
Amazing Products TV Windows 11: Problems Microsoft should FIX

Awesome Tips Windows 11: Problems Microsoft should FIX

Windows 11 is on the horizon, here’s what we hope Microsoft will change.

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  1. Win 11 not playing ball with VS 21 and VS 22. Won't even try VS 17. Debugger meltdowns and aptly just closing for no reason. Added to antivirus and antimalware exclusions but still much grief. Now looking at installing Win 7 then VS in a VM to avoid reinstalling hundreds of apps all over again… talking about taking one step forward and two steps back… That's Microsoft for you

  2. microsoft employee stay silent in the comment and press dislike button

  3. They need to fix Sleep mode! Everytime i put my laptop in sleep after a minute it shut down and after a minute again its open automatically 🤣

  4. Windows 11 is a great example of over design & just plain stupidity.
    Are you using the technology or is the technology using you..

    Less is more, but in Windows 11 u got to look left then right, go seek the thing ya after which should be just at a glance.
    Right clicks require more right clicks..
    A simple drop down option would be nice to use the Classic Ribbon!?
    They could of kept same logic and made it so user can customise clutter so its possible to achieve the trendy minimal aesthetic.
    This new ‘ribbon’ is crap. Yeh it Looks cool and clean but its not as productive!
    The old is like a swiss army knife organised into sections. Reliable like the old control panel.

    In Windows 10 you can in 1 click Select All and 7zip, well lets just hope an update is on the way.
    The design of settings tab rows is again over design ..nothings at a glance.
    Designers usual go for Minimum means maximum impact..
    but in Windows 11 its minimum thought and maximum headache.

  5. Uninstalling a 500K app on your phone can not be compared to uninstalling a 12GB program on windows. Get real.

  6. Windows 10 already downloads updates in the background, and all you have to do is restart your computer when you're ready.

  7. Rather than improving usability, Microsoft is busy trying to impress us at cost of our brain cells

  8. When you pay a price for a new product, you can complain all you want about any service you are provided with even if it is free. I love complaining about Windows coz… IT IS JUST SO BAD!

  9. Clickbait using the beautiful Brigette in the shot is just dirty 💩 💩 ! 😂 😂

  10. Cry baby.

  11. Uninstall a pain? Right-click -> uninstall. If it is an app from the app store, it is as easy as the phone. If it is a traditional x86 app, you may have to click next a couple times. Not a big deal.

    I use 4 different Windows 10 computers, regularly. They all are different…Dell, Asus, Surface, custom build… But I haven't experienced any of these issues (things not working the way they are designed to work) you're referring to. The only one I could kind of understand is waiting for updates, but that really is only for feature updates, which happen only twice a year.

    The control panel thing, I totally agree on. It needs to be in one.

  12. You should know better than to use "Microsoft" and "listen" in the same sentence.

  13. I was hoping that they added multiple tabs on file explorer.. And years after they promised the feature on windows 10.. It's not on windows 11. The only feature that I'm upgrading for is full Direct Storage compatibility and still when Maya 2022 crashes to end the task I have to fully disconnect from the Microsoft account, that is even worse than what we had on win 10.

  14. windows uninstallation part is better than mac, mac does not remove the app completely

  15. You can just right click an app in the start menu to uninstall it.

  16. Windows Search is slow… Strange I've a 30€ SSD and it's faster than your 🤣🤣. Just don't expect an HDD to be as fast as an SSD

  17. Completely agree with your list. Never really understood the logic behind having 2 control panels really. I've been using Windows since 2001. Started with Windows 98 and have used all major releases up to Windows 10. Being a Windows user for so long, a lot of the stuff just feels natural but I guess to some one coming from Apple, some things might seem dated.

    And I really hope there will be a Windows Classic theme for Windows 11.

  18. Windows is lame since it's born

  19. After installing the Windows 11 Beta, my laptop started to heat faster..

    • N/A
    • August 14, 2023

    For me it works fine, but when I go into settings it freezes up on me.

  20. 1: Then stop getting updates if you're going to complain on how long they take, you know you can turn off automatic updates or restart whenever you choose without it going automatically right?
    2: The system search is pretty snappy with the windows search icon because it uses cache of most of your main files (downloads, documents, pictures, videos) a different thing you can use is Everything, which caches your whole system (im pretty sure it's something like that)
    3: Really? Really? You can just search for the setting and it'll pop up or just right click the icon in the start menu and choose uninstall. Is it that hard? Another option is Revo Uninstaller, which leaves no trrace of the program on your computer

  21. I wish they would make defender an optional install as well as Having a option to have UAC aka User Account Control installed on Windows. As an IT tech I hate those 2 with a passion. SO tired of Disabling them through gpedit on new installs.

  22. its a computer, not a phone. On top of that, holding and pressing the cross on a phone app, doesn't always delete it. you have to go in and remove the disabled apps on a lot of phones. Don't act smart, be smart.

