
Amazing Products TV Artistic Nudity Stream – WAN Show December 15, 2023

Awesome Tips Artistic Nudity Stream – WAN Show December 15, 2023

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  1. Jesus doritos crash course was literally the shit

  2. i think the problem with twitch is mostly demographics… a platform of sweaty gamers who are generally hostile towards sex workers due to a sense of entitlement (see incels and how they believe they are owed sex and attention from women). however, turns out that these sweaty games are also the target market for the online sex wokers… for reasons that are just completely beyond my imagination (sarcasm)… to me, it seems this is a major source of the tension: sex works on what is historically seen as the gamers platform trying to get them to pay for titties

  3. the dropped frames in the snow animation are bothering me an unreasonable amount

  4. First

  5. Australian here yea if it wasn't for starlink I'd basically not have internet I mean if you can call 4g with middling reception (20mbit max with packet loss) with a 500gb data cap internet that sure I had access don't find get me started on traditional satellite ๐Ÿ“ก 100gig up and down combined 600 ping $120 a month ๐Ÿ˜‚

  6. Over thousands of people just admitted that theyโ€™re perverts.

  7. 14:42 The complete incredulity and abandonment in Luke's voice is something else, you rarely get to experience such raw emotion.

    22:00 I'd have to agree with the argument Luke presents here. It worked for Steam, and as someone with a "PG" account, it literally doesn't affect me negatively at all.

  8. The internet is not minor friendly… let alone a game/social platform on the internet…

  9. Oh my gosh Linus has some horrible takes.

  10. For the preorder thing. Preordering a physical product is WAY different than a digital good. They don't need to make more of the digital good, they have infinite. You need to actually make the physical good so it's very useful to know how much demand there is and to make sure you can cover the entire initial demand plus some. Not sure why you are making them seem like the same thing, they are not.

  11. Linus feigns ignorance, puts silicone pasties on upside down. FOOLING NOBODY.

  12. Linus shouting at his audience: "Are you f***king STUPID?!" Preach Brother! Preach it!

  13. I remember the xbox360 market/arcade having tons of games like the Doritos one @2:26:00
    My friends and I loved all of em at the time.

  14. The portal is dumb cuz you're phone is already in your pocket you already have a controller and it's clearly targeted to ppl who have no idea this ancient remote play app exists thats why there is no mention of remote play in any of these portals breifings

  15. I was showing my grandmother a completely different video and this thumbnail came up as recommended. It was so awkward

  16. If anyone is curious about Excellent Photo, I bought a camera from them back in 2019 (in-store) — they're legit.

  17. About the Playstation portal 2:00 , usually people that hate you talking about hardware are people who are fans of another hardware and vis-versa , i would have ignored them, if you did one about Microsoft Xbox you'd have the same thing.

  18. You should check out the old dutch TV series "Flodder", those have been allowed for a very long time and sure show breasts. In the intro even

  19. They're so old they don't even know what Twitch is doing. Lost Touch

  20. Wait the Luxe backpack is avble?? Or you're referring to a sample or future one v two layer SKU's

  21. The sexual content on twitch is a huge issue in regards to the ages of it's users and advertisers.
    at least age restrict the content and actually age check the audience by having them use a bank card that's specifically registered in their own name and not a parent's card or something to that effect

  22. I upgarded to a Rode Podcaster from a GO XLR, and I couldn't be happier. It's better in every concievable way, easier to use, sounds better, better amps, better software, better software support. IMO TC-Helicon missed out on a HUGE opportunity to own so much of the streamer segment by not supporting to GO XLR better. Too many bugs, too often for me.

    Wow, props, fellow old man! ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿฝ Blast from the past there boys!

  24. It was advertisers/partners, the NFL probably saw their thursday night football game next to a stream drawing big anime boobs and said yeah either revert that policy or we gotta cut our funding

  25. Iโ€™m over the weekend shift crew in machining at Snap-On Power Tools. 12 hour shifts on Friday Saturday and Sunday. Work 36 hours and get paid for 40 hours. I really like it.

  26. The way Linus talked about electroBoom made my heart happy

  27. 2:42:15 Woah what? just got to this part so will delete if answered but would this affect the "timeline" feature?

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