
Amazing Products Candy Bowl Prank (Please Take One)

Awesome Tips Candy Bowl Prank (Please Take One)

How to turn a candy bowl into the ultimate Halloween prank. Which side of the TRICK do you want to be on?

1. Get some candy
2. Get a bowl
3. Get some hot glue and join the candy and bowl together.
4. Watch the fun.

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    • Zorky
    • December 27, 2022

    That one kid who was gonna take one:

  1. Add a tracker to the bottoms of the chair so that you can hunt them down once they steal the stool.

    I’m not endorsing it but… adding a stink bomb a-La mark rober would be smart too 👀

  2. Lmfao


  4. my neighbors did this guess they saw ur vid i just took the bowl and pulled the candy out at home

  5. I was thinking in my head that he should of hot glued the table down


  7. bru my neighbor did this i just grabbed the bowl and hid behind a bush and unsticked all the candy

  8. Guy:Notices the candy is hot glued, steals the entire stool.
    Me:Rookie numbers, cmon, gotta steal the entire setup too, even prank the guy back by saying he pranked the candy with hot glue to ruin his reputation.

  9. 🌈🙄

  10. 0:22 I died (no reason I just find this funny)

  11. So….. What happened?

  12. I come back here every year

  13. Pov u had a childhood

  14. Or you could just leave an empty bowl outside to make it seem as if someone already ignored the "Please take 1" sign.

  15. Graphics and quality in that video was so good for 2011

  16. i would pick up the stool and then pull on a candy😭

    • c:
    • December 27, 2022

    'please take one '
    me: takes one bowl
    me: notices its a ring door bell
    me:slowly puts the bowl down and takes one


    not sorry

    keeeeep scroollllingggg

  17. this man is chasing kids in the dark

    • omar
    • December 27, 2022

    Next time think before you take more than one

  18. FAKE

  19. Dylan I miss you. #ripdylanhart 😔

  20. Dylan Hart 1982-2020 Rip

  21. that one poor guy that just actually wants to take 1

  22. Hahha that will stop kids grabbing to much every time I go I only take one

  23. P

  24. Why was this published before Halloween

  25. It's fun seeing people outing themselves in the comments. As being the one that would take all the candy. And also steal the bowl.

  26. dude so scripted you didnt hide at all and to prove t there was only one like 20 year old wtf

  27. Bit disappointed you didn’t actually do the prank on anyone for real in the video but it’s a cool idea. Might need some stronger glue though.

  28. I think it looks fake

  29. Waste of candy

  30. Takes the stool

  31. I’m taking the stool

    • Eshxh
    • December 27, 2022

    Guess you won’t have the extra candy

  32. I just gonna hide in the bushes and spray the bad kids with water like mr. heffley

  33. Monster😭😭😭😭😭

  34. lol

  35. lol thats the easiest way he could get out of doing a decent video

  36. u know if that guy who took stool and he sat on there him um……………

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