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0:00 Terren, our new CEO introduces himself
0:55 Yvonne lays out the plan for content reduction
2:45 Gary, head of labs talks transparency
5:04 James, head of writing on process improvement
7:15 Ed, head of production on communication
8:04 Nick from CW on quality control
9:16 Terren lays out plans to improve credibility
11:37 Colton on ethics and sponsorships
14:05 Luke talks supporting the rest of the team
16:15 A wild Linus appears
19:15 Terren’s closing thoughts

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  1. Update 2: We've heard the feedback from our community and from our team internally and monetization has been turned off for this video.

    Update 1: It's come to my attention that in Billet Labs' Reddit post, they censored the quoted cost of their prototype water block. We were never asked to keep this information private, and given that our sources for the matter were our own correspondence with them rather than Reddit, we didn't know to include the censorship.

    At this point, there's probably not much point Streisand Effecting it, but I'll blur it anyway on YouTube and we'll get it blurred on Floatplane as soon as one of our editors is awake -LS

  2. Watching this with AdblockPlus

  3. Where's the sausage?

  4. What happened?

  5. Am I supposed to know what this is all about?

  6. TBH I feel kind of sorry for Linus. We put him on a glass pedestal and boosted him into the sky, and then brought him crashing back down to earth. Not that it wasn't justified, but still…

  7. The beginning of the end.

  8. It was about time, guys.

    P.S. Luke, you're awesome

  9. I hope LTT will make this right. If we seem needlessly angry, it's only because we still care. Don't wait until we become indifferent, because that's when you know it's over.

    • E Z
    • August 17, 2023

    What do you do now? Calm the F down!

  10. Unsubscribed and subscribed to @GamersNexus

  11. This video really wasn't needed, it's over explaining and quite honestly transparency gone wild, All Linus needed to do was to make a statement along the line of "Hey guys, we hold our hands up, we've made some mistakes, we need to slow down and I improve on our review and production methods, we will be taking a week out to do this, thank you guys", seriously, not everything has to be a overly deep introspective, sometimes keeping things simple is the best methodology.

  12. what happend while I was away

  13. What happened!?

  14. I always watch nexus. LTT is just too corporate for me. This whole video is just lame

  15. what happened? 🤨

    • Eyck
    • August 17, 2023

    This is one of the most tone deaf videos I think I've ever seen, even if it's acknowledging the problems and promising to do better. Why was humor such a seemingly high priority given the serious topic of the material it's covering?

    • Jake
    • August 17, 2023

    Why are people so Livid? It seems like they knew immediately they screwed up with the Block. I am sure the amount it was probably auction off far (at a Charity Auction) was probably insignificant to LMG as a whole, especially since it seemed like they caught there Mistake and owned up to it pretty quickly (albeit not publicly, which I think is the right move, since we're here for the Tech Content). Some Video Mistakes, same way there's Mistakes in all forms of Media like Movies, TV Shows, Books, Videos, Music. I guess all of it really. Doesn't make sense, that's why I kinda always followed what Linus and LMG/LTT has always preached…Multiple Sources for research. Don't rely on just one Video, watch a bunch. Am I getting something wrong here? Dude has everything he wants in life, but continues to break his back, and the Team break there backs to bring us this content, that we pillage through like pigs, constantly begging for more, and more, and more till our brains turn smooth and everyone starts ganging up on some Fuc***g Short Canadian Nerd that wears Mandles and continues to put up with this Vile Cesspool we call a "community" because he pushes everyone too hard.

  16. This is the most disappointing, PR written, corporate response they could come up with

  17. Good lord. I don't understand how this was okay'd by everyone. How does something so cringy and done so so poorly actually get posted? I'm beyond confused.

  18. Most people on YouTube just want to see you guys having fun with tech. And talking about it relaxed and in a natural way. This is waaaay too formal… sounds like a corporation.

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