
Amazing Products TV AI is a Lie.

Awesome Tips AI is a Lie.

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AI is the buzzword de jour, and for good reason: It’s enabling a LOT of new and useful tools for everyday life. But just what IS it? And why do we think it’s being portrayed dishonestly?

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Outro: Approaching Nirvana – Sugar High
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Intro animation by MBarek Abdelwassaa
Monitor And Keyboard by vadimmihalkevich / CC BY 4.0  
Mechanical RGB Keyboard by BigBrotherECE / CC BY 4.0
Mouse Gamer free Model By Oscar Creativo / CC BY 4.0

0:00 Intro
1:18 “AI” is not what you think it is
2:28 What is modern AI good for?
3:26 ANI vs AGI – A difference WITH a distinction
6:27 What is AGI, and why don’t we have it?
7:48 Knowing the difference may save your life
9:40 AI now means nothing – And that’s on purpose
11:33 It’s “thinking” as much as Dreamcast did in 1999
13:01 Even if it’s not “real”, it’s still changing our world

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  1. Correction for the sponsor spot at 1:02 – We meant to say "14700 KF", as is shown on screen 🙂

  2. We don't have AI. We have ML and DL and that since ~1960. Furthermore, we can create LLMs thanks to the great grand internet and its free resources, which now sue OpenAI. They'll get away with it for a bigger cause, calling, and, of course, cash flow.

  3. 🤦‍♂using musk as a source for the future of AI

  4. So as usual, the problem is marketing. Used to be I watched tech news because tech was interesting, not because I need to know what's happening inside the 'AI is wonderful' echo chamber so I know how best to avoid what it vomits out. All these big tech companies appear completely unaware that average people don't want or need 'AI' in any form, and they are throwing obscene amounts of money after products only wealthy idiots will buy. I hate the state of tech now.

  5. We are just meat computers ourselves anyway reacting to stimuli through our senses and programmed to do whatever is in our interest either personally or collectively at any given time. Consciousness/sentience is just the means of processing said stimuli in my view, so applying this logic that it is this higher level, almost supernatural thing doesn't really make sense.

  6. i dont think doctor likes ai very much, some titles say ai works well doesn't mean it works well. the media now is just a big propaganda machine

  7. You can only talk about current AI.
    And I can make current AI do things you would not think possible.
    Current AI is the worst it will ever be. And before you are done making up your mind on current AI, it's moved on and become even more capable.

  8. You may be overlooking that people work the same way. It is the flaws that make it more like us.

  9. Atm ai is just just a decen pattern recognition algorithm

  10. We think all of this isn't intelligence because we assume it isn't doing what we think we're doing when we think. But do we even know what we're doing when we think?

  11. don't wanna hate but this is untrue, i use it for software engineering and it accelerates many tasks like boiler plate code of database modelisation etc, So why were you hyped by AI features in your other video " Hey Siri, I’m Giving You A Second Chance ", AI is not a lie it is useful and i use it myself to accelerate my game deveopment for complex features that would take a hour in only a few seconds + testing ai results and one shot success is happening even more with AI complexity i only worry about the environment for its computational cost (energy consumption at a world scale)

  12. I think you should reconsider growing your beard to balance out the feminine high pitched noises and squeaks you make when you talk.

  13. All these AI chips being added to PCs and phones scanning what your doing are there for one reason. They are there for spying and the governments will love this. If you're not scared of Apple Intelligence or PC+ copilot then you've not been paying attention. Scanning on your pc allows the government to side step encryption. None of your data is safe. It's game over for privacy.

  14. Excellent researched article that is very accurate. Well done. ❤

  15. GLaDOS isnt ai.

  16. Its too bad this video is essentially preaching to the chior. While we all might not know all of the specifics, but i think the average ltt veiwer sees right through the ai marketing bs. We arent the ones that need this video, unfortunately, we are probably the only ones who will watch it.

  17. linus getting cancelled by the bots

  18. Great video Linus and team. Genuinely ainlightened

  19. 10:48 I tried to reproduce that ChatGPT error you had with the numbers of r's in the word strawberry and found another interesting thing.
    I did it with f's in the German word Dampfschifffahrt and it wasn't much better. It first said 3, then 2, then finally 4, then 3 again, and then back to 4.
    But what's really interesting, the second 3 and 4 were in the same message without any interaction from me. At first, it wrote the word correctly but still gave the wrong answer. But when I asked for a deeper analysis of its "thinking" process, it also spelled out the word, only used 2 f's after the i, and then claimed that the word only has 3 f's. It then noticed mid-answer that it was again the answer I explained was wrong earlier, and the answer continued with the correct analysis and answer.
    I guess that's like that because of the nature of LLMs where they always guess the next word based on the previous words. It concluded that the word has 3 f's and then based on the earlier words, words that already stated that 3 is the wrong answer, the next words should be words of a correction.

  20. I work as a freelance developer, and one of my clients recently started selling my work as "AI Powerd". But Im just using a series of nested if statements lmao

  21. Tech bubble 2.0 is about to pop. Yay INTRO!

  22. My job is getting replaced by it so … ya it is scary.

  23. To nit-pick on an otherwise great video, you make it sound like Reinforcement Learning is something of a catch-all approach that can be slapped on to every ML method. It is not.

