
Amazing Products TV 3nm CPUs Are Coming! – WAN Show July 2, 2021

Awesome Tips 3nm CPUs Are Coming! – WAN Show July 2, 2021

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Timestamps (Courtesy of dashnog)
0:00 Introducing topics, roll intro, sponsors
1:54 Windows 11 CPU & TPM requirements
– 15:14 Microsoft claims using TPM and secure boot report 60% less malware.
– 16:18 Anybody who runs PCIe 4 will have TPM 2.0.
– 17:54 TPM is a nightmare for repairs.
– 21:08 Win 11 minimum requirements can make software optimizations easier.
22:26 Why should people backup their data?
– 31:42 Dropbox can’t read/doesn’t own user’s data because it’s encrypted.
33:38 Sponsor break
35:36 Linus’ new house
48:16 Former Microsoft employee stole $10M in Xbox Gift Cards
50:50 Intel & Apple are the first to 3nm CPUs in late 2022.
52:58 Superchats & outro

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  1. Forget 3nm, I wanna know when we'll be getting 1 Planck length CPUs.

  2. 12:36 hey in 2012 I was still using a computer from 1999, still use if for school work.

  3. intel i7 4960x, rampage 4 black, gtx 980. i can still run most games on high and keep 60fps. with 4gb video ram i need to watch out on texture sizes.

  4. Well, if Windows 11 doesn't want my FX, I'm just gonna keep Windows 10… Windows in general is just getting worse and worse. Still running Windows 7 on my laptop.

  5. Should have bought the bitcoin 😄

  6. Meanwhile intel stuck with 14nm

  7. my sandy bridge i7 and gtx970 runs modern AAA games fine.

  8. I-drive = 10tb cloud storage for $100 US /yr (£72 GBP). I got a deal through Tom's Guide – first year £2.99 GBP for 5TB and upgraded to 10TB for an extra …. £0.75 GBP

    No brainer. So now spending the next month or two uploading 7TB of data :-/

  9. Damn coiff them facial hair buds. Before a shower, you may trim it, and look a little better and only takes
    like 1 minute.

    And no, I don't do that, but I don't go online with my face showing that fuzz.

  10. I’m so angry I can’t still run my Tandy T1000 …lol make it harder for the hackers is always a good deal.. use your current version until you buy a new pc.. but be aware that when there are many more secure computers in the mainstream the lesser secure ones will become the easy targets….

  11. God hearing linus explain a phone cabinet (what we called the less wealthy version of the "kitchen desk") to zoomers made me accept that I'm almost middle aged

  12. Watches video on a 10 year old PC built in 2011…

  13. I only recently upgraded my Haswell i5 4690k to a ryzen 5 5600x, I practically didn’t see a massive improvement at 1440p games I thought were CPU bound were still running badly; like Xcom2 , far cry 4, assassins creed black flag. I’m not saying go buy an old Cpu, but I’d say laymens shouldn’t feel pressured to upgrade just because a “power-user” says 5-10 year-old chips are not good enough for purpose. It makes e-waste

  14. Hi Linus

  15. all these amazing topics at the start of the show. they talked about none of them!!!!!!!

  16. Straight up, I have an stock-clock i5-6600k and a GTX 2080 (Base, Gen1) and I have yet to find a game I don't get full VSync on my 1080p60 projector.

  17. Why are Luke's pupils always so huge? Is he in the dark? It's probably better on your eyes having less light at least. 😛

  18. Does this mean windows 11 is forcing you to use bitlocker?

  19. damn man, you rich af

  20. are you seriously telling me all the stuff in that house is from 1992? just throw it all out and start over. it looks awful, and completely outdated both in looks and usability. this looks like a real project house.

  21. In India there are a whole lot of PCs which are still running fine with windows 7.

  22. congrats on the house

  23. o my, someone buying a legit mansion

  24. I have a I7-5930K and it runs just fine, I find no reason to have Microsoft tell me I can't run this CPU when Linux runs on it just fine. I wish games were ported to Linux so I wouldn't have to deal with this.

  25. I have a Windows machine specifically for data management for videography. I daily an iPad Pro because I don't want to have to worry about data management and all the stuff and maintenance that comes with running a Mac or Windows machine. It is amazing how many people who have computers don't know how to properly maintenance stuff like caches building up, desktop hoarding, folder structure. For most people an iPad or Chromebook is actually the best option.

  26. I would love to backup my stuff to a stranger or friend. I have like less than 5% of my disk space that is super critical but I also had to pay for cloud storage just for that cloud storage yet I cannot have any used for the 95% of free space for it (less with non-important media that I got).

    • Mika
    • July 18, 2023

    Sadly you cannot target AVX2 on windows 11 because Intel had the genius idea of not having AVX2 in pentiums even after coffee lake, only recently did they start putting it in pentiums 🙁

    • Mika
    • July 18, 2023

    Agree that older CPU architectures are still relevant, rocking an i7-4790k and upgraded to a 1070ti, great combo and I don't think I'll need (do want though) an upgrade for a while

  27. Expecting people to upgrade less than every 10-15 years is the privilege of the wealthy.

  28. Linus, put a pink Civic photo above the fireplace 🙂

  29. if anyone could answer.
    why doesnt microsoft release a windows for gaming?, windows lite and optimized for games?
    that would sell alot.

  30. Dream house goals

  31. lets all go back to torrents and peer to peer then wel all never lose any data ever again! lets bring back the 90's! no leftis cuck woke bs no sjw's no hassel lol

  32. Holy shit, so much saltiness about the TPM requirements. If you don't have TPM just use Win 10. 11 doesn't need to support every single potato.

  33. The TPM is needed along with the killing off of local system accounts in order to tie the user to DRM so that Windows can transition to being a subscription service where you pay month after month for your hardware to operate. They're going to need to MASSIVELY increase the amount of only-Windows features if they want to pull this off. If they did it right now, people would just flee to Linux in large numbers. Windows, right now, has gaming. And that's it.

    People don't give hard drives enough credit, that's for sure. It's positively insane, especially nowdays, how they work and what goes into them. The platters are coated with exotic materials like rubidium, they contain rare earth neodymium magnets, ultra-high-precision motors, the read heads float a micron above the surface, they pump the chamber full of helium (of which there is a global shortage), and they're starting to add microwave lasers into their design in order to make the bits easier to flip during writes. And the cost per terabyte is still a tenth or less of the price of just a bunch of dumb solid state chips that are nothing but a regular grid array of NAND logic gates. It's almost like there's some kind of grossly absurd price-fixing going on. But, no, the companies that price-fixed RAM, LCD panels, then RAM again, they certainly had learned their lesson and wouldn't do it with NAND… right?

  34. just update regedit when do clean install
    ON error message press shift + f10


    add new key LabConfig
    add Dword 32 BypassRamCheck, BypassTPMCheck, BypassSecureBootCheck

    each dword has 1 value

    back and continue the installation


  35. Every TPM 2.0 modules is sold out for my Asus Z97 Pro-Gamer. I can buy them from scalpers for 60 euro, but I'd rather switch to Linux for real. FU Microsoft

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