
Amazing Products TV How We Did The April Fool’s Office Prank – WAN Show April 5, 2024

Awesome Tips How We Did The April Fool’s Office Prank – WAN Show April 5, 2024

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Timestamps: TBD

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Amazing Products TV We Built a PC That PUNISHES the Gamer – feat. Ludwig


  1. Timestamps
    [0:00] Chapters.
    [1:30] Intro.
    [2:08] Topic #1: Covering LMG's April Fools shoot at the old house.
    > 4:51 What could've been, David's idea, everyone actually worked there.
    > 8:14 Linus on who was involved & the costs of doing this.
    > 13:19 David's on-set video idea, how the neighbors dealt with this.
    > 17:03 Cars shot was perfect, news reached out about the "C&D" letter.
    > 21:14 BTS video was an hour long, "this video was a tax write-off."
    > 24:27 "Does Gary like Arc?," Linus describes Gary's views.
    > 25:46 Some jokes were cut out, staff's commitment & energy was great.
    > 29:34 David's final thoughts on this project.
    [30:15] Merch Messages #1 ft. David.
    > 30:26 How far do you plan to shoot April Fools videos? ft. Ludwig video.
    > 32:38 Most difficult stunt to pull off? ft. LTT's past April Fools.
    [39:38] FP price will go up, current subs will be grandfathered in.
    [Cont.] Topic #1: Covering LMG's April Fools shoot at the old house.
    > 43:15 Mad Max joke, characters, PS5 jailbreak joke, David leaves.
    [46:04] Wearing Terry Fox Foundation's shirt, Luke reading the note & shirt.
    [50:35] Topic #2: Amazon's "Just Walk Out" system to be closed.
    > 52:20 "Amazon Mechanical" Turk, Linus is confused, Luke explain "The Turk."
    > 55:50 Machine learning, "Dash Cart," LTT's Amazon video, wage math.
    [1:07:28] LTTStore's limited Welcome Hole shirts.
    > 1:08:12 Plouffe's car "upgrade," name tag holder shirt poll.
    [1:11:02] Merch Messages #2.
    > 1:11:10 Tips to stay disciplined? ft. Linus closes Twitch chat.
    > 1:18:31 Best way to keep my family safe while running a home lab?
    [1:21:23] Sponsors.
    > 1:21:38 Seasonic.
    > 1:35:54 Squarespace.
    > 1:25:06 MSI.
    [1:26:19] Topic #3: Linus's reaction to his car being broken into.
    > 1:27:36 Why Linus didn't run, sugar glass, not the first time it happened.
    > 1:33:10 Scrubbing through the FP video, ketchup packets in his car.
    [1:36:50] Merch Messages #3.
    > 1:37:08 Thoughts on Ross Scott killing The Crew?
    > 1:43:40 Why is 256 characters the default for NTFS paths?
    > 1:46:26 How do we guard against detached decisions? ft. Driving, "Dan leaking."
    [1:59:33] Topic #4: Intel's chip fab in Germany finds ancient burial mounds.
    [2:01:20] Topic #5: Google deletes incognito details to settle $5B lawsuit.
    > 2:02:26 "Welcome to the WAN Show!" – Alive Luke 2k24.
    [2:03:49] Topic #6: Discord's Quest, GAMER EDITION ads.
    > 2:06:45 Luke's thoughts, data streaming.
    > 2:08:31 Luke on Discord's model, Teams to be decoupled from Office.
    > 2:11:28 Discord enterprise mode idea.
    [2:15:54] Topic #7: Google to shut down Podcast internationally.
    [2:19:52] Topic #8: YouTube's "Jump Ahead" skips to best parts of videos.
    [2:21:30] LTT Labs' new RTX 4070 Super review.
    > 2:22:49 Showcasing comparison charts & color edits.
    > 2:24:06 Testing out comparison bin.
    [2:26:38] Topic #9: Truth Social is now public, initial value of $8b.
    > 2:27:58 Donald Trump sued co-founders, checking stock worth.
    > 2:29:48 Linus suggests against investing, compares revenue with FP.
    > 2:33:57 Gambling's huge sponsor offers & revenue.
    > 2:37:27 LMG going public scenario, Luke points out Linus's risking habit.
    > 2:43:26 Gaming hotel business idea, mentioning Mario.
    > 2:45:09 Thoughts on Geek Squad's layoffs.
    [2:46:50] Topic #10: Developers say that indie games funding dried up.
    > 2:48:20 Luke recalls Unity's controversy, Godot game by Megacrit.
    [2:49:13] Topic #11: Outlook accused of sharing user data with 801 companies.
    [2:50:48] Topic #12: Linux backdoor found that targets encrypted data.
    [2:54:15] Topic #13: Twitter indirectly sells data for government surveillance.
    [3:01:40] Topic #14: HouseFresh calls out Google's recommended product lists.
    > 3:08:28 LTT Labs debate on using AI voice, viability, compromises, profits.
    [3:21:42] Merch Messages #4.
    > 3:22:39 Advice for a timid person to have their voice heard in a convo?
    > 3:25:05 Do you think the PS Portal was a success?
    > 3:26:27 What would Luke's new car of choice be?
    > 3:27:19 Changes on LTTStore products we missed? ft. After Dark.
    > 3:29:33 Disclosure of AI in your content? Would you care?
    > 3:32:40 How much of Linus's kids remember Langley's house?
    > 3:33:10 With COMPUTEX around the corner, any Taiwanese food you want?
    > 3:35:22 What's Luke's rarest Pokémon GO finds in his collection?
    > 3:35:46 What's your first action if you woke up to a Freaky Friday?
    > 3:43:38 Have you tried a virtual challenge like The Conqueror?
    > 3:45:30 Reference material helpful for an engineering manager position?
    > 3:49:05 Luke's laugh appreciation comment.
    > 3:49:36 If Luke was CVO, would he start LTT Labs knowing the ROI of it?
    > 3:52:40 Elaborating on Mattermost's problems.
    > 3:54:33 Thoughts on Framework and the earthquake?
    > 3:56:07 ETA for tall and big LTTStore products?
    > 3:56:59 Favorite flower?
    [3:57:31] Outro.
    Side note: donations are in my channel's about section. Thanks again!
    I've managed to streamline this a little more with my phone, I'll try doing it live next week. Have a good one!

