
Amazing Products New products at CES 2024

Awesome Tips New products at CES 2024

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  1. MSI acaban de enterrar cualquier E-Sport. Cuando todas las comunidades gaming del mundo de diferentes multiplayers estamos luchando contra las trampas en los juegos ustedes sacan al mercado un monitor con trampas indetectables… Acaban de dar el headshoot al juego limpio multiplayer. Basura su nuevo monitor.

  2. Where I can buy I live colombia

  3. Productos para tramposos, increible!!

  4. 1:00:19 MSI this is disappointed.

  5. Cant wait to see you getting sued

  6. legal cheats? -rep

  7. are you guys High?!!!! boykot!!! this companyy!!!!!!

  8. if you release a monitor with cheat all gamers comunity hate you we dont need ia in any fucking device and less if this ai is for cheating we hate cheaters

  9. msi selling cheats!!πŸ‘Ž

  10. Well nothing, thank you MSI for sending competitive gaming to hell, I really appreciate the innovation but when you affect players with your products with undetectable cheats justifying progress, they are disgusting, you should really consider how correct a product with AI is in gaming without harming the user or community, but of course they have the nerve to say, I don't support cheating, but hey, I'll sell it to you anyway. A shame MSI, I really hope other screen companies, if they implement AI, do not promote this despicable practice. Instead of promoting better nits, colors, refresh, rescaling, they introduce cheating, puff πŸ‘ŽπŸ‘ŽπŸ‘ŽπŸ‘ŽπŸ‘ŽπŸ‘ŽπŸ‘ŽπŸ‘ŽπŸ‘ŽπŸ‘Ž

  11. Dont by msi anymore. They are not for gamer, they are antigamers. Bye msi

  12. what are you doing selling monitor with cheats!!!!!

  13. Cheaters! You are destroying gaming

  14. monitor msi cheat what are you doing? bye bye msi

  15. You're selling cheats…

  16. Now that MSI is supporting cheaters I will not be buying any MSI products. Bye.

  17. never buying an MSI product again. Unreal that they accept the cheating -.-

  18. Dejando de seguir

  19. 58:00 These monitors are an insult to the community of any online game. They are fucking cheaters. I hope they ban all this technological garbage for the handicapped. They deserve the worst. I PROMISE TO NEVER BUY AN MSI MONKEY AGAIN. THEY ARE A PRO HACKERS, PRO CHEAT BRAND, AND I WILL ALWAYS BE ON THE SIDE IN FRONT OF YOU. THEY ARE A SHAME TO THE ENTIRE GAMER COMMUNITY. THEY ARE TRASH.

  20. bye bye msi

  21. I won't buy any other MSI product never again, freaking cheaters!

  22. I hope all company games SUE MSI for this cheating device!!

  23. Black Frame Insertion on OLED? Yes or No?

  24. "why did they pick intel for the claw" because every other brand is AMD so by having the only Intel handheld means they won't have any competition as intel fanboys only buy intel.

  25. Teclado con macros por favorrr

  26. πŸ™ unable to join the giveaway the site is blocked!

  27. Your content is like a ray of sunshine.

  28. awesome

  29. New Titan with new chassis…πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘

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