
Amazing Products TV I’ve Been Silenced – WAN Show September 6, 2024

Awesome Tips I’ve Been Silenced – WAN Show September 6, 2024

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Purchases made through some store links may provide some compensation to Linus Media Group.

Podcast Download: TBD
Timestamps (courtesy of NoKi1119): TBD

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  1. Part 2 was available to me in my feed, and watched it. This was yesterday, sept 6th. Not sure what you guys are talking about.

  2. The exact same thing happened to me recently. I uploaded a video showing how to activate Windows after a re-install when Windows forgets your licence key. The video was aimed at people upgrading their computers who need to re-activate a copy of Windows that they previously bought, but Windows had lost their licence key for whatever reason. Video was up for around 3 hours and then I got a community guidelines strike.

  3. Coolness is in the eye of the beholder but while DIY perks WR build is technically S tier impressive, that build is just dumb and while dumb but cool exists, like his bellows cooling systems, the "phone" is just dumb and the interesting part is how well they did it but the only reason that thing is a phone is because it was done for Mr who's the phoneguy.
    Doing something well is not automatically cool just because it's really hard, your WR is actually cool.

  4. I've just come to terms with "vag" being a Canadian thing, as pretty much every Canadian I know or know of pronounces it that way.
    As for to-may-to, to-mah-to; there's an "A bit of Fry and Laurie" sketch where Stephen Fry pronounces it tumma-toes, and it's hillarious.

  5. if our data is really worth 3 dollars a month to those companies, then how about we flip the switch on them? if they want to use our data, they have to pay us 3 dollars a month, EACH user, EACH website. lets see how fast they stop this nonsense.

  6. The subset of people who think EMF might be an issue are peer reviewed and on pubmed …. the problem is those who just believe the current narrative.
    There are MANY papers exploring the issue and the long and short of it is we really don't know. What we do know is the human is a sensitive eletro-chemical machine and you should probably respect how little we really know, especially given the rising epidemic of many diseases. 75% of cancers are caused by environmental factors. Some example PEER REVIEWED PAPERS :

    In conclusion, there are seven repeatedly found Wi-Fi effects which have also been shown to be caused by other similar EMF exposures. Each of the seven should be considered, therefore, as established effects of Wi-Fi.
    Wi-Fi is an important threat to human health – 2018

    “many of the studies conducted so far are considered ambiguous as they do not give a definitive answer about the possible negative impact on human health. Due to the continuous development of wireless networks, there is a need to conduct further research on this topic.”
    Radiofrequency electromagnetic radiation from Wi-fi and its effects on human health, in particular children and adolescents. Review -2020

    “The fact that EMFs are possibly carcinogenic according to the IARC should not be overlooked or interpreted with bias, and the opinions of clinicians should be given more weight than those of industries in the establishment of safety policies for EMF use. Moreover, a study that assesses the effects of 5G frequency technology on children’s health is required.”
    Health effects of electromagnetic fields on children – 2020

  7. football is the most watched sport on earth and Christiano Ronaldo was at The Highest level up there with Messi , obviously he has pulling power

  8. All episodes of 9 seasons of scrapyard wars in on video world be awesome! Please Please Please! Including this segue….

  9. "Did you ever play it backwards…..with the devil lyrics?" 🤣🤣

  10. the more i use the internet the more i realize how few people understand the expense behind hosting websites.

    If you aren't paying for it, you are a net cost. No your presence alone does not make them money. you're viewing ads does, your personal info does, if you ad block, and you deny cookies, and you refuse to pay, they literally are better off without you

  11. The irony of the video still being available on bilibili, who's users are probably the most de-googled demographic

  12. "You can save this. You just have to start over!"

  13. 38:39 yeah we had troubles after booking with trainline instead of emr (east midlands railway). Don't remember the issue, but they wouldn't refund. Luckly we could still use the ticket, but it was a bit worrying.

  14. for the fact of paying for avoid cookie or you can't access the site I could agree with Luke, but I have a good (or very bad) example, Facebook… I can't access my account at all without accepting their tracking… I am literally taking hostage by them… I can't change anything or delete my account without paying them or giving them my information to distribute…
    ps: my account is as old as facebook themself… so yes it's was an error to create a facebook account in the first place, but I was student and it's was the very beginning of social media…
    I reactivate my account because they force you to use a personal account to create a pro account…

  15. Now imagine you are a small channel without youtube having your cell phone number. You'll get an automated email, demonetized and that's that.

  16. no time stamps guy, no view.

  17. Will never subscribe to floatplane.

  18. I'd like to know why YouTube isn't holding the content of the political ads they are forcing on people to the same standards they put on creators. I've seen some pretty vulgar and libelous content that I would have preferred to miss. It seems rather hypocritical of them.

  19. Andrew Tate posting a videos where he claim that he trafficked humans – "Sleep"
    Linus dropped a video about how to degoogle your device – "REAL S*IT"

  20. They will tell you if they are there if the person said anyone can know they are there. At least in america i know everytime i register at the hopsital i am asked if anyone were to call to ask if i were theree if the can state i am there.

  21. Dan with the “isn’t that asbestos?” out of left field absolutely sent me

  22. It will be wrong to force someone to do something, because what if the person who is forcing you is wrong but believe to be right? You can only ask, otherwise prepare yourself to be f bey anyone. I knew someone that was told that he is allow to do everything and he tuck it like also to anyone, so he was abusive believing he was right

  23. Imagine Fascistic people acting Fascistic! Who would have thunk it?

  24. if yall would make a compilation video for each season and make a playlist i know i would watch every second of it but piecing together a 50+ video queue on yt is rough

  25. TTY is a Textphone in the uk. And the major relay service is aptly known as relay uk.

  26. It would seem Google is more powerful than the government and likes to show it.

  27. You guys suck

  28. Upload the whole scrapyard in 8K HDR for the lols

  29. You should reach out to other creator platforms like nebula and try to have some cross promotional material so that Floatplane can see much of the Nebula catalogue and vice versa. It would obviously need to be mutually beneficial but I think it will gro the creator platform space. Imagine if there was a true competitor to YouTube where creators get money from subscribers and other streams and it's all unified so everything on YouTube is available on a different platform.

  30. You need to continue this series.. google is out of control

  31. Australians say Tow-mar-toe

  32. 1:20:36 but this is worse.. if you don't accept cookies ( your data ) you have to have an subscription ( now they still have your data )

  33. Just point blank, Google got butt hurt over the video.

  34. 14:48 for the mumbo video, it was really positive about it and also wasn't the kind of video that just used the trailer for free content

  35. But they havent said the official reason why it was took down, unless I missed it?

    What was the official reason or rule they broke?

  36. Someone tell Elijah the fall of Beanie Babies and how Yes Some very rare ones are worth money but compare that to how much people spent on them and how much 99% of them are worth and Sell his funko pops now

  37. poor LG forgot they were already sponsoring them

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