  2. Love all the content. Probably my last YT video I'll watch from you guys, moving over to floatplane cause love to support you guys and see the extra content. Thanks for all the amazing content y'all put out.

    PS would love to have FloatPlane costs in CAD rather than USD for ease of understanding, or at least say that it's USD before getting to the checkout page on FloatPlane

  3. honestly, if there's at all a next step for LTT to take, it would be to become a game publisher/developper. like, it fits very well into the whole "we're not a tech company, we're a media company" vibe he's trying to go for

  4. Rest in peace Google play music 😭

  5. 1:46:09 the Python installer has an option to enable this extended path length, and I imagine that some of the paths for Node modules can get pretty long

  6. How are they gunna top this one

  7. What is absolutely killing me is the fact tha so many companies "overhired" in 2020.
    Did they really anticipate that the pandemic was going to last forever?
    I think the general consensus was that they could just hire now and fire later without repercussion and absolutely nobody is talking about this with the context to the dire need to make changes to labour law in the US to prevent these things happening.

  8. Egomaniac won’t let Luke talk lol

  9. 2:58:09 ffs linus they reported on a scenario they created but made it it was standard twitter behaviour

  10. 2:55:58 thankyou luke, for linus not to link the national security letters with what's happening is naive at best, or again his views of elon clouding things

  11. This channel has such a nice tone to fall asleep to

  12. In regards to folks looking for video content about things better suited for an article – I am one of those people. The fraudulent affiliate revenue generating articles are exactly the reason. If I look for video content the noise to signal ratio gets much better, and even if it's a shill video I can usually at least get some footage of the creator being hands on and make my own assessment of the product despite whatever their talking points are.

