
Amazing Products TV Your air taxi has arrived: Why Joby could be the first commercial eVTOL

Awesome Tips Your air taxi has arrived: Why Joby could be the first commercial eVTOL

Joby Aviation is one of the most experienced companies trying to bring urban air taxis to the mainstream. In February 2021 it gave the public the first look at its eVTOL.

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  1. Do you think air taxis will be landing in your neighborhood in the next 5 years?

  2. @ 1.26 note the wind direction –the 'crossing out' in my post below is unintentional and a quirk of an old computer. I will try to link the 'pirate' video/audio when I can relocate it .

  3. Note in the JoeBen Bievert promo video that he is holding his elbows close to his body (keeping his suit from flapping TOO much in the WIND that is going TOWARDS the hovering Joby ie the aircraft is DOWNwind and hence noise blowing away . There is a new non company video with audio (no 'soundtrack' as usual with muzak imposed) of the aircraft hovering in what looks like still air and the noise is quite LOUD -the camera zooms out to show the camera is about 100 to 150 yards away – there just are no '300 foot diameter' empty spaces in suburbia or cities so that measuring sound at this, arbitrary, distance makes any sense . If they cannot go into (not fly over at altitude) neighbourhoods WITHOUT waking people up or annoying them then 'commutting' is OUT . Even relying on poorly paid Uber drivers to arrive at your house for pick up and delivery to a 'vertiport' -then fly -and repeat in reverse to get to your real destination requires FOUR taxi drives each day and SIX changeovers for your 'seamless' journey at god knows what cost. These are not 'flying cars' as once envisaged and are both uneconomic, unfriendly and unsafe –bird (or flockstrike will result in catastrophic consequences during transition or hover if not cruise (having an unbalanced prop on your tail could be interesting – losing half a v tail is losing it all –even the propwash on only one side if shut down . Space does not permit a longer analysis but the 50s tri service and other VTOL experiences should not be forgotten .

  4. All is good until a bird hits a motor or the battery malfunctions.

  5. I personally don't really use RideShare apps. I would want one of these for myself for personal use.

  6. this is bull crap, he could be on a green screen or talking with ear plugs and a mike….. they can edit sound later this is not a steath aircraft. know what your talking about before you broadcast it!!!

  7. Wait 10 years then release it it’ll be worth it

  8. It's a monumental task to get certification and air space restrictions will be a challenge…. but the design and acoustics of this EVTOL are exceptional! As battery energy density gets better, this will definitely help JOBY but they still have a steep slope to conquer….

    • Kit
    • December 28, 2022

    Ever since Kobe Bryant died from a crash I never want to ride a helicopter ever.

  9. This has many applications for emergency vehicles, think difficult to access areas. Island hopping to skip a ferry ride or even to fly into mountainous terrain that's blocked by snow or ice.

  10. $600 million, not $600 billion; Are you on drugs?

  11. Disliked

  12. Rearding the noise: You simly use a high zoom! This way the distance of the human and the (far away) object behind him will apprear very close, even after they are not! This is the common method in video and photography!

  13. It’s a great concept if you can make it cheap enough, but I don’t think you can. All the science and engineering can be solved, but the regulators and lawyers are stronger than gravity. Most airplanes in the US fleet use engines designed over 50 years ago with some of them having been altered to add fuel injection. Even at prices over $300,000, most light aircraft still come with these antique engines because of the FAA and the Lawyers.

  14. I doubt the video is fake because the wind blowing the joby founder coming from a huge fan in background.

  15. Those props look very dangerous, necessitating large areas for landing, are those available all over cities?

  16. 600 Billion with a B?

    • Fahid
    • December 28, 2022

    I'm about to buy some Joby stock rn

  17. I can see a great use for these as an air ambulance …fly onto a hospital helipad,

  18. in at $11 now at $4.50 thanks Joby rad Indeed

    • Z N
    • December 28, 2022

    I think if affordable air taxis become reality some day, it will really accelerate the urbanization of many areas around the world. This kind of revolutionary transportation could fix cities’ second biggest pitfall (after real estate affordability)

  19. Yes we will be using these very soon. Adoption rate will be much faster. EV have paved the way for electric transportation and eVTOL can benefit from this as well as EV autonomous AI tech.

  20. What about solar charging wings? That would be a great ability.

  21. Toyota a taxi helicopter

  22. Does cold weather compromise the battery power?

  23. Air taxis? That's kind of nuts, where would you take off and land the things? They take a whole lot more room than a car.

  24. How about Lilium…these seem even more efficient and less noise…with turbo vents instead of primitive propellers…

  25. With all of the traffic in Tampa I can definitely use one of these.

  26. There are lots of places to visit that humans haven't been able to visit before.

  27. amazing ….os it true…..how can i contact it helicopter electric

  28. Military likes silent flight , kill more hurah

  29. I think a better adaptation is one that transitions from VTOL to level flight with fixed wing surfaces. There is a company that does this but I will refrain from quoting here out of respect for this company and their video.

    Edit: I see here that they ARE using fixed wing surfaces, however since all of the motors are still tilted up, it appears they’re still using the motors for lift instead of full reliance on the fixed wing surfaces during level flight.

  30. I'm not an Uber guy. I want the stick. Also, have they ever struck an Eagle or falcon on approach or in flight? I see blades and aluminum. The future is fanless flight. One roter and multiple gimbals. This is just old tech out of the box. Sad.

  31. So… a helicopter.

  32. Now the super rich can get places even easier.

  33. Cool it's so quiet.. be fun to fly on one.

  34. As a helicopter pilot I always wander what happens if 1 of those 6 engines fails… I doubt it will autorotate, not enough blade surface, nor glide, the wings seam too short. Is it controllable with only 5 motors?

  35. As for your last question. No. It's a procedural nightmare.

  36. Cnet, I love you, but your logic with the air compressor is seriously flawed. A boom Mic points downward. It's in a direction toward the ground, which is away from the aircraft. Your air compressor video is pointed at the subject AND the compressor. Of course, it's loud. One would think that a corporation that specializes in videography would have that simple concept. Great video, besides your failure to understand this simple concept.

  37. Most of EVTOL illustration videos show only single vehicle flying in a city, imagine when lots of EVTOL vehicles flying in the sky like birds.

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