
Amazing Products TV I Bought a Recording Jammer. It’s Legal.

Awesome Tips I Bought a Recording Jammer. It’s Legal.

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With this Ultrasonic Recording Jammer, Linus can finally speak his mind! Of course, he was already doing that..

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Some light reading about ultrasonic jamming:

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Intro: Laszlo – Supernova
Video Link:
iTunes Download Link:
Artist Link:

Outro: Approaching Nirvana – Sugar High
Video Link:
Listen on Spotify:
Artist Link:

Intro animation by MBarek Abdelwassaa
Monitor And Keyboard by vadimmihalkevich / CC BY 4.0  
Mechanical RGB Keyboard by BigBrotherECE / CC BY 4.0
Mouse Gamer free Model By Oscar Creativo / CC BY 4.0

0:00 Intro
1:20 Some Bold Claims
2:19 How does it work?
5:06 Surely AI will save us!
6:18 Poor little guy…
9:12 All shapes and sizes
12:02 Is there anything a 58 can’t do?
12:45 We joke because we love
13:52 Credits

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  1. de sound it makes just makes it better

  2. your videos are so cool, i really like them

  3. This reminds me "The Mosquito" machine for anti-loitering and teenager repellent which uses a frequency that only these under age 25 or so can hear.

  4. I’m suprised they didn’t test it on a conference phone since you know they were in a conference room. Didn’t they have any Logitech systems setup in the room???

  5. How do animals respond to the jammer?

  6. That Quebec joke is funny en câlis!

  7. Venjent would make a sick base out of that sound

  8. Really wish you had tested with some standard phone mics, since I feel like that's the most likely meeting-room recorder

  9. the reapers came, commander help us

  10. Disappointed to hear only 1 recording of the jammed sound. I know that it can sound really awful, but still…

  11. U should have talked about hearing aid as well

  12. Well you did it. You ruined the book for me

  13. I wonder if it would be possible to filter out that noise with Izotope RX 10, though.

  14. 0:04 he said both iphone and android fanboys are idiots

  15. if this would have been released on 1st April I could not have told you if its real or not

  16. Oh good so the next privacy-wrecking AI innovation will be lipreading tech. We'll all be ventriloquists soon.

  17. 5:24 "-and that's how King Crimson works!"

  18. After watching this 13 minute video I genuinely developed a headache and nausea by the end listening to that sound 😵‍💫

  19. Is is just me or is it a LITTLE bit expensive?

  20. Linus dropping those hard R’s again?

  21. It's not 0-20k Hz
    It's 20-20k Hz for perfect hearing, we can't hear anything below 20 Hz

  22. I thought this whole network was already cancelled, whats the worry?

  23. I didn't know I needed to learn about this.

  24. This kind of stuff is used by Chinese corporations for quite some time, to prevent employee to record anything when the company decides to layoff someone without giving any compensation

  25. Well.. my cat didnt like the video..

  26. UPDF is an acronym for Uganda Peoples Defense Forces > funny

  27. I wonder if this kind of device could affect those with a hearing aid? 🤔

  28. any lip readers in chat get what linus said

  29. "I can hear it." lol

  30. lmao lets see people using the jammers at concerts or public speaker events ;D

  31. Seems like they would be also absolutely awful for anyone in the vicinity who uses hearing aids

  32. Jokes on you I can read lips…..

  33. 11:08 It might not just be diaphragm, this kind of audio can cause aliasing in digital recording – which is why 96khz exists (not because it sounds better or anyone can hear 40khz)

  34. If it's just the sound of an old tube TV that you need to hear, that's a joke. My brother's and I can all hear them whine and a lot of my friends can too.

  35. Working with Linus would drive me mad. He's one of those people who would walk up behind me and would 'have' to put his fingers all over my screen just because he was talking about something I was doing. He would not be able to just gesture.
    Yes it triggers me. "You can just gesture, you don't have to get sticky fingerprints over everything"

  36. Sounds like good for Chinese officials

  37. I asked a friend who is technically deaf about if she needed to wear earplugs at a concert, and she said even if you can't hear it it can still cause damage, which makes sense when you think about the fact your ear hardware is still being bombarded with high pressure waves, so there's every chance a device like this can cause hearing damage even if you can't hear it directly.

  38. This is cool, I've never heard of them before, and my hobby is field recording. Looking at that heat map, its a repeating pattern, and I would suspect that with governmental level budgeting and an interruption free life, one could determine the frequency variations that stand out from the repetition, run through extremely high and low bandwidth filtration and rebuild from there. Maybe throw in a second channel offset by .05 millisecond delay, for dimension.

  39. 4:59 not necessarily. I'd love to test a theory with the audio file.

    If the jam noise is cyclic, you can phase invert a copy of itself over top and it will remove ONLY the jammed noise and leave anything else.

  40. why does homie have so many employees lol

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