
Amazing Products TV This Self-Balancing Drone Can Walk on Tightropes

Awesome Tips This Self-Balancing Drone Can Walk on Tightropes

LEONARDO the robot (Short for LEgs ONboARD drOne) uses human-like legs and drone propellors to balance on tightropes, fly over obstacles and even skateboard, and researchers say it could be the future of robotics.

0:00 LEgs ONboARD drOne Design
0:53 Why build a hybrid robot?
1:36 Walking vs. flying
2:15 Balance put to the test
3:06 Poking the robot with a stick!
3:32 Ways to use LEONARDO
3:53 The future of hybrid robots like LEO

Claire Reilly on Twitter: @reillystyley
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  1. Do you want Terminators? Because THAT’S how you get Terminators !

  2. Great Job

  3. ❀ Leo πŸ’ͺ🌻

  4. Can it fix a transmission leak on one of my vehicles in which myself and several other mechanics whom have also had a chance at for the past 2 years, fix it?

    If it can't, well, quite frankly…. I just don't give a damn!

  5. I see a clear path to Boston dynamics,ai, jet packs, using carbon zero fuel.

  6. The Future of GUNDAMπŸ’™

  7. Great so the robot overlords will now be able to skateboard and fly. πŸ‘

  8. cheating

  9. OMG I've been looking for a self balancing skateboard that can board better than I can! Thank GOD!

  10. Yea i think they could have bigger versions of these in the future with people in them

  11. Interessante.

  12. At some point an agency that considers mankinds best interest, and decides what technology is or is not allowed to continue development, needs to be formed. We need to use such an agency to discuss potential unforseen applications, what those applications may be, and hold hearings that examine emerging technologies potential pro's, versus con's, and then produce a verdict as to whether said development will be allowed to continue. As a species, it is completely irresponsible for us to allow any and all forms of technology (regardless of intended, verses potential applications) to be developed as far, and as fast as possible. We did it with automobiles and automated production, now our planets temperature threatens our species. We did it with the Manhatten project, and nuclear capability threatens the entire species. One can argue economic stability for the automobile, and hearings to decide on continuing development of their tech would have lead to that, but nuclear energy accounts for such a small part of the worlds energy, while having killed hundreds of thousands, likely millions, and is a constant threat to entire cities at a time. The aforementioned type of hearings would have looked at atomic bomb tests, and realized how many nations would eventually have them, and called for the destruction of all data concerning continued development. We're a 200,000 year old species, if we developed all of our tech in the 12,000 years since Sumeria, then it stands to reason we would have developed it before, in the roughly 150,000 years before Sumeria, as well. So why do the ancients appear to have lived without advanced tech? Likely because they faced similar issues , and abolished a large percentage of it….

  13. This tech will eventually land in public domain, a private or military entity will upscale them to carry weapons, and they'll start dropping in on populated areas in terrorist attacks. THEN an ambitious A.I. will hack a whole fleet of them, and annex a piece of land for itself, driving out all humans, and demanding sovereignty. THESE are the means to A.I. becoming a Skynet like entity, and a war starting between human and A.I… a war we've basically designed A.I. to win (I actually hope this post has enough sensitive words in it to get someone in the governments attention, and they realize how much sense this post makes). It's often been said that when it comes to technology, we're so concerned about IF we CAN do something, we don't stop to consider if we SHOULD do it or not. At some point an agency that considers mankinds best interest, and decides what technology is allowed to continue development, needs to be formed.

  14. Boston Dynamics is probably about to have a robot say "hold my beer" then do a kickflip or something, then fly away.

  15. Pointless invention

  16. Looks like the creature from the backrooms!

  17. My Robocraft vehicle brought to life!!

  18. Help me cleaning my room?

  19. @ me when it can pop a trey flip

  20. This is just plain creepy.

  21. This is the tadpole of Mech war robots.

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