
Amazing Products TV Valve Did the IMPOSSIBLE… Anti-Cheat on Linux – WAN Show September 24, 2021

Awesome Tips Valve Did the IMPOSSIBLE… Anti-Cheat on Linux – WAN Show September 24, 2021

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Timestamps (Courtesy of NoKi1119)
[0:00] Chapters
[0:57] Intro
[1:32] Topic #1: Valve’s anti-cheat on Linux.
2:30 Supported games.
4:57 Steam Deck’s effect on the market.
11:22 Discussing true identification.
15:12 Issues with the validation.
20:41 Supported AC does not guarantee games working.
21:17 Linux installation competition video idea.
[24:32] Sponsors.
24:39 TuxCare QEMU VM care.
25:44 Jumpcloud management & security.
26:10 SeaSonic’s power supplies.
[26:50] Topic #2: EU enforcing USB-C on devices.
28:51 Apple Watch 7 has 60.5 GHz wireless transfer.
32:01 Is wireless charging the end of cables?
[35:41] Topic #3: Microsoft’s Surface laptop Studio.
37:32 Specifications.
38:58 New Surface Duo 2.
[40:45] Topic #4: Super Mario Brothers movie & voice-over cast.
[42:58] Topic #5: China bans cryptocurrencies, BTC value drops.
[46:00] Superchats.
[48:05] Wrapping up.
[48:10] Outro.

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  1. Linux users are discriminated by the big gaming companies not out of disdain, but out of fear. They know of what we are capable.

  2. I mean you could simple just have to use a fingerprint scanner to log in…

  3. 11:22 This one's simple: HELL NO. It's a video game, not a bank heist. Cheating in a video game doesn't warrant an invasion of privacy at that scale. Someone cheats and wins a round of Age of Empires, so what? If you want to know for sure that no one's cheating, just play with a friend.

  4. Now after that fix tf2’s bots

  5. I don't see an issue with making the Universal Serial Bus universal. Literally all big companies are part of the USB-IF and its an open standard, unlike the incredibly expensive proprietary licensed garbage that lightning connectors are.

  6. I wont play a game that asks for my photo id.

  7. In regards to the discussion about frame scanning cheats, I remember the first ever aimbot I saw released for counter strike. This was back in beta 5.2 I believe. It required replacing player models with red and blue player models, and the cheat would run in the background and scan the screen for those colors. People started using sprays to fool the aimbot, at least for red models (blue was transparent in sprays I believe).

    Since then, things have gotten a lot more sophisticated, and it would definitely be possible to scan frames to identify player models and move the crosshair to them, so triggerbots and aimbots with varying degrees of FOV would definitely be possible. As would automatic spray control. Other things like wallhack, radar/map hacks and full on rage-cheats with spread calculation would not be possible though.

  8. If wireless charging at home could be via solar panels, the efficiency ends up being much less of a problem… zero waste on the environment?

  9. 30:27 One massive problem with electric cars, that no one is willing to be honest about. Just Tesla fanboys spewing PR BS. There's no solution to battery degradation

    Then you get into the depth of the problem. That my generation on don't walk anywhere, and have air-conditioned schools, equipped with computers, iPads and serious electronic equipment, We live on smart phones iPads computers and watching TVs, on sky boxes and using Blu-ray players. We buy everything electronic now instead of mechanical for no reason, Just because we can. Even down to Smart watches lol. Most houses have electric heaters or electric fires, Even stupidly our Hobs and Ovens are Electric, and now Cars

    The last 2-3 generations have started moving the entire world to be Nothing But Electric, Unnecessarily and recklessly. Using insane power draw, unnecessarily, To the extent most countries buy in Energy

    Yet it's the same generations complaining about Energy, The delusional uneducated Greta idealists fill every Space, soundbite, buzzword, White noise suffocating common sense. Apparently electric cars are now the solution lol

    The demand for batteries for the global production for hundreds of millions of vehicles isn't sustainable in the slightest! When batteries degrade and even hydrogen cars need batteries to store the energy. And Regardless of batteries life, cars are now a consumer products- fashion accessories, built to be replaced every few years. A 'replaced not fixed' 'bought not built' World around convenience 'Technology is convenience and inconvenience is progress'

    Most people don't keep their cars for even a decade, That's leaving out the destruction to car culture, ban of modifications, there won't be restoration of cars, and the electrical systems will be so complicated they'll be almost economically unrepairable, Just landfill

