Awesome Tips Refillable Canned Air Hack!
Canned air, a marvelous invention. The problem is that it doesn’t last long and it isn’t the cheapest thing out there. Let’s solve that problem with a little hack. To pull this project off we’re going to need a valve from an old bike tire, an air pump, and some super strong bonding agent.
Canned air, a marvelous invention. The problem is that it doesn’t last long and it isn’t the cheapest thing out there. Let’s solve that problem with a little hack. To pull this project off we’re going to need a valve from an old bike tire, an air pump, and some super strong bonding agent.
Safety Note: Now before going any further, I made sure my can of air here, was completely empty and safe to use in this project. Once that is out of the way, we’re ready to dive in.
A small hole is placed into the side of the can and a valve is added and then sealed. After it dries you can slowly air air into the can. You can look up MSDS sheets for the can you are using to find out exactly how much PSI it can handle. Just google the product name and add MSDS to the end. In my case it was about 76 PSI but I still kept the pressure far below this rating to stay extra safe.
Once air is added you will be able to pull off a nice long blast of air for all your cleaning needs. .
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Poor dog!
Refillable airhorn 🤔🤔🤔
Compressing air collects moisture naturally from atmosphere this isn't advisable for cleaning electronic components without having some kind of water separation filter attached
no airhorn?
Can you just use bicycle tire as a can?
Compressed air is dangerous dont spray people or animals in their eyes or ears it will seriously fuck you up.
That was really good, except for the fucking with the cat part.
Good hack, but kind of irresponsible and a little mean to demo spraying compressed air in dog or cat's face.
Stop spraying this shit at animals you dumbass, especially since with this "hack", you could be shooting dirt, debris, who knows what at them. Which leads me to my next point, this is the dumbest hack ever, and will lead to you shooting moisture, dirt, debris, etc. all over your electronics.
Would you please stop using cats & dogs as your experimental playthings? Really not cool! 🤨
Dont mess with black cats
This is the worst way I’ve see . Don’t drill into the can idiot!! Al you need to do is use a tire fill knob and force it over the top. ( remove the old top first)
why on earth would you recommend scaring animals for the heck of it… thumbs DOWN
Besides bad idea… HEY DON'T FUCKING SPRAY IT IN THE PET'S FACE. Some of these cans do have additional chemicals that may be harmful to them or you, especially IN THE FACE.
Just cause you can't spray any chemicals out, doesn't mean there isn't any left. There's still a little in there, just not enough to spray out. There's some chemicals stuck to the sides of the can.
Your a fucking dick, abusing animals for your own enjoyment.
How can i know that the can is already fully filled with air?
Refilling cans of air doesn't work you are lacking a chemical I'm the process that liquify the air and push it out. How much of an idiot are you to try and shove this technique down people's throat and you go ahead and spray animals in the face. Another douchebag who hasn't done much chemistry and physics in school to understand the process
Or use a damn pump you use for soccer balls or basketbal balls works aswell and saves you lots of money
You might want to sand off the paint before applying the epoxy.
Please let people do this, natural selection is key
How cheap does one have to be to try and fill an empty can with air? The very fact that it is air being pumped in will yield about a couple of blasts of air. As someone pointed out, cans of air have compressed gas which is far more dense and therefore will yield many more sprays. If it's a keyboard, computer etc that needs dust spritzing, buy a hadn held electrical air sprayer. far more economical and lasts virtually for ever .. unless it breaks.
Just buy a proper refillable air can for $20
You sprayed your pets in the eyes… wtf is wrong with you? Oh, and this hack is SHIT, there are videos that show how to properly refill a can with dry air easily and safer. and remember, if you're relying on glue in a pressurized system, it's wrong. Hope your pets don't get metal shavings in their eyes.
Poor cat
Wonder how many people out of the 873 dislikes got hurt.