  13. Thank you Linus for moving back in your chair when you ate chips. so many podcasts I listen to people chew food straight into the mic and it drives me crazy. Thank you for be a considerate person.

  14. 100% F cancer. I lost one of my twin sisters in Nov. to cancer. She was only 33. Love the shirts and the cause!

  15. 1:50:40
    People are mad because I could give 1 Zimbabwe dollar to send my message instead of spending 50 dollars for a 50% chance of having my comment read

  16. One game i was very invested in and im really depressed they just shut down the servers is TERA. i with with mmos like that they could allow us to buy a singleplayer verion of the game so we can keep out characters n stuff. i had 20 plus characters and 5k plus hrs in that game just to get deleted. thanks to that i will never finacialy or emotionaly immerse my self in any kind of game again. and every time i think about it it really triggers my depression

  17. Best April fools joke to memory out of anybody imo

  18. By the short circuit video Jake did he revealed it was a joke😂😮😢

  19. Linus, just want to say that last time I mentioned I was annoyed with crunching in clips. Great to see you're leaning back further when eating LMAO ;))). I very much so appreciate it and it greatly improves my podsperience

  20. Would have been wild if they got Taran, Berkel and Brandon to be there.

  21. This went from a pretty funny April fools skit to my all time favourite

  22. As a former writer of said listicles I agree I never touched or used any products that I wrote about. I just had to work on them because the company said so.

  23. Maybe they can make the cult i mean company town, that gets joked about on the WAN show for next year

  24. damn it discord

    p2p will lower your server cost at cost of one time dev costs

  25. Make the next april fools joke in a luve wan show

  26. Linus did the smart thing not chasing him.

  27. April fools jokes are a waste of time and this was the perfect example

  28. Looking forward to applying for the budget/cost allocation opening

  29. Maybe instead of Linus as the A.I voice what if you Design like an Animated Mascot for reviewing The products and then maybe I didn't like a Main channel video you Could ask this mascot. Which power supply was the best

  30. you should send someone something random that is worth their twitch bits. EA's motorcity mmo game server shut down, after buying game and the third party money grinders, people where out lots with a flick of a switch. destiny 2 is also horrible about dumping old content for new.

  31. Come on linus get your eldest unlimited data so he doesn't need to preload podcasts. 😛

  32. Linus, Luke, could you guys not eat chips while hosting a podcast? Makes these totally unwatchable to me.

  33. Oddly, this is no longer showing up in YT Music. I hate that app but it’s the only way to bump forward/backward when listening via headphones without skipping the podcast entirely.

    Edit: 2:15:54 Speaking of…

  34. The government should be forbidden from purchasing data that it's not allowed to gather itself. Right now this whole system incentivizes creating companies that only exist to gather information to sell to the government. We had that issue for a long time in Virginia where license plate readers were banned by the government so police officers weren't allowed to just run license plate readers and collect massive amounts of data on the habits of people driving down streets and whatnot. This only created entire companies who would set up cameras themselves all over the place on private property scanning license plates as they pass or setting up vans on the side of the road to do the same and then selling that information to the government. If the government isn't allowed to gather that information themselves than they should not be allowed to purchase that information either. They should only be allowed to gather that information through a warrant.

  35. WAN show doesn't post to YouTube Music's podcast section anymore. Last one was March 22nd. 🥺

  36. If you want a fun place to look for blatant lies in reviews, look at scanners. They'll boast about over 9000 dpi while never getting close to a third of that precision, instead they just upscale everything and you get a super blurry image

  37. -Mechanical Turk has been a thing for forever, used mostly by writers and journalists.
    2:18:00 Luke you just describedthe features of every podcast app in existence. Export the opml file for your subscriptions and voila!

  38. Why can't Google focus on improving YouTube search

  39. The nice thing about Google podcasts was sync between devices on Android; resume on pc where you left off from on phone. Other wise for Android Podcast addict for the win

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