
Amazing Products TV The supersonic jetliner built to run on sustainable fuels

Awesome Tips The supersonic jetliner built to run on sustainable fuels

Boom is getting ready to roll out its first supersonic jet, the XB-1. The aircraft is a one-third-scale demonstrator of Boom’s planned flagship, the Overture, which could be the first commercial supersonic jet since the Concorde.

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  1. TOOP! 🙂

  2. I was skeptical but after seeing the CEO enthusiastically nerding out over it, I’m on board!

  3. I get the impetus for the name “BOOM” is the sonic phenomenon,and it’s meant to be tongue in cheek,but come on
..do you really want to travel faster than sound in a craft built by BOOM manufacturing?!?!

  4. Soon we will fly model KA made by boom

  5. Why do you think so many corporations own private jets? It's not as much for luxury as it is for time and convenience. 50-75 business class seats per jet will pay more than 250 economy seats. Yeah, this is gonna work…

  6. "Efficiency, Efficiency of design."

  7. what camera the guy is using? very good image quality

  8. I heard there isn't going to be a droop on this plane, UNACCEPTABLE!!!

  9. Its about who can afford a ticket, and whether they really need to be there in half the time. If the future of business is to work remotely, why bother going at all? I guess they crunched the numbers.

  10. Not sure Boom can keep the prices of the planes that low. However, if they do and seats remain priced at J, even F class levels, I'll definitely fly them. Cutting the SYD – LAX flight time in half is a deal maker. J on VA was amazing on this route and F on QF is the same. It may be a bit hard not having a bed to lie down on for even 8 hours. But guess it just depends on overall comfort. But the reduced flight time makes it 90% of the way for myself. The 10% will ultimately left to comfort for 8 hours.

  11. In the US maybe Boom can inspire high speed rail to catch up! I’d love to see carbon neutral transport coast to coast and continent to continent.

  12. Concorde is back baby

  13. i wonder how the boom will effect cetaceans

  14. This is mainly focused for business class travel people who want to fly quicker. When i fly in business class, I want to enjoy as much as i can the luxury. why would i want to end the flight journey quicker. This may be for big company CEOs…. One good thing for economy passengers…. the price is going to reduce for both economy and business class in regular flights.

  15. Plane for Millionaires, not the average Joe.

  16. SpaceX could kill this company

  17. This aircraft is a certainty. Even the Japanese are backing it….👍

  18. NH3 fuel produces 0 emissions!!!

  19. Why don't we have all transportation run on NH3 fuel. 0 Greenhouse Gases and 0 CO2 emissions. We could do this tomorrow!

  20. I'm 6'4, I'd pay to have a shorter long haul flight.

  21. Aerion is working with GE and they are working with RR . Interesting.

  22. I still think Concord looks more beautiful, maybe that just cause is was the original super sonic airliner. And yes i know the TU 144 flew first but that was hardly beautiful nor successful.

  23. Wonder how they will stand against musk.
    Starship lip frog.

  24. Cannot wait for this! One of my concerns about international travel is the time it takes. Happy to save for the price of a seat. đŸ€©

    • Luke
    • June 22, 2023

    the windows are meh and the aisle arm rests are odd and look uncomfortable

    • Koka
    • June 22, 2023

    it's flawed. If you fly sub-sonic, your airdrag increases so much that it will decrease the range dramatically, and remember all fuels cost money, even solar.

  25. Concorde didn't fail because of the noise; Concorde failed because it didn't have enough RANGE.
    Concorde went 4,500 nm which corners it exclusively into the NY-London NY-Paris market. If you want to fly mostly over water and have a big enough market, you need Trans-Pacific Range — 6,300nm or about the same at the 787-10. This covers 85% of the commercial routes. This is more important that ticket prices or any of the carbon emissions, global warming, rubbish. Concorde prices were actually fine. But a production run of 14 aircraft wasn't fine.

  26. When Concorde and TU-144 had a baby

  27. You guys are awesome concorde was incredible I love 747s A380 is magnificent but you people keep the future alive can't wait

  28. Sera t-il enfin Ă©quipĂ© de la MHD? Sinon oĂč est l'Ă©volution? StĂ©ph.
    Will it finally be equipped with MHD? If not, where is the evolution? Steph.

  29. it is even greath just by the name "Boom"

  30. What I'm reading into is that we are finally at the technological capability of 50 years ago when it comes to commercial flight. Not sure if it's something to celebrate. This only shows how lazy and complacent the aerospace industry had become and when they are not designing planes that force crash themselves, they are only adding minor quality of life and efficiency improvements to their designs.

  31. It's not, The Concorde.
    It was just Concorde!

    • Mr H
    • June 22, 2023

    I heard recently they won a government contract to build a supersonic Air Force One.

  32. Braniff airlines ALSO flew the CONCORDE. Get your facts correct before posting a video! Bye, will not be back!

  33. Remember the concorde was loud and this maybe is louder

  34. hopefully space x would have beaten that timeline

  35. Would that boom bother fish/ whales?

  36. the concorde you mean ?

  37. Can't wait to book my flight from LA to Tokyo or NY to London❀

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