
Amazing Products TV YouTube Comment Giveaway SCAMS ft. Pleasant Green

Awesome Tips YouTube Comment Giveaway SCAMS ft. Pleasant Green

There’s been a recent surge in YouTube Giveaway Scams and I wanted to get to the bottom of this, here’s how it went….
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  1. Great work! Let’s do it again soon!

  2. I sent this video to the scammer and they literally muted themselves

  3. That happed to me with kreekcraft IT A KREEKCRAFT

  4. Thank you for letting me know and it helps me understand and avoid these kind of thoughtless actions, I am glad to watch this and I've never go on to any scammers comments.

  5. He also does guides for things

  6. I have a scammer now I would live help exposing him he does game giveaways like game consols

  7. It was such a difference working with 👆👆, he actually listened to me, and even better, he was not an intermediary. He was actually the guy doing the work. He was so nice, he did not talk down to me, or treat me like my data recovery need was unimportant because I am not some big corporate client. He's amazing.

  8. I have been fooled with a scam like this but they didn't asked for money or anything. Yeah my bad I knew something was wrong but I didn't give any money. Thx for the heads up. Learn some much from videos like this.

  9. I just got similar message on a complaining comment in a page!

  10. The fact that this video was uploaded a year and a half ago and this still hasn't been fixed is really sad

  11. Are these things ever legitamite?

    • Hype
    • December 24, 2022


  12. Yes, I got scammed like that.

  13. Just got saved from one!! Thank youu!! What caught my attention was when they wanted a $106 delivery fee through cash App😂😂😂

  14. this just happened to me and now i seee this video

  15. Dude you just saved me from a scam … now they use telegram too

  16. I got into notifications one for watching Austin Evans unbox therapy and they literally had a middle finger in the title

  17. Just ran in to this scam, be careful out there.

  18. I realised at the point when he asked for shipping charges, but i have already given my name and email address. However, i don't understand why i am getting Same type of scammer links on my Every comment on YouTube as if they have logged in from the youtube ID. Plz help

  19. Yup that's the same old story

  20. I’ve had those people reply to my comments and it’s creepy af

  21. for me its telegram wont trust it

    • STKZ
    • December 24, 2022

    Thanks bro I just now selected win iphon 13 pro and mac book they asked for paying 3000 yes I'm selected to most famous star limbachiyaas indians knows them ..

  22. Thanks for this great advice. I have been noticing more and more of this fakes.
    It's a shame you can't even watch a video without someone trying to scam you !!

  23. I myself was trying just now. I just wanted to punk him.

  24. Its so wrong and annoying that these scammers do this

  25. I’ve been getting reply back from some of the well known game streamers saying to reply back on telegram saying I won a prize but I was weary

    • rgnx
    • December 24, 2022

    Hi recently got one that tried it on telegram was it a scam? Guess Ill have to find out… good thing I deleted the telegram chat. 👿

  26. Thank im so stupid i was nearly a victim

  27. Can you please help me how to get rid of those scam messages from YouTube on my comments. Thank you. Whenever I give comments I always get that message saying I won the prize to claim telegram me and all that shit stuff

  28. I'm i gonna get a scammer in this comment? The bots be like text me on telegram and you have been in the winner prize only you don't get the prize the spam bots gets the money

  29. Facebook: "Yep, that's a scam alright."
    SuperSaf: "Great, so what happens next?"
    Facebook: "I don't follow."
    SuperSaf: "You've identified a scam Facebook profile, what are you going to do about it?"
    Facebook: "Oh, we're not going to DO anything."
    SuperSaf: "What? Why? People are having their money stolen."
    Facebook: "That kinda seems like it's their problem, not ours. No, this is perfectly in line with our community guidelines."
    SuperSaf: 😕

  30. I got scammed like yesterday and The YouTuber told me straight that he can't help me 😭😭😭😭😭😭


  32. I got one of these one time and the "prize" was a "car battery". I thought that it was a weird scam so I messaged them back just to see what the scam is. Cause why not fake give away an Xbox or something? They got nothing from me but it was fucking funny. You won a car battery! Aren't you excited? I never sent money or anything and in fact they never even asked for money. It was a confusing scam lol. I think that they quit messaging me back because they got the hint I was messing with them. But looking back now I realize they said a car battery so that they could ask for more money for shipping but we never got to that part of the conversation.

  33. All youtubers need to-do is spread awareness about these scams thats all .

    • Elezy
    • December 24, 2022

    Omg Thxsm for This

    • Elezy
    • December 24, 2022

    Thx for helping me

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