
Amazing Products TV Meet the fully electric robot cleaning beaches 🌴

Awesome Tips Meet the fully electric robot cleaning beaches 🌴

BeBot is a remote-controlled beach cleaning robot that sifts small plastic and other garbage out of sand.

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  1. Bring some to Virginia (Hampton Roads)

  2. Good job. Even skimming water plastic sea melting would have great advantage too! β˜οΈπŸ˜ŽπŸ‘ I once mentioned this to ESA Astronaut Samantha Crioforeti as she was active in the International space station once. A thought imagination is key πŸ”‘ says Albert Einstein

  3. It’s Important.
    This Is Future.
    Not To Be Messed Today & Tonight.

  4. The Technology Is A Real Solution
    Of Evolution!

  5. Just build a robot that kill littering people.

  6. wall-e

  7. Everyone: 'can't wait to see this ROBOT in 2022'
    Pitch guy: 'A remote operator….'
    Everyone: 'sigh'

  8. This amazing! Do you have a BeBot that can clean trash in our urban cities? It’s needed. Thank you for this wonderful machine.

  9. Well I wonder who gets to keep the Rolex watches the gold chains the rings that people lose everyday where does that go can I get a job operating one of them I can do it for free

  10. I think it’s cool, i don’t think the problem is plastic, the problem is people, when you finish with your drink put it in the proper receptacle, it’s not that hard of a concept, why should I have to change what I do because others can’t follow simple common sense

  11. The people are just nasty ! is the people behavior.

  12. I want one

  13. how can i get one

  14. yes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  15. why is it people in america that dont clean after themselves on beaches >:(

    I live in Australia and doing that is Unheard of!

  16. Is a BeBot very expensive?…

  17. would definitely like to see 1 of those here in Trinidad and Tobago especially on Lanse Mitan beach Carenage

  18. Yes please do

  19. how much does 1 of that cost? Can Ngos access 1 as well

  20. This tech should be readily available to the public, like how bicycles and electronic scooters are, this is about our future, environmental ministers of all countries should have these readily accessible and available, without the hefty price tag, as well as technicians who daily fix and maintain the bebots, as well as set up pick up spots for the waste products by waste management agencies, this will open up jobs for people who care about the environment and don't make the requirements to operate the bebot or get the job to operate the bebot like a university type deal, let the average person be unrestricted to help our planet out, fix the earth we have here, because no matter where you go, if you can't care for the planet now, you honestly think people will be any different in space, use all that money to tackle real world problems on the planet you already have.

  21. I think it's a good thing,this is how AI/Robotics must be used to assist man kind,not the other way around,could you send me INFO on how/where i can purchase one.

  22. How much is it, i want it in Tanzania

  23. Fantastic love it !!!!

  24. How much cost is this pl tell

  25. bebot reporting for duty.

  26. Won't some lazy slobs continue to throw their trash around: figuring the robot will clean up after them?

  27. Why a robot?? Why not just take a Combine and tweak it for junk collecting??

  28. Every island in Hawaii needs one of these. πŸ™

  29. I'm glad ur doing good job kleening the beach β›± every beach β›± should have one πŸ˜€

  30. It would be awesome to also mobilize human resources such as school groups and environmentally interested groups to spend time cleaning up the garbage in cities, rivers and beaches. This increases awareness and gets people involved and active instead of just worrying and only stressing over it and talking about it. It is incredibly good for morale and mental health! And yes, I have spent a lot of time picking up trash in parks and on the side of the road.

  31. or people can just stop polluting on purpose or not paying attention :/

  32. I love it, sadly most plastics are in the rocky beaches….very hard to extract except by hand…better to stop it in the rivers This is great for those popular sandy tourist beaches…good job.

  33. Robots are doing great things, I like the fact that you don't need to charge these machines. Solar energy is a pure thing.

  34. How does the weight of this thing affect sea turtle nests? Also the depth…turtle nests are not that deep. I like the idea but such things are often quite complicated when you examine all factors. In Florida the nests are higher up the beach. Perhaps they avoid that area, but it too has trash. Also how does it handle A big mass of fishing line, A very serious issue. We need stricter laws imo.

  35. Hey what a great idea. I'm living inland and don't go much to a beach, just once in a while vacation at the coast and I think nothing can ruin your day at the beach like a lot of trash strewn around spoiling everything.

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