
Amazing Products TV 20 BEST Things I saw in Vegas at CES 2025!

Awesome Tips 20 BEST Things I saw in Vegas at CES 2025!

CES 2025 was crazy! Here is all of the best tech I saw at CES.

Thanks to XGIMI for sponsoring a portion of this video.
AURA 2 on Amazon:
HORIZON S Max on Amazon:

*Links in chronological order*
Xpeng Aeroht:
Lockly Vision Prestige:
Halliday glasses:
Linxura Aura:
Unitree robot dog:
Roborock Saros Z70:
Aqara updates:
Brelyon Ultra Reality:
XGIMI Aura 2:
Kirin Holdings spoon:
Honeywell X2S:
Ecobee Essential:

My smart home favorites:

My smart home shirts!

Subscribe to Smart Home Solver:
Subscribe to Reed’s Smart Home:

0:00 Intro
0:16 Xpeng Aeroht
1:06 Lockly
1:44 Halliday glasses
2:21 LG
3:21 Linxura
3:51 Robots
4:56 Roborock vacuums
6:20 Brisk It
6:55 Aqara
7:52 Brelyon
8:30 XGIMI
9:48 Strutt
10:31 Govee
11:27 Kirin Holdings
12:03 Smart thermostats
12:34 ChillShark
13:05 Droplet
13:38 Samsung
14:25 Anker Solix
14:59 WePower
15:53 😬


All of the music throughout is by Nihilore.
Spotify playlist:

Ending song is The End by EVA.

Deals for Days. Big home savings are happening now.

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  1. CES is always so fun! My other CES video will be out soon, so subscribe here: https://bit.ly/3joO1dZ since you don't want to miss it.

  2. Anyone that watched IRobot or terminator : "Yeah, sure they will not take on the world."🫠
    I am not a cheapskate, but most of these stuff is simply expensive for no reason. There are item on display that simply are not worth the price. I mean a beamer at the end is a beamer, it is an object that show images and that's it. I am unable to comprehend the prices for that. A standard sizde beamer shouldn't cost thousands. Sure, nice resolution, but we already reached the tec for it "long ago". Anker in exchange is simply worth it, since it really brings worth with it. It is practical in general to charge your items, whenever you may need it. Those LED light no matter whichever company there is ask often to much for it man. You use it how many times a day? I always sit with light open when I watch something or play games simply because I don't want to strain my eye more than needed, so unless you use it when you have a dark room LEDs stripes are pretty useless in general. I still don't get the robot dog concept, like "for what?" A hugging robot? Man buy a xxl teddy it is soft and cost way less. The car with the helicopter is interesting, but you will need a license to fly it.

  3. Samsung missed the mark. The SmartThings app and eco system is rubbish.

  4. Terrible commentary

  5. ❤❤❤

  6. This summary was better than any other video I've seen from any of the "bigger" channels like cnet and the verge covering CES.🧐

  7. Good luck with convincing your health insurance to pay for this wheel chair^^ Great new things in this year CES, thank you for the video 😀

  8. Dude so corny hope my wife doesn't yell at me for not looking at her lol no wonder they divorce yall and take ya money

  9. 2:49 мне нравится даже есть датчик на окисления продукта мне кажется если продукт пропал легче чтоб она вообще не включалась ради безопасности

  10. 😀

  11. CES has not that good presentation this year!!

  12. What's a "madder device"… a device which when it won't work, you just get madder & madder?

  13. 16:02: I’m not sure I understand your implication: a female looking robot that has “breasts”? Did you expect a female robot to lack them?

  14. I do like that Aqara Dial, and I'm in Europe. Might have to pick one up to see what it can do. I'm in the process of trying to replace my wall switches with smart switches but the options in Europe are a bit meh; Aqara's work, but their design is too unorthodox. All EU switches are a standard switch that screws into the wall box, and then has covers that go over – Aqara's switches have that same inner core that screws into the box alright, but the button is also then the cover and it's so large you can't put two of these buttons side by side. Which is a shame and frankly a huge design faux pas if you ask me. Now looking at the European Niko brand.

  15. 4:25 Untill you see the Boston Dynamic ones 😂

  16. That XGIMI unit does look good but in the end it has a bit too many flaws. UST is great, I love the concept and I put my money where my mouth is with my own UST projector. They're (in my opinion) by far the better choice for a home where you don't have a dedicated room you can pain the walls black because of the excellent way UST ALR screens work. But the giant soundbar looks great if you don't do full surround sound (which you should) – but the XGIMI projector there on the floor becomes a huge eyesore in this configuration, even though the unit itself is very attractive and a decent choice for setting up an UST. I'd rather have bespoke UST furniture to hide the projector, and have the motorized floor-rising screen also built into some UST furniture – so all you see when it's not deployed is a lovely low bench hiding all the goods. Which, I might add, already exists in multiple forms today.

  17. 1:11 you run in to your home, being chased by someone trying to kill you. You manage to get inside and lock the door just in time as he’s reaching for the handle and… it opens itself

  18. Hey Reed can you please review the Linxura? Also how it work with homeassistant?
    But maybe it would be also intressting in combo with tasker? Like a HA Control for the Go?❤

  19. 12:55 2 hours at $2,400? Or you could try something called ice, and it’s technically instant.

  20. The Brisk It grill is one of the few legit AI products that I’ve tried. Not some fake band wagon jumper

  21. thanks for your videos!! good job

  22. 2:09 – the only problem is it'll blind you

  23. I had a ton of fun watching your video. Picked up some tech to keep watching for in 2025. Well done! And I have to say, your voice brings out the curious kid in me!

  24. All the interesting things are the one without AI lol

  25. what a load of bs

  26. 🎉 woohoo nobody needs these things

  27. Error retrieving comment.

  28. Lol ces 2025 and you use a govee thumbnail 😂 love it..most there stuff is not "matter" supported and runs only on 2.4ghz and not very home assistant friendly..cool lights I do have a lot in my set up..thanks for sharing your visit matey enjoyed it 😊

  29. Hey that's jerryrigeverything at 0:19

  30. They should have made everyone attending wear gloves.

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