
Amazing Products Facebook Check-in Prank

Awesome Tips Facebook Check-in Prank

How to fake Facebook Check-ins, Full Instructions below:

1. Download the following add-ons for Firefox
a. Geolocater
b. User Agent Switcher

Geolocater allows us to “spoof” our GPS location and User Agent Switcher
allows us to trick Facebook into thinking we are accessing their site
from a mobile device.

2. Run Geolocater from the “Tools” menu and add a new “Fake” location
that you want to appear you are at. Save it.

3. Run User Agent Switcher from the “Tools” menu and select “iPhone 3”
as your current browser.

4. Go to and check-in. When the button is pushed
a prompt will pop up asking you to select your location. Choose the one
that you just made and finish checking in.


Join the party:

*Note: For those mentioning that you can type in a location. This is somewhat true. But it won’t show all the bells and whistles like a map point and information about the location unless you spoof the GPS. .
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    • DD
    • December 27, 2022

    User agent switcher works for chrome!

  1. And now my Firefox can't enter to facebook lolzz !

  2. Because people are already dishonest enough.  Let's show them how to be be even more fake to their friends in boss.   Good idea.

  3. For those who use Android, this app helps you set anywhere (includes google search in this app) as your current location, effect on fb, messenger and others:

  4. the NEW VERSION OF GEOLOCATOR DONT work on searching the place where i wanna go

  5. How about the moon? There has to be a way to do stuff like that

  6. Wait, what if you ARE on mobile…

  7. I just visited Afghanistan..

  8. does it gets a message from buddy dude are you walking on water 0.0

  9. Or you just check in on Facebook by entering the location..

  10. 0A

  11. how can i check in on facebook page not an account

  12. just did it as a test out on my account to my friends

  13. how are we soposed to switch back to com?

    • nippy
    • December 27, 2022

    Loser shit.

  14. grant thompsons intro sound

  15. way easier

  16. As I was saying before I was so rudely interrupted by the Nintendo master here, keep posting these, as many good people follow you. : )

  17. Clit.

  18. Do you people need to be so disgusting? Shame on you and bravo to my guy here who gives us such good ideas. Forget these people. They have nothing else better to do and you've really helped me with some great ideas. …so bless you & all my respect and love…

  19. This is Work and No Survey! link and Free >> bit.ly/13kxV7b?=YYbbcEAKW0c
    Latest Updated 2013 for linnk… Copy and paste this a link to your browser

  20. fb didnt recognize that i was somewhere else?

  21. It won't let me click the post button at the top right

  22. Never trust any liar. Just this site worked really for me:

  23. When i tried to checkin all it said was no results

  24. Saw YOLO in the beginning

  25. It worked lol…

  26. ive actually been to the space needle in seattle lol

  27. when i press check in nothing happens

  28. i live near you 5 days ago

  29. I actually live 45 minutes from Seattle. Been to the space needle plenty of times

  30. There isn't, but there is a user AGENT switcher.

  31. Tried it. Works in firefox as well

  32. holy shit dude we live near eachother 😮

  33. nope Dylan Fart

  34. is there a way to change your location on google chrome?

  35. this is shit it dont work … the location i put in never stays and a small yellow ! comes up

  36. Doesn't seem like you need to download these plugins. I used chrome to test this out. You can go to touch.facebook.com and click check-in as per the video. When it asks to use my physical location, click 'deny' and just type in where you want to be.

  37. It's not that hard to fucking do. You don't need to download shit. I'm in Mexico right now, but I'm still checking in like I'm in CA.

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