Awesome Tips Is my 3D printing setup wrong?
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Now that Bambu Printers may be harder to recommend after their latest update, what 3D printer should Linus buy next? To find out we asked Jake and some other youtubers (Jeff Geerling, William Osman, and Camden Bowen) to show off their Prusa, Elegoo, and more different printers!
Discuss on the forum:
William’s Channel:
Jeff’s Channel:
Camden’s Channel:
3D Printed Props:
3D Printer Academy Tutorials:
Buy a Prusa CORE One:
Buy an ELEGOO Saturn 4 Ultra:
Buy a Prusa XL:
Buy an ELEGOO Neptune 3:
Buy a Creality Space Pi Filament Dryer Plus:
Purchases made through some store links may provide some compensation to Linus Media Group.
0:00 Intro
1:07 Linus Bambu Setup
4:32 Jake’s Dual Printer Setup
10:22 William Osman is here!
12:47 Jeff Geerling Prints upside down?
14:58 Camden Bowen Large printer! (And amazing voice)
17:42 Is Linus going to Change his Setup?
18:40 Outro
Deals for Days. Big home savings are happening now.
Dennis become Linus daughter confirmed!!!
How come we see some guys mentioning large slow printers when a Ratrig V-Core 4 can print big and fast
aaaaaand, is open source, so no issues with getting your features locked or having your models going trough some offshore server cloud.
Linus you keep saying the sky is the limit, so get 4 staff and compete to 3D the tallest self-standing structure in a day (joining pieces together).
I am entirely in favour of more collaborations with these people in the name of both science and nonsense.
Dennis should more in the sponsor blocks
Jeff geerling mentionned, like initiated
if you never had a print fail, then are you really 3d printing to beggin with ? XD
Dennis adds make the videos 1000% better
Silica gel is toxic – do not dry it in anything that is used with food (microwave, oven, …) since it also evaporates toxic particles!
Ummmm that update doesn’t affect your p1s..
Glad I’m not the only one suffering with filament breaking in the AMS. It still happens despite ample drying beads inside the AMS dissicating the filament.
Good to see the farmers with brain damage get featured on LTT
I've never been able to find an answer about what humidity level I should keep filament at or is it basically just as dry as humanly possible?
My kid uses our bambu x1c with ams. Few tips, I don't know why western countries all use stick glue, it is horrible, use spray glue, much easier to do, less material and no cleanup involved (1000h+ on my x1c). Dry filament and print out of drier if you have high humidity. Get dessicant bag and just pour it into printed ams holder. Maintenance is every 300h of prints +-.
As always great to see some behind the scenes! Also high from Flipper devs to you all!
Awesome AD Dennis!
OMFG My Footage got used in an LTT Video!!!! this has made my day…
If you wnat any support/adviice/thoughts on resin printers in the future, please reach out.
Oof, Linus is a bambucrap shill now?
my first 3d printer is mk4 prusa. I ordered it in parts because it was cheaper. The built took 3 days but was worth it.
Never had a single issue with moisture with PLA and I don't store it properly and have high humidity. TPU, PC, PETG sure. Hell PC is so hygroscopic I pretty much have to print it straight from a dryer to retain full strength on multi hour print. Also while bambu's are touted to be the printer for the massess with very little issues I honestly had more issues with A1 and X1C than with MK3S. Now sure bambu runs circles around it with speed and multi material but straight up reliability of prints still goes for MK3S. Also Bambu not only does anti consumer stuff with removing features when using cloud pairing it still uses cloud even if PC is in the same LAN. Not to mention you have default opt in on storing prints on their servers. And if something with your bambu breaks you have to hope they have it in stock and it's not designed with repairability in mind. The extruder head is pretty much a whole part to replace.
im surprised nobodies recommended the neptune 4 or the new centauri carbon from elegoo
they are both insane printers for the price
And that's why we ordered a Prusa Core One.
I don’t understand why would someone pay that much money for Prusa XL without enclosure, filtration, camera etc ?
What you can print on it? PLA and PETG? Everything else is almost impossible without enclosure.
For all high temp stuff you need enclosure to keep some temperature, otherwise will warp and fail (enclosure not tent).
Oh shit Jake's an Owlbear fan
Have to say while having exposure to other youtubers is cool. But as a topic I am already interested in I would have expected a bit of a different youtuber mix.
8:30 please make really clear to wear a resperator and gloves when handling this cancer toxic resin stuff, DO NOT UNDERESTEMATE how much harm it does.
OK – a post from 'Spaghetti Monster'? right, because I'm going to trust a post that says it is a made up mythical deity, ha ha!
As a side note – White spots in cured resin prints are not an issue with the curing per se, but with cleaning that happens before that. The white spots are resin residue that didn't get cleaned up enough or are still suspended in the liquid on the model (because it wasn't dried properly before curing) that then gets cured.
10:22 LinusTipTechs.. bro needs to drink some water
I had my ender 3 for a few years, its bone stock and ive only ever had 1 print fail, and it was my fault for not leveling the bed. And I just leave my filament out in open air and my prints are still pretty good surprisingly, and I print at like 100mm/s.
for people that want to build a 3D printer from scratch sourcing individual parts (or getting a kit from LDO or something), Voron has pretty cool open source printers with instructions and BOM's to build one yourself. it is more of a hassle to setup as there's no off the shelf option, but you built the printer yourself and know it inside out.
Dennis's ad spots are the best