  23. Give this man a pacifier already…

  24. 1- many times windows explorer crashesblinks continuously as opened
    2- many time taskbars can't load, need to force shutdown and restart 2-3 time than it get fixed
    3- copy, past, Uninstall and rename option should be at first, can't be in show more option
    4- right-click on taskbar there is no option of task manager
    5- valorant game's vanguard client not initializing as windows starts, startup apps notification turn on
    but still, it's not showing?? i had to click start from folder every time
    whether its should start automatically in windows 10
    6-many start-up apps are not starting as windows starts

  25. I use ubuntu for my business.

  26. Linux does not have these issues.

  27. The reason why there are 2 control panels is somehow they can't get rid of legacy code. LOL! The old small icons on the menu bars in some programs are still there. For a touch screen to work the icons should be BIGGER! Cleanup the OS. Get rid of legacy code. It's been how many years now since windows switched to touch. Somehow people from Microsoft developers has been slacking or whatever and I can understand that but how many years is no excuse. If developers doesn't move their apps there then develop killer apps. Looks like they already had thrown the towel to Apple as losers.

    • STZ
    • August 14, 2023

    Let me move the taskbar… why would you take this function away?

  28. 1:572:12 I experience this a lot. 2:40 Having 2 settings makes the OS half baked and the old Control Panel doesn't even look at great anymore, first, dark mode doesn't support it, and second, it is the same Control Panel as in Windows 7 just with newer icons, so it makes it look so 2009.

  29. windows 11 explorer folder thumbnails not showing

  30. I have an iPad Air and there is nothing quick or easy about the damn updates, so I don't know what you're even talking about. Also, why are you comparing a mobile OS to a full desktop OS when it comes to uninstalling something. It's a ridiculous comparison.

  31. The Alt tab and Win Tab is broken

  32. If windows 11 for selected pc , so its not free , very unfair , please Microsoft should fix this.

  33. Driver issues are some of the biggest problems in windows. If the driver provided by manufacturer conflicts with the one provided by microsoft, you’ll have a hard time figuring things out. Microsoft bricked my laptop’s audio driver and any attempt to change the driver resulted in a blue screen. Completely unacceptable in this day and age.

  34. Control panel and in generel settings for ANYTHING is a massive mess in Windows 10 i gave up learning their stupid arrangements almost from day 1, and use search and hope i hit the correct one setting i need, everything is busy for no reason in every menu.
    Until now i didnt know that add/remove programs via search, or via control panel lists 2 different things. So in control panel it lists one array of installed things, and another array in the other way.
    I DID NOT NOW IT DID THAT UNTIL NOW ! Like you, ive been using windows since before the internet.. i assumed like an idiot that they both led to the same array. How silly of me.
    How the groupings of all the settings got greenlit to be this instead of either WinXP or Win7, i will never understand.

  35. Compalin complain and Mac agent.

  36. This video is a must watch for Microsoft. Send this to them ASAP


  38. All i want is classic start menu with both options of full screen and vice versa

  39. yup! Damn true!

  40. The whole OS needs a vigorous shake-up. It's not 1998 anymore.

  41. What kind of app does take forever to uninstall? And you can just keep working while app is being removed in background.
    Additionally, for iPhone there are only apps you can install/uninstall, whereas for windows you also interact with drivers, services, frameworks etc. And presented panel is more suitable for them.

  42. Not sure if Microsoft will support all Android apps on Windows 11.

  43. Windows would be better served integrating the new system with Windows 10.
    The 3 computers I just tried would not work. What do they expect everyone go out and buy new computers. Microsoft has never listened to the old engineering axiom "kiss",( keep it simple stupid).

  44. 2 things about your complaints in the video
    1st yes i agree the 2 control pannels/settings should be merged or made more obvious and apply the system theme to the classic control panel and the update system should be made better
    2nd for all the other complaints you gave "OH BUHUHU" this is how programs have all ways been with all windows versions so if you like how mac,ios,android is then just use only thows type of systems
    and so what if you used computers before the internet was a thing there are people that have been using computers before DOS was even a common thing like useing a commador pet or vic20 how programs install and uninstall is due to how dynamic link library and the registory works if you dont like it then dont use windows
    there are better things to complaine about with windows 11 like the fact that you have to have a 8th gen cpu and tpm 2.0 these requierments should be optional on home and pro versions not a hard mandatory that should only apply to enterprise and server versions
    with this p-a-n-d-e-m-i-c there are ppl that have just resently bought computers to work from home or more and now there just finding out if thay didnt buy a 8th gen/ryzen+ system there soon going to have to buy another pc agian and with how the current electronic market is it will be a unresionable expence for many ppl with the econamy of the world like it is so 3 years remain for win 10 comeon any one truly think this mess in the world and all the ppl that lost there jobs will be cleand up by then and that even the lower middle class and lower class income groups will be able to afford to buy yet another computer agian so soon
    this is why in my and seems to be many other ppls opinion that the tpm requierment should be optional for home and pro and the cpu requierment of a certian generation be compleatly removed and made to just be a 2x core cpu at 1ghz regardless of generation for home and pro
    MS should aim for tpm and 8th gen/ryzen+ hard requierments for these versions in about 6 years mimum from now so that by then even the low income groups will have had time to get systems that will support it…. honisly this feels like a push to boost sales for there harware partners otherwise thay should continue win 10 home and pro support till 2029/2030

  45. Windows 7 still a king

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