
Amazing Products TV Incognito Mode is Fake – WAN Show December 29, 2023

Awesome Tips Incognito Mode is Fake – WAN Show December 29, 2023

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  1. 😔 Where's the timestamp Bros?

  2. I use OperaGX. Pretty good, IME. I sometimes miss Firefox, but GX's built-in resource limiters are just too damned necessary.

  3. 37:21 Are you sure about that Linus? That doesn't seem right. Now if you mean they now allow you to have multihome plots that seems believable, but straight up banning single family plot seems stupid.

    Edit: Okay, I just looked it up, so it's not quite what you are saying. The government banned single family ONLY zoning. So you can still build single family homes, however all plots will now allow multifamily homes on it.

  4. 31:36 I know something Canada is doing right now. Castrating kids and limiting freedom of speech… What do you think of the Jordan Peterson situation?
    PD I may be biased but so far I can't see any valid arguments against him anywhere… and still the courts are against him…
    Anyway sorry for the politically controversial comment. Love your content LMG!

  5. The problem with Baldur's Gate 3 is that it was literally make or break. They spent so much on the game that they would have been bankrupt if it wasn't a runaway success. Even with how good that game is it would probably have failed in sales if they didn't hit the marketing jackpot.

  6. A lot of the time you guys talk about not doing reviews on smaller items like keyboards/mice on main channel, but perhaps now with the advent of shorts you can afford to make short-form reviews for these items? Feels like the perfect format for such reviews. To the point with features, down sides and price.

  7. Firefox is a poor choice, it's been poorly designed for a while now and just wastes loads of CPU.

  8. What LTT product wish we could make last year?

    Linus: Buttplug with heptic feedback.

    Luke: Had a failure on that one. Didn't get that one out.

    What the F? Where did you stick it?

  9. The reason why GM got rid of android auto for a built in android is that the users info/data is locked away on their phones, privacy settings are set to lock it down, etc, However, GM can collect all the user data from their android implementation and sell it.

    This is likely the reason why they are forcing their buyers to use it.

  10. Data point: I've tried to switch back to Firefox for years, and that was a tough sell every time. Until Recently. But I'm almost exclusively using it for over a year now with fewer issues I had with Chrome/Chromium and the percentage of websites that renders poorly or doesn't work is neglectful, so I'm using alternative browsers less now, than in the times of Chrome (I have Vivaldi installed, but never use it; if I stumble upon a hiccup in my browsing I just open Edge for a few minutes, and then back to the Firefox).

  11. 1:16:10 LMAO

  12. I use brave, i like it

  13. It would be cool if the labs reviewed mobile socs

  14. 3:50 maybe if they called it less-cognito mode 😅

  15. Incognito mode explain:
    Start a browser without any cookies og temp internet file. When shutdown delete all cookies and temp internet files.
    You can set Internet Explorer, Firefox, Chrome ect. To delete all cookies when shutdown. Have been a setting for more the 23 years…

  16. Luke about "Is it time to switch to FireFox?", saying "I want to switch to Firefox, but some sites don't work well in Firefox" is basically "I want change, but I don't want to change". If devs for websites think "there's not enough people using it, to make it worthwhile and make it FF compatible" then it's better to be the change man. Otherwise you're sitting and waiting for a random miracle to happen.

  17. A LOT of people are missing Lukes point. He CANNOT have a SINGLE website malfunctioning in that way, BECAUSE it's a work thing.

  18. Isn't all that incognito mode does that it doesnt keep any data on your end after the session is over? (aka cookies and local storage and more)

  19. Why would anyone think that Incognito mode stops google from tracking you?? Incognito mode has always just been about not saving your history, nothing else. I seriously hope nobody is surprised by these "news".

  20. Yandex pronounces more like Yummy so … Yundex

  21. I second everything Linus said about GM. They've been hell bent on a mission to suck for a while now.

  22. I've been using Firefox for years and noticed zero difference

  23. Only youtubers and influncers are going to survive in the future

  24. Firefox works with 99% of websites flawlessly. Still that does mean that I enounter an issue once every 3 months or so. Also I think the dev tools in Chrome are way better so I use chrome for webdev. Firefox is much less recourse hungry and as a result it's faster for me because chrome will freeze on me daily when I'm playing games because it can't handle having so little RAM.

  25. When the heck did people started to think that incognito mode magically makes your web traffic invisible? Incognito mode is like luke said disabling the local storage of cookies and history and it has always been that way. As much as it pains to say this google did nothing wrong

  26. My issue with firefox is that it does not have the extensions I have built up in chrome. Once those extensions are ported to firefox I am switching straight away.

  27. I don’t understand what Luke means when he says some websites don’t work with Firefox. I only ever used Firefox and personally encounter not a single website that did not work.
    I know it’s circumstantial evidence but still 🤷‍♂️

  28. Entertainment industry is going to get destroyed by AI sooner or later.

  29. I use Vivaldi

  30. Feeling Luke on the browsers thing. My whole work is within and about Microsoft products. So obv I am always on Edge.
    But because years of work from home I barely use a computer outside workhours(sold my personal one with a dust collection) now, so I ended up ditching years of passion put into linux and librewolf for becoming a windows+edge person. Who would've thought

  31. China sounds like they are making the right move. Atleast for mobile gaming. COD mobile has those spin to win draws, where the main reward is either a skin or a tricked out gun, but you never win the gun or skin until the last 2 spins, after spending atleast like 50 bucks 20:05

  32. swap to firefox so that websites start being built for it. for sure.

  33. I even never switched to Chrome. Used firefox instead of internet explorer and kept using it. Never understood everyone switching to Chrome at one point. Sure, for a short while Chrome was faster, but Firefox quickly caught up with that. Chrome is probably still faster in some benchmarks, but actually noticeable for the enduser? No, unless you come up with obscure use cases.
    I rarely see websites that don't work in firefox.

  34. Wow, I am using Firefox both professionally (dev work) and personally for a couple of years again and it just works fine. All the major websites work fine and I cannot think of a website that does not work correctly.

  35. I have no idea what Luke is talking about. I've used firefox for YEARS, we are talking about from back when people originally started using Firefox and I don't have any of the problems that Luke is talking about. Yeah some websites are indeed not made compatible with Firefox and this used to be a bigger problem a good few years ago, but those cases are very far in between and those sites tend to be terrible anyways, as in they are really old and poorly coded in general.

  36. 8:00 There was never a time to switch to firefox. Firefox is the OG best browser. It had a short hiccough when they broke all the extensions, but that's it – always been the best.
    I am a very demanding user and I don't get why wouldn't someone like it.

  37. I use firefox when i don't have premium. Otherwise as a long time chrome user I have 0 regrets.

  38. I use Firefox because adblock works great.

  39. I use FireFox on Mobile… not so for desktop.

  40. I 100% prefer edge over chrome, mainly because of how much RAM and CPU chrome uses for literally no reason. 17:48

  41. Anybody use DuckDuckGo? Any thoughts on actual privacy?

  42. Don't use chrome – how many times should this be said? There's only one mainstream browser that respects privacy controls.

  43. UK and EU GDPR requires explicit and informed consent. lying by omission or even obfuscation is still unlawful.

  44. It's never time to switch to Firefox? Firefox is shit. I also wouldn't trust my data any more with Firefox than any other browser. It's not a solution. It's just a worse also-ran.

  45. I switched to firefox when I discovered you could have extensions on Firefox mobile including ublock origin and dark reader (and several others)!!! Then to have my desktop and phone share tabs/history, I switched my desktop to firefox as well. Haven't had any memorable issues since I switched in 2018ish

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