
Amazing Products TV 13 COOLEST GADGETS For Your ROOM That Are Worth Buying

Awesome Tips 13 COOLEST GADGETS For Your ROOM That Are Worth Buying

Missed a set of gadgets for your room? Here it is! Free some space for extraordinary plasma devices, dancing water flows and a cool thing, whose name reminds you of dinosaurs.

0:00 Introduction
0:16 Divoom Pixoo Bluetooth Pixel Art Frame:
1:06 Incenseflow Burner Set:
1:46 Star Wars Galaxy Battle Light:
2:10 Minecraft Creeper:
2:31 Plasmaglass Selfie Frame:
3:08 Hubitat – Home Automation Hub: //
3:49 Talking Darth Vader Clapper: //
4:21 Tulpa: Plasma Lighting Tube: // (alternative)
4:54 Bluetooth Water Speaker: //
5:38 Philips Hue Lamp:
6:17 Floating Bulb with Charger:
6:51 Nanoleaf Remote: //
7:33 Star Wars: Crystal Growing Lab: // //

🔥 More hot gadgets below 👇

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  1. $5k for the plasma tube is not worth it wtffff

  2. Hey is this the guy that starts intros by drinking coffe ? Is this also youuuu????

  3. Bruh why no sound

  4. Yes because only people like Elon Musk can afford it.

  5. The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance. (2 Peter 3:9)
    Have mercy upon me, O God, according to thy lovingkindness: according unto the multitude of thy tender mercies blot out my transgressions. Wash me throughly from mine iniquity, and cleanse me from my sin. For I acknowledge my transgressions: and my sin is ever before me. Against thee, thee only, have I sinned, and done this evil in thy sight: that thou mightest be justified when thou speakest, and be clear when thou judgest. (Psalms 51:1-4)

  6. Where is the plasma frame in America haha?

  7. Bruh does EVERYONE hire the same guy to narrate youtube videos?

  8. Amaizing!

  9. Intertec Technology Limited (Alibaba store is holding a purchase festival discount activity)

  10. I have one of those insense burners and they are cheap made with insense

  11. Meh…the products are okay….just 'Always use a coaster' 😉😂

  12. 99% of these work very diferently as they do in the adevertasings jjaja

  13. Cool? Eh

    ..coolest? Absolutely not.


  15. 13 COOLEST GADGETS For Your ROOM That Are Worth Buying

    None is worth buying, Im sorry

  16. I don't need all those things….but i want to have them..

  17. Fun Sci-Fi Fact: The OG disk (smaller) version of the Plasma glass frame was used in Star Trek Voyager as the top decor in the regeneration / sleep Alcoves for the Borg and also for Seven of Nines' Alcove on Voyager. You're Welcome.

    • Logan
    • December 28, 2022


  18. Use Home Assistant not Hubitat

  19. 🤩 I'd love to have a room full of all these items

    • Vlad
    • December 28, 2022

    That voiceover is quite obnoxious. Sounds like those annoying 90s commercials tryna sell you a magazine

  20. the guy crystal me: annoyed because i wanted a kyper crystal soo i could build a lightsaber

  21. Thanks bro got now better inspirations now for my room

  22. total junk

  23. So the Clapper was the beginning of the Eletric W.E.F. Panopticon……

  24. what a rubbish fucking list

  25. Thanks for the products! God bless you bro and know that Jesus Christ, God in the flesh, has given His life for your sake. Because of His great and deep love for you personally, God Himself became a man to pay for humanity's debt by dying in our place on the cross, and that man is Jesus Christ. God's love cannot and will not go against His own righteousness, so as Judge and Owner of His creation, our debt of sin had to be paid for, but only He could pay it because only He is righteous. And He didnt have to pay for our debt of sin but He chose to for our benefit. Yet we rejoice because our God is alive and well because He ressurected from the cross and conquered death so we could have eternal life, so just as Himself, those who believe will die but we will live again forever more in peace and joy in heaven. Even though we have a righteous sentence to hell because of our sin, the eternal God has paid for our eternal debt by dying Himself on the cross so we could have eternal life with Him in Heaven if we place our faith in Him (John 17:3). Repent ( turn ) from your sins and turn to Jesus and He will surely forgive you. Follow Jesus for He is a GREAT Savior and Comforter in good and bad times (read the book of John in the Bible to know Him, it is Jesus' life History on earth, He is the Word of God in the flesh, He is God Himself in the flesh). And we do not use His unconditional grace and forgiveness as an excuse to sin, even though we are not perfect, but we are to desire to devote every ounce of our being to following Jesus, the One who loves us and forgives us. When I sin I am deeply grieved, I lament and repent, turning back to Him, and He righteously forgives me because He has paid for my sin. We do not serve Him to earn His love, we serve Him because He loved us first (1 John 4:18-19). When He came the first time in the form of man He came as a lamb to be slain in our place, but Jesus is coming back as conquering King, the Lion of Judah 🙏, and every knee will bow and tongue confess Jesus is LORD and God.

    1 John 1:8-9 KJV — If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us. If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.

    Romans 6:23 KJV — For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.

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