
Amazing Products TV Neuralink: Elon Musk's entire brain chip presentation in 14 minutes (supercut)

Awesome Tips Neuralink: Elon Musk's entire brain chip presentation in 14 minutes (supercut)

Elon Musk showed off Neuralink’s new implantable brain chip and demonstrated it working in real time on a pig.

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  1. Only because its a pig at the presentation, the muslims will reject it straight away🤣🤣🤣

    • jake
    • December 29, 2022

    i hear people talking when im alone they can see what i see and can hear what i hear. they say they see images of my thoughts . im being tested with liedetection but im alone in my house. i just want to know if this is you?

  2. Release The SUPPRESS GOOD Frequencies Technologies!
    Like FREQUENCY Oxilator From Tesla!
    The Rite Technology!
    Bring Back The Esoteric Herb Knowledge!
    Medicine is based on Toxic Petrochemicals!
    Stop Altering & Manipulating DNA!
    Stop The Merging of ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE with Human!
    Stop The Biolabs Experiments as GAIN OF FUNTION Manipulating & Creating Diseases & Viruses!

  3. Find me mr musk i nedd a fabricating shop in britain to get some ideas off the ground n ps great idea taking the danger out of ppl drink driving thing im upset with in britaian history apparently matters n withour religion there would be no grandure n im atheist but i hope to be wealthy 1 day we shall sea nightxx

    • NB NB
    • December 29, 2022

    Can you also develop a CURE FOR CANCER

    • Levi
    • December 29, 2022

    Lucifer is working hard 😉

  4. I'm confused. Aren't you the same person who keeps warning the world about the dangers of AI?

  5. Prototype inhibitor chip. Star Wars fans will know. Reject this man please he has way too much power. Science not the answer to our problems. Elon is playing you all.

  6. He literally said I think it’s gonna blow your mind 😂

  7. The audience was so quiet……

  8. This is Incredible, Probably This is How They Will Heal Cancer Aids and Any Type of Disease in Future !!! This Will be such an Unbelievable Relief for the Humankind, The Holy Grail of Medicine !!!

  9. I think Elon is very fascinating. The way he laughs at pig on a treadmill. He cracks me up.

  10. Imagine battery exploded just like samsung smartphone. We don't need these types of technology bcz they are not relevant to goal of us except few fantasic peoples. Every great things comes with costs. We need to spend our existing basic privilages that is in sync with mother nature and is time proven with some stupid expectations. Do they animals are healthy no they are not? I never want that type of life

  11. No thanks. That's a hard pass!!

  12. 16 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:

    17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.

    Revelation 13:16-17

    • Zack
    • December 29, 2022

    War criminal

  13. Wow if only an ancient book had seen this coming…

  14. What about the version of Neuralace that is installed in your nasopharynx on the end of a swab stick using liquid crystal DARPA Hydrogel nanoparticles… In conjunction with those magnetic Graphene Hydroxide nanoparticles injected in the body that travel to the brain and form a lace interface?

  15. what about hackability? Or being next to one another and becoming interlinked ? Will we be able to send thoughts to one another ?

  16. Version 4 will be the true game changer

  17. hello Mr Beast..

  18. I never actually had to hear him give a presentation. Now I know im not the only person who has issues communicating past all the thoughts happening in my brain.

  19. This is the chip the bible spoke of. It is to control society. Dr. Fauci said it would be put in every prisoner. He said if a prisoner escaped they could hit a frequency that would release cyanide to kill him. He also demonstrated how hitting certain frequencies you could control a person. Then he demonstrated it by causing two soldiers to fight. They were friends. One tried to kill the other. This was funny to Dr. Fauci.

    Now, this makes me think of the young black man in Florida that attacked a homeless man, eating away his face. He had just left the doctor's office. I believe that doctor used him as a Guinea pig. I believe if his relatives had been more active in his autopsy they would have found foul play. But then maybe not. The gvt. is very efficient in hiding their devilment… like the twin towers incidents. Witnesses ended up being murdered because they said in some cases the buildings blew up midway their frame.Their murders were called suicides. The debris was kept from American scientists who wanted to examine the site.

    A lot of hidden agendas going on here, people. And there is nothing we can do about it. They have full control.

  20. the guy who doesn't participate in the work but presents the project.

  21. This system has already produced, a human one of the putting this is Elon Musk. lmaoo

  22. And where do you dispose of the dead Batteries that no longer allow for recharging, or is this population control?

  23. 12:11 – People need to watch the movie The Final Cut starring Robin Williams.

  24. Revelation 13:16-17
    And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.
    Revelation 14:9-11
    And the third angel followed them, saying with a loud voice, If any man worship the beast and his image, and receive his mark in his forehead, or in his hand, The same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out without mixture into the cup of his indignation; and he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels, and in the presence of the Lamb: And the smoke of their torment ascendeth up for ever and ever: and they have no rest day nor night