    Now just a small Country like England, 25 million ish cars, You have the disposal of millions, hundreds of football pitches worth of Dead- Toxic, Mostly plastic batteries, Every decade, 5 years?! The smart phone epidemic pushed China's capacity for battery production to the limit, This will be a Thousand times worse. That's leaving out cars are more plastic today than ever before

    Then Hydrogen is separated from natural Gas, So inevitably the production of hydrogen will rely on the gas- infrastructure, the thousands of miles of pipelines, tanker trucks- trains and refineries. The only thing that changes, without a miracle, is what's under the hood of your car, and You know 15 of the largest ships contribute as much pollution as every car, Globally. Then boats, ships, military kit, planes, helicopters, trucks, buses most cargo trains, Won't be electric any time soon. Lol

    Hydrogen is separated from natural gas uses electrolysis, therefore either way a Devastating demand on the already, Stressed. Electrical grid, Mostly using coal, gas. Even if you abandon the idea of hydrogen cars, and stick with batteries, same outcome

    Mass increase in Nuclear, Really isn't an option, When we currently have to dump the waste in the sea, ugh. And fission is insanely expensive and unrealistic globally, and its the global scale that matters! Plus there won't be fission cars anytime soon haha

    Then Wests Advanced particle filtering systems for power plants, Vastly exceeds the 150+ other countries and the developing world most of which are burning raw coal (or places like Africa, burning wood and toxic rubbish like plastics, used tires, etc) The West moved away from raw coal like a century ago, to cleaner coal, and then mostly to raw natural gas, then to clean burning natural gas in Europe

    Modern environmentalism is ideological, The environment is a true concern but this western supremacy argument of focusing on the wealthiest and already cleanest countries is backward unenlightened and self-serving, ignoring the Global issues! The United Kingdom only contributes 1.7% to the environmental impact. And if the entire western block disappeared it would still only have 0.5 degree difference over the 79 years to 2100, Bjorn Longborg

    The only way forward is redirect the focus away from the cleanest countries, The environmental western supremacy agenda, and the shortsighted and stupid proposed solutions. And focus on Helping the worst polluting countries and put the trillions into donating our Advanced particle filtering systems for Power plants to the developing world, donate clean combustion engines, especially mopeds (two-stroke)

    When you clean your house you don't focus on what's been recently cleaned, if you actually want to make a difference. Help clean the worst polluters and revert the move to electric, for a more sustainable and less robotic and dystopian future!

    Past a Global effort and efficient use of limited valuable resources, I don't see a solution. Just empty bourgeoisie self-satisfaction and signalling of the stupid, while the problem accumulates, and the electric cars escalates the Global impact

  10. Hi from the near future, where Valve saw this video and announced marks that shows game playability on deck.

  11. jack black should play wario

  12. luke needs to rtx his bird chirping out of his stream lol

  13. "Economic freedom good for growth"

    Says the senator whole criticizing the fastest growing country in the world that throws a middle finger to this bullshit. Not a single country have developed with liberalism.

  14. I installed ubuntu a few days ago and it actually feels close to being ready for gaming. I didn't have any screen tearing and everything worked out of the box except that gsync makes games go black for a few seconds whenever i press the keyboard so I turned it off. also nvidia's default fan curve sucks and it gets noisy at 60 degrees and I can't figure out how to change it. I'm keeping windows for now but I'm impressed by how well windows games work through proton

  15. Yeah! All these fast monitors and quick internet ect, just to stream the game. Seems like going backwards, Latency cant be that great?

  16. Why all this anticheat bs, are they too lazy to put some protections on their own servers?

  17. 21:30 please do this

  18. If realid for games became a thing, with how often every company has data leaks, everyone would be doxed within months.

    • B4GG
    • July 11, 2023

    The problem with considering wireless charging inefficient is completely location based.
    In Scotland we produced, in 2019 ,enough energy through renewable energy, mainly on-shore wind farms to power 9 out 10 homes.
    It's not inefficient if you have abundance, convenience can be completely acceptable when the impact is so low.
    it's only morally objectionable when you produce that with non-renewables.

  19. Apathy. Linux players tend to file good bug reports and be helpful. Kinda trained into us.

  20. apple could put both a lighting port and usb c connector on there phones.

  21. Too be fair crypto should be banned for a short period at least for enviromental reasons till we go clean energy

  22. I'm upset by his immediate shutdown of fedora

  23. Does this mean TF2’s bot crisis may be coming to an end soon?

    • kirb
    • July 11, 2023


  24. they cant even make their anti-cheat work anyways lmao

  25. Please tell me they will be installing AmongOS

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