
Amazing Products TV Stop Flying Over My House – WAN Show July 29, 2023

Awesome Tips Stop Flying Over My House – WAN Show July 29, 2023

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  1. @NoKi1119 where are you, I need you ;_;

  2. where is the stamp guy

  3. My suggest to outdo the wave from this LTX.

    I’m calling it wave toppling domino effect😎
    My generic example that Im hoping shows how it would work.

    using 2 😢rows of seats to keep it simple .

    Start the wave fron left to right on row 1 and soon as it to the end of the row everyone from that row drops forward at the same time

    Which would trigger row 2 to start its wave from right to left and as soon it reaches the last seat in row 2 the whole topples forward stays layout

    And basically rinse repeat till it the very back row

    Which possible cause a reverse wave motion as people would stand back up and do the wave

    Hopefully I managed to explana so that everyone could visaulize it

  4. Is anyone else slightly concerned that some tech giant might possibly do something to sabotage Labs to prevent the discovery of their shady or outright deceptive behavior? To my knowledge there is not a comparable INDEPENDENT lab in existence anywhere, even the labs that do have similar capabilities are either corporate or government run.

  5. when will linus ever learn what a honeypot is in the context of infosec…

  6. 1:58:38 Yes, absolutely. So does my financial and social status.

  7. This was wholesome.

  8. Why can't Linus stop yelling? Did he forget how a fuckin' microphone works? wtf man ruin the whole show by yelling for 2.5 hours straight lol

  9. Why is the audio this bad lol

  10. 32:01 I wonder if Linus has enough pull with Google to get this doc recovered from teh old account… Might be worth a try, we know Google doesn't delete anything 😉

  11. Man. LTX looks fun!

  12. Yeah most states here will allow you to fly a drone over any property because you don't own the air and well satellites are just doing that most of the time. It sucks that insurance might be using this to be jerks.

  13. Not watchable on YouTube because of the reverb audio

  14. I think the "X" thing isn't that hard to say, just say "Ex-Twitter" and you are good to go.

  15. Timestamp guy attended it in person?

  16. 1:41:00 non of this changes the fact you went extremely soft on them

  17. Where's the timestamps?

  18. I feel bad for Linus, it sounds like he lost his voice.

  19. 1:18:00… what vid? where??

  20. If you want women to watch you you have to be more relatable. All men cast isnt the way to go.

  21. We all printed some content back in the day

  22. Whoa that crowd… There's so many people, kudos to LTT!

  23. I've clicked into this like 10x now, still hoping for some timestamps. Hopefully once LTX is over.

  24. Regarding the question at 8:52: How far your rights extend above and below ground level of your property vary wildly between jurisdictions.

    In some places you have full rights to everything below you from ground level to the earth's core. Mineral Rights, Water Rights, Building Right, Usage Rights, etc. In others, some or even none of these rights might get transferred to you on the sale of the property. Most places give at least some of these. You should be able to check your deed to see if you have any of these.

    Conversely the Air Rights above you never extend beyond a certain height in the US. Case law in the past has used the height of 500 ft (150 m) in urban or suburban areas, and 360 ft (110 m) above the surface or tallest structure in rural areas as the demarcation. Anything above this is the exclusive right of the government but all citizens of the United States have a public right of transit through it. The "Federal Aviation Act" established this.

    This is why they adamantly said that it was not a drone. That would probably be illegal as they tend to fly much lower than 500 ft. A plane however is not illegal.

  25. Hey… whats your view on worldcoin and collection of iris scan data,

  26. We need stadium WAN.

  27. You need a channel where you interview other tech journalists, security experts, game devs, etc. like a "late show" type show.

  28. Wan show live is so good, I'd love to see more of them. Maybe done too kick off whale lan. It makes me want to make ltx even more than i already do

  29. LOL. the original screwdriver is 'the Luke' and the stubby is 'the Linus' that's awesome

  30. The way that Linus and Luke so blindly hate Musk is really hilarious.
    "Why would you buy a social media platform and change the name?"
    Both of them are fully aware that users are everything, companies will spend absurd amounts of money just for a LIST of names, let alone active accounts.

  31. Regarding the insurance, there generally is a clause in the policy language that allows insurers to inspect the property. Depending on the contract that the insurer has with the company doing these drone inspections, they may not be able to provide imagery.

    A car on cinderblocks would definitely be a cause of concern if out in the open. That doesn’t excuse the poor handling of the whole situation, though.

  32. those who sacrifice liberty for security deserves neather. here is the thing, if you dont want your kids looking at things maybe pay more attention to your kids and stop forcing the industry to babysit.

  33. There are also a lot of computers that either Don't have a camera or it's to cheap to make a proper scan.

  34. …. you know…. WAN Show Live (With Studio Audience) could be an awesome thing after seeing the size of the audience at LTX… could be a huge thing! 🤘

    • Curt
    • July 31, 2023

    Damn audio sucked

  35. Dan. You signed up to be part of the streak! You can't say you didn't sign up for this!

  36. Loved LTX this year, sad I couldn't do Sunday as well because I still missed out on stuff. The lines were sooo long, it was packed, I already mentioned to a few staff but I think LTX needs 3 days and more space! Hopefully next year is even better, because I'm already planning to come for the whole thing.

  37. lmao best wan show

  38. Called out, still watching on a side monitor! But I work when I listen, so I dont feel guilty at all.

  39. Uhoh times stamps guy was at ltx

  40. 1:09:17
    "United States Military, no!"

    "Oh sorry, force of habit."

  41. I hope Timestamp Guy got to be at LTX this year. And if they didn't, I hope LTT reaches out with an invite and free basic ticket at some point for services rendered.

  42. Oh my God are you doing this live it's so cringe nice pink shirts

  43. children on roblox gambling is like really worse than most people think

  44. Funniest Luke has ever been on the WAN Show. I think he thrives in front of an audience.

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