
Amazing Products TV 14 Coolest Gadgets That Are Worth Buying

Awesome Tips 14 Coolest Gadgets That Are Worth Buying

Here’s another set of gadgets for you! Some of them will bring you aesthetic pleasure, some will make you stronger! There’s more! We’ve found something to keep you and your secrets safe.

0:00 Introduction
0:16 VIVIFY ARQUUS W73 HDMI (with touch sensor):
1:27 Sony RX0 II 1” Sensor Ultra-Compact Camera:
2:20 LaMetric LM 37X8 Stationary Wi-Fi Clock with Apps:
3:05 Kinetic Art Lamp:
3:48 Magic Castle Memo Pads:
4:23 Harry Potter Invisibility Cloak :
4:57 LED Panels:
5:37 Scosche Rhythm24 :
6:21 ZOLEO Satellite Communicator:
6:56 Cyber Gladiator Armor:
7:13 V1.5 Metal Cyber Gladiator Armor:
7:31 Helmet Argon Transform:
8:12 Enigma Coffer by Oceanus Brass:
8:45 Millo blender: || (alternative)

🔥 More hot gadgets below 👇

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On the #YouFact #Tech channel, we speak about cool #gadgets for your room, home, pc and car that you can buy on #Amazon #online. We find the most interesting #accessories and #coolthings for you and show them three times a week on our channel.

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  1. Damn the heart monitor works with any skin tone.. I’m glad it’s not racist

  2. Come and check out the tech updates on my page too 😎

  3. I've watched several of these and I still haven't found one gadget that I like…

    • FLXZ
    • December 24, 2022

    I didn't know Seth Rogan had a YouTube channel

  4. Nice gadgets but can you mention the price of these too it would help knowing before a long search

  5. Lol they just sold a green screen

  6. For all the nerds in your life…and it uses an app..oh my…when my daughter in law needed an app to tell her when to feed and change her baby…I knew the world was doomed

  7. miracal

    • Rich
    • December 24, 2022

    Do we really need a blender that we control with our phone? Good lord

  8. Oooooo……. A pocket camera and a hdmi cable with an led light on it.

  9. I can't believe how stupid people are. I was in the 82nd Airborne Div. for nearly 10 years. We got to "play" with some hight tech toys due to my MOS being the guy who needs a top secret clearance to repair top secret electronics from night vision to you guessed it Thermoptic Camouflage. So many people online were saying "oh look it's really an invisible cloak". I kept telling them it's green screen. The Real thing looks almost like a poncho, weighs about 20lbs and has a lot of tech powering it. There were also the night vision contact lenses. These were out in 2008. No one believed me. Now you cannot up these contact lenses on youtube that show you it has a HUD (heads up display) AR (augmented reality) and the military ones I know for sure have thermal imaging (white hot or black hot options) and night vision.

  10. Hey guys! (where are the guuurls?)

  11. Gadgets are really cool however it would be nice if they name and model or type of product can be mentioned verbally so people can search for the products I am totally blind by the way

  12. About that Invisibility cloak at 4:24
    You can just buy a cheaper green towel or a cheaper green tarp for same effect. The app i free 😉

  13. This the WATOP guy?

  14. I love the blender, thanks for your info.

  15. "Wireless connection is no longer just in the sci-fi movies" oh really? How longs that been around for then.

  16. thats what she sed

  17. i searched it it well it is not there on amazon

  18. Brass box for jewels – very smart…. All U need is hide this piece of junk in a pocket and leave the crime scene :D:D


  20. Didn't know about optical HDMI cables. Those are actually really useful given HDMI's cable length limit.

  21. This channel popped up on my feed, I'm so glad it did. New sub here. Blessings.

  22. Pieces of plastic with lights in it makes you stronger?

  23. I hate that everything has to have a mobile app

  24. You didn't mention that the ZOLEO requires a monthly subscription to use.

  25. Touch screen blenders,,what a time to be alive

  26. Beautifully narrated by kermit the frog

  27. Yup, these are definitely 14 gadgets…

  28. Will never buy country delight milk

  29. You will be the only one to know about the secret opening mechanism – apart from the other 161,1812 Viewers of this YouTube video

  30. Are u watop

  31. Wow… A camera that fits in a pocket… Awesome.

  32. ok, so, how much are they? are you allowed to say it or is it too off-putting

  33. Enjoyed your video and I gave it a Thumbs Up

  34. So for a video released in 2021, why are you pushing products that are clearly abandoned? The LED 8bit clock for one, the site has broken links everywhere and the apps no longer work and apparently have not for more than a year. Did you even try this or just take the marketing materials from the place that sent it to you?

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