
Amazing Products TV Turning 100,000 Screwdriver Shafts into Pens

Awesome Tips Turning 100,000 Screwdriver Shafts into Pens

…and now a segue to this link to purchase the Scribedriver Bolt Action Pen, a premium writing tool made of repurposed screwdriver shafts!

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  1. 20$ for a pen

  2. Linus, I love ya, but I ain’t paying $20 for a pen.

  3. 20 dollars is a fkn joke πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

  4. I remember seeing this bolt action pen design before. I think it was a DIY? Idk if it was their original though.

  5. No ones paying 20 bucks for that πŸ’€

  6. Who in their right mind is spending $20 on a damn pen

  7. To think you have up to $2mil in sales just from screwdrivers is insane πŸ˜‚ Good news is after tax youll have enough for a pizza Christmas party 😁😁

  8. Lol 1 pen for 20$

  9. Bruh 20$ for a pen wo shipping

  10. Ok I now own a screwdriver pen haha

  11. Who else has a problem with their shaft?

  12. I thought it said 20.00USD to 19.99USD🀣

  13. $20 for a pen πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

  14. $20 bucks for a pen? And that's on sale?

  15. Nice might car mod sticker

  16. Normal size people> Linus πŸ˜…

  17. Bolt action pens gotta be my favorite gender out there

  18. Is that a CPU necklace?? Which CPU did you use to make it ?? Is it on sale ??

  19. Are we pretending that you produced 100k pens on this borderline hobbyist machine?

  20. Made similar bolt action, j slotted pens in CNC class. Brass has a better feel for writing due to its heft. Aluminum is nice, but I like my brass one better. But, we used a lathe. Didn't use a mill for any of it. I know one can be used, but a lathe is much easier to do turning since it exists to do turning.

  21. If you slap an apple logo on it, you could sell it for $300.

  22. "what do you mean you're at soup?"

  23. Damn Linus got shafted a hundred thousand times. That is a record.

  24. bought three for me and my 2 cousins that are teachers.

  25. 20 DOLLARS?!?!?

  26. I thought you were gonna turn them into GPU sag brackets.

  27. Man that’s a cheap pen I could almost afford a meal for that price but I LTT pen is far more important

  28. Scribedriver has been my daily for a couple months. An instant favourite, and i'm finally not breaking the conical tips of the pens body, which are usually plastic, by pressing it hard enough to write on 6 pages on self copying cargo documentation.

    And holy …. does it write smooth.

    As a trucker, would buy again in a heartbeat.

  29. Linus = Leo Messi

  30. My 50 cent pen can outlast those

  31. hopefully it's refillable…

  32. $20 loonies for a PEN?! πŸ˜‚

  33. I'm not going to buy a pen for 38 USD total. Does it have magic ink? Because it's still just metal.

  34. i damaged my screwdrivers shaft, any chance i can buy one of these as a replacement?


  36. Linus. Thats way to much for a pen. Im broke bro 🀣🀣

  37. Who is the tall white T-shirt guy?

  38. 2 million usd for that..

  39. $29USD aka $40CAD FOR A PEN???!!

  40. Name it "Pen 15"

  41. 20$ for a pen on sale πŸ’€

  42. If I drive to the LTT office can I buy one in person to skip the shipping? I’m only like 45 mins out hahahah. Congratulations on the new house linus (If you ever see this). Vancouver island is really beautiful. You of all people have earned your success.

  43. 20$ for a single pen??? πŸ’€

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