
Amazing Products TV Neural Rendering’s 3 main features in 60 seconds or less

Awesome Tips Neural Rendering’s 3 main features in 60 seconds or less

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  1. Could look a bit crispier, looks like someone ingame forgot to wear their glasses.

  2. Too realistic makes it unrealistic.

  3. I want to know what computer components they actually use to run it 😂, not the consumer version, I want the black market version

  4. The comment section being butthurt like a bunch of 9 year olds is just hilarious.

  5. Yeah super cool, if only the 5070 was good value 😂

  6. With the GPU market the way it is, should a first time builder just get the best card for an increased price?
    If i get a budget card now and prices dont come down, I’ll be stuck upgrading to another card sooner rather than later for even more money.

    Trying to justify buying the big shiny one my dumb monkey brain liked

  7. Yo what in the damn kind of screen is that ??? POLED ? 💀

  8. You could have done that waaaaaaaay quicker

  9. after cut scenes all put setings back to medium

  10. That's right billions of fake frames, good job Nvidia👎👎👎

  11. Day 1 asking for a free cpu

  12. Who cares if the frames are 'real'. As long as my screen displays them.

  13. just… dont move the camera

  14. That nuh uh picture gonna be popular

  15. I hate AI.

  16. Neural materials? No. FG? Yes. Disliked.

  17. I never realised Matt was just AI. It's incredible how realistic he looks. And his voice sounds almost human. But that beard…. Maybe they should render that out next time…

  18. And here I am, not giving a fuck about how detailed it is or "real" it looks.
    Make it run smooth, no echo/trailing/blurriness and stop my pc from being my living room's heating system.

  19. Hey ya know you could probably get something looking this good running without path tracing or the stupid billions of triangles or whatever thing it’s called by I dunno

    Baking the lighting and using some depth maps to add details without using geometry

    Oh and doing that would let this run on a 1080ti at 60fps by optimizing is lmao

  20. "Explaining the main 3 features that make this scene look amazing"
    "DLSS 4"

    This is the problem of modern journalism. DLSS doesn't make the scene look better, it just helps your pc to run the scene faster. I'd even say that in the demo Nvidia hasn't used DLSS at all

  21. Ok.

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