
Amazing Products TV Gen Z vs TVs

Awesome Tips Gen Z vs TVs

Gen Z wants TVs to function more like their phones. How can TV makers innovate to compete for young consumers’ attention?


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  1. They all live by with their parents

  2. Bella is probably speaking for herself and other females like her. We men need it bigger and better with super QD-OLED and extremely powerful, with multitasking capabilities. Thank you

  3. Wait until they're 30 and want big 75-98" screens and a sofa

  4. Lack of space , constantly moving from place to place maybe thats one of the reasons

  5. …. so this entire generation wants doom-scrolling and "click here to buy this thing" as a FEATURE to spend MONEY on a TV? I'm a 97' Baby, so still Millenial (?) and this is baffling to me. You guys are lost.

  6. SSAD. Short Screen Attention Disorder.

  7. Worst generation


  9. Oh man. Gen Z watch 30 seconds delayed live events with small screen. I aint having it.

  10. Also a lot of us have roommates so there's really only 1 tv for everyone and privacy is a luxury, so i would rather watch on my phone in my room too.😅

  11. That mic makes her mouth sound very wet 😵‍💫

  12. She is the new CNET Generation👏🏻

  13. More wages, less cost, less “features”.
    Make TV’s simplistic as in one function: To be watched with no 8k or 12k or whatever holographic weirdness which makes them more affordable to wallet drained consumers.

    P.S. Give us more wages so, we’ll actually waste money on another device that isn’t our expensive phone. Corporations, make me feel like a person and not another person to squeeze dry.

  14. My parents said what do you want to do when you grow up. I said stare into a tiny screen for the rest of my life..lol

  15. I want a tv with no smarts to it.

  16. What does the missing 40% do?

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