
Amazing Products 6 Terrible Life Hacks That You Should NEVER Do, EVER!

Awesome Tips 6 Terrible Life Hacks That You Should NEVER Do, EVER!

Welcome to quick and simple life hacks. Today we’ve put together a list of horrible tips and tricks that if you value your pride you should never do under absolutely any circumstance whatsoever. Post your “favorite” horrible life hacks in the comments!


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  1. So ghetto

  2. nioo

  3. Hi

  4. Rip

  5. Loved that tp holder & soup spoon! 🤣

  6. 1:00 you also can sip from the bowl

  7. "Dont try any of these hacks"

    Proceeds to explain how to do these hacks

  8. We actually do the paper bag one here where we are but we use it for burnable stuff and then turn that into paper logs

  9. I can’t understand if they’re being ironic or not.. make of that what you will about these so called “life hacks” lmao

  10. Ive actually had to do the bag glove one

    • tiy
    • December 24, 2022

    I think 5 minutes crafts, seen this video and run with the terrible hack ideas

  11. This is the most amazing parody and take down of five minute crafts

  12. Last one can be usefull

  13. Ha I do the last one ❗️❗️❗️👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻💀

  14. Buzzfeed is watching.

  15. Spoon: Am I a joke to you?

  16. If you are in a hotel you should use the cup trick, but make sure it is not out of the garbage.

  17. the bag is actually what I need.

  18. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

  19. 0:47 u could’ve just slurped it up but. In this case u have to do it

  20. Use your tongue!

  21. I do use the bag because I don’t feel like cleaning a trash can

  22. Hmm… rather than "bad" life hacks… they seem more like half-done life hacks…

  23. 1:00
    what is i dont have a fork drawer?

  24. does all the hacks

    • N o
    • December 24, 2022

    Some useful but some isa


  25. This video is a troll

  26. 1:24 “you’re protected” I also hear that phrase in condom ads

  27. Was it just me but the last one wasn’t that bad for like a road trip

  28. Ah yes, that famous song line, "It's like 10,000 soup slurpers when all you need is a fork." Pure poetry.

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