people stable and upright.
    You can get really hurt if it rolls,

  14. Like the pod in “escape from New York”

  15. Aluminum? No way! Give me a steel cage. You have to put in your own GPS? I think this design looks too lightweight for a severe tsunami like in Japan 2011 which was the most horrific and saddest disaster I have ever seen on video. If you were in one of those pods you might be beaten for hours slamming into things. I hope others will step up to the plate with better built designs and a GPS safety network that will keep tabs on your position. You might get wedged between objects underwater and so they'll need to know where you are.

    • R D
    • May 30, 2023

    it looks like the seating an harnesses need major improvement

  16. What if the door was on the floor and you couldn’t open it. Good idea but no real though gone into it. very basic not even fitted with gps system. It’s like putting a bodybuilder in a ring with Tyson🥴

  17. Glad I live in blizzard area

  18. My thoughts of this focuses on exiting the Survival Pod. So the tsunami is over, and now you want to exit the Pod. If you are out to sea, perhaps 5 miles, you will likely not see the coast. If you are at the coast and in the surf, you will be tumbled over and over again, and also likely banging against coastal rocks. The coastal test need to be done during a ranging storm…with a volunteer…like two 20-something Navy Seals…two "Badasses".

    • Kos
    • May 30, 2023


  19. Song at 4:24?

  20. That doesn't look survivable, being bashed around in a debris grinder and possibly buried.

  21. The battle is, by definition, over.

  22. Door opens out ?
    Drop the pins and lose the door?
    So what happens if ends up with the door face down ?

  23. Very nice, why wouldn't you have the door on the top, so you can open with no water getting?

  24. Not a good design

  25. Let's put that 10,000 years old obese man with kid mind that kidnapped a very smart scientist and the genius alien race to the new dimension and lock him inside it for eternity.

  26. We developed our cities on the wrong places. We were supposed to live in the mountains and grow our food on the valleys where is flat and more vulnerable to tsunami and other stuff.

  27. And they get to the real problem. Its all anout profit. Cost about 2k to build but the price.. on sale. Is $15k. Companies like this are not for good of mankind. They are just like all the companies selling overpriced masks and sanitizer during Covid epidemic. All about getting rich on other peoples hardship

  28. After watching videos of building being torn off their foundations and ocean going ships being deposited on rooftops, I wonder how this little round bubble will survive in a churning debris field without being crushed? having said that, it's quite obvious this thing will be turned upside down and spinning in moving water. everything inside the sphere should be kept in locked cabinets or else it will be like taking a ride in a washing machine with everything flying around. Also, how many times would the rider need to hit their head on that metal pole in the middle to bust their skull open? The rider should be helmeted and the entire interior should be padded, including the poles and other supports. The 'waves' in this test is a joke. Try 30 foot North Atlantic water.

  29. Motion sea sick will kill me !!!! Not the tsunami 😱

  30. Thats not to say you won't get buried under tons of debris. But I suppose its better than nothing.

    • *
    • May 30, 2023

    Here’s an idea! Just leave the area! We have technology that will let us know if one comes. This is a stupid false expectations item to safe you. Because if you get stuck under or in debris you likely will you will never be getting out without suffocating

  31. Stupid contraption I should build one and would use gyro technology in order to keep upright even in heavy swells. This project might as well be a round barrel. Such a poor design. Especially in rough conditions this would be awful.

  32. Subnautica vibes

  33. 😳👍👍👍

  34. I feel like they are gonna end up finding a bunch of orange balls with dead people inside… The New PokemonGo! Gotta catch em all!

    QUÉ TAL MI IDEA 💡? 😜

  36. at the start it sounded like supercar blondie

  37. I didnt like It. Not practical

  38. Poor design. That pole in the centre shouldn’t be solid, it’s should be an inflexible cable or linked chain, you can easily hit your head on that..

  39. You should give those ppl a HANS device

  40. I could never sit in one of those things for days on end. I don't think I could make it for one day.

  41. Looks completely stupid . Yeah dont die with sonamj but die in your own puke

  42. Should have two Hatchs..its Flawed. If something smashes the Hatch you drown and die. … or if it is blocked then you suffocate. You will eventually die when the oxygen runs out. I would make that thing with 2 Hatchs. ..I will too. I started production last week. ..same thing with 2 Hatchs and add more safety features.

  43. $15,000 to build, he never said how much she would have to pay but I'm guessing double that.

    I love this idea but I personally think the hatch door should be on the top so in the event you're in the water, you can get out instead of trying to open it from the side causing water to rush in and sink in 15 seconds

  44. Needs to have inner chamber that rotate 360 so no matter the position the seating will always remain upright. Avoids being slosh & Rock around like an egg. As in this video ..

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