
Amazing Products TV The Worst CPU AMD ever made…

Awesome Tips The Worst CPU AMD ever made…

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AMD and Intel have been competing for years and they’ve both had their ups and downs. Back in 2006, AMD may as well have been at the bottom of the ocean with how down they were when Quad FX launched. How bad is it now?

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Intro: Laszlo – Supernova
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Outro: Approaching Nirvana – Sugar High
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Intro animation by MBarek Abdelwassaa
Monitor And Keyboard by vadimmihalkevich / CC BY 4.0  
Mechanical RGB Keyboard by BigBrotherECE / CC BY 4.0
Mouse Gamer free Model By Oscar Creativo / CC BY 4.0

0:00 Intro
1:24 AMD in 2006
2:55 “Quad Core”
4:05 4X4
4:55 Quad FX Upgrade Path
8:45 Fire it up
9:50 YouTube Playback
10:45 Gaming
12:50 TF2
13:45 Mars GTX 760
15:45 RTX 3060
16:22 Conclusion
18:34 Outro

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  1. guess the FX cpus were already sucking back in 2006 and kept sucking for a whole decade

  2. Whoever wrote the line about changing fanboys minds needs a reality check

  3. 176 fps instead of 160 fps is "making it utterly useless"? wtf??

  4. Hi Linus and team.
    I recently watched your video about your viewers' hot takes, and there you mentioned that it is more cost-effective to buy a mid-tier CPU and then when the time comes to upgrade, buy another mid-tier CPU and the graphics card you want as opposed to buying a top-tier CPU (current time) and then buying the graphics card you want later.

    Doesn't that mean you'll be spending more on a new motherboard to accommodate the new CPU and then on top of that the new graphics card (essentially another PC)? I mean here in South Africa, graphics cards (that match the performance a PS5 boasts, 4K 60-120hz) can cost anywhere from 2 or 3 times the price of a PS5 …and that's just the graphics card.

    I understand that the newer gen CPUs perform far better than the previous ones and I understand that older CPUs can bottleneck graphics cards, but will the performance of a top-tier CPU (current time) really not compete with its next generation and will it really bottleneck the graphics card? I hope I'm making enough sense.

    It's just a thought – maybe a good idea for a video – How to cost-effectively upgrade a system. I haven't had the privilege of building my own PC yet (they're expensive) so I'm sure there's lots that I don't know, but I'd appreciate any feedback. Thanks in advance. Love the videos. Keep it up.

  5. you sood trei it on tha spozed cpu athlon fx and wotha ok drivers witha rtx 2080 weil pe ok in tha limit of ddr2 !!! wachi war lake no mitli tabs gen !

  6. so as a conclusion don't underestimate old cpus (there are still more than alright 2500k or 3770 systems on steam survey) however, don't overestimate old cpus too (some of them just sucked) xD

  7. I really really enjoy watching Linus having fun with older tech

  8. HI , It would be nice to do a ´´ Good old days proccesors´´ like AMD10-7850K or Pentium somethink like that

  9. It is just microsluttering bro… card must be fine.
    Because I have 2 MARS 760 also! *Hopeless ROG fanboy

  10. Bulldozer FX was much worse. At least those Athlon 64 FX chips had comparable gaming performance to intel at the time.

  11. I wonder if the 3060 didn't run due to missing SSE4/4.2 instructions maybe?

    As you say though, it would be massively overpowered — running Ubuntu (with wine/dxvk/vkd3d for gaming) on an Ivy Bridge (which has about 1.5-2x the performance of QuadFX per Google), GravityMark can max out the card but most games (that are not limited to 60FPS or monitor refresh rate) will top out at about 40% GPU utilization. The framerates are nothing to complain about but CPU core that's driving the card will just peg out well before the GPU breaks a sweat.

    I did get CP2077 up to 80% utilization by turning some of those graphics settings that were set to low up to medium though — nice to be able to turn up settings with 0 FPS drop since it looked rather bad on low to be honest.

  12. FX is basically cursed regarding AMD CPUs, the pre-Ryzen FX CPus were also garbage.

  13. My 760 had 4gig.

  14. Because it was there…… and Fx is there and we are going to climb it.

  15. I dunno man, Arc really doesn't deserve the hate. I've been daily driving my A770 since like 2 weeks after launch. And the biggest issue was a weird sleep glitch that I don't think was caused by Intel. I did a windows clean install and it fixed. So I blame windows. I play games and stream my screen over discord. Etc. It played Hogwarts legacy perfectly on launch too!

  16. That 'quad core' board is so stupid why do I want it lol

  17. Why am I imagining that AMD corporate office is like a warzone now because one of its engineers watched this and pitched it to the board room?

  18. I have one of those mars card looks cool but otherwise a brick

  19. Vram is not frame buffer.

  20. I still use my fx 9590 cpu everyday

  21. I remember a time when two 6600GTs were cheaper than a single 6800GT and SLI actually made sense.

  22. I want to see more things that Gary has invested in!

    Yes, it's a PoS, but someone had to figure out it was a PoS 😆

  23. so i should use intel instead and nvidia

  24. incredibly grateful for the epilepsy warnings

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