    Generally, you have either supervised learning methods, where, as you say, a model is trained to fit to the training data distribution (text, images, sound, any type of information, really) and thus can predict or generate some information.
    You then have unsupervised learning methods, where models are trained on unlabeled training data that has not been manually annotated.
    Among the alternative learning methods to that you have Reinforcement Learning, where you have a closed environment and the objective is to predict the best policy (series of actions) that maximize your reward. An example would be the game GO, AlphaGO is an applied Reinforcement Learning model.

    The premise and fundamental objective of Reinforcement Learning is distinctly different to other ML methods and it is used for different tasks.

  24. an AI screwdriver would decide whether to go lefty loosy or righty tighty.

  25. so neuro-sama is an AGI then she's an AI vtuber made by vedal

  26. We need many more of those videos. Thank you ! Also YOU could be one of the voices to support sensibility for actual human interests rather than ANI Company interests 🙂

  27. 5:20 Yes, neural networks are not really something new, and also old video games like Half-Life 2 already used AI. But as you already described earlier, AI does not equal machine learning and neural networks.
    I'm pretty sure you mixed something up there. The Valve guy in that video is not talking about neural networks, he's just mentioning AI. We're at a point where that's changing, but the AI in video games we saw until now, didn't use any neural networks. They're all just simple rule-based AIs, probably with a lot of state machines.

  28. missed a good refrence with that hammer……….. office space

  29. Skip da ad 1:10 and 14:23

  30. I predicted this happing, a year and a half I said and a was bang on the money

  31. This has nothing to do with AI. It happened with the internet, crypto and now AI. People are missing the forest for the trees. Every new big paradigm change in tech has opportunists and scammers salivating over taking advantage of the opportunity. To think this means there are no core breakthroughs behind these is the most foolish thing one can do

    The most disappointing part of this video is right at the beginning where linus is claiming the 'definition' has changed, when in reality, even A* pathfinding algorithm was always AI, and the kind of AI that movies referred to was always 'AGI'. Kind of disgusted by this representation tbh

  32. we dont need ai alorithm we just need superfast cpu and trial and error

  33. Few people actually realize what an LLM is.

    Predicting the next word is just a clever and brilliant idea allowing a bunch of neurons to get an idea of ​​the world and how it works, predicting the next word is just the tool that will allow the model to be “sculpted”.

    This is what the human brain does, with more power the intelligence of LLMs will be indistinguishable from ours.

    Just as translation, grammar, syntax are emerging properties of LLMs, reasoning will also be, and it will be more and more precise and fine as the power increases, until it surpasses us in this domain…

    They don't spend billions for nothing, they have the trajectory.

  34. Very good video and I couldn't agree more on most parts.

  35. Wouldnt call steeling date for art cuz all art is stolen

  36. apples new m4 chips is 38 TOPS and thats a pretty advanced chip so idk what microsoft is thinking with that recall requirement
    edit: the m2 ultra is only 32 TOPS

  37. Please be careful on your personal information…

  38. When ai blew up samsung all of a sudden started showing features they had for ages as "ai" lmao no one used them back then and they wont be using them now

  39. Linus casually dropping some truth pills at the end. I love it.

  40. It is idd about the stocks. Pretty sure that some of these stocks will go rly big. Im using chatgpt for python examples. Its pretty lame, i get 3 variations but it wont combine their specific elements for me, sometimes its written in a way whereas it repeats intense calculations it could do once preloop, everytime in a loop😂😂, so it'l still take me some hours.. i removed basically all my personal social media due to AI worries many years ago. But all in all its pretty cool to use AI to write ai/machine learning/dnn/tensorflow code and its saving me many hours. Its correct that machine learning works completely different from digital neural networks. Machine learning is much more static, you need to feed it variables neural networks are the closest to human brain behavior, theyre able to dynamically discover vars to tune

  41. Thank you so much. I already knew that its not real AI, and more like machine learning. However, if you see it almost daily, you kinda begin to believe it. Thanks for affirming my knowledge xD

  42. If OpenPGP had managed to become popular, then deepfakes would be moot until quantum computers get around to running Shor's algorithm to break any and all normal public private keypairs. OpenPGP and other digital signatures (Preferably the ones which do not rely on any one central authority or CA) are impossible for AI to fake because math trumps marketing… sadly, people don't want to learn a new thing nor would they use something easy… try getting your family on Signal… let alone using a more complex tool like OpenPGP.

  43. Prove me, people are not ANI

  44. Machine learning is the process for creating an AI model… it's not what AI should be called, but the process to create it.


  46. I want to buy AI screwdriver.
    Hope it screws better than my ex.😂

  47. Some huge errors in this video. Why talk about sentience? It's not a requirement for proper AI and I don't think Linus even fully understands what it means. Also it's hilarious to criticize the so called "inferior" reasoning skills of the current version of GPT when Sam Altman himself has said he thinks the model is pretty horrible compared to what's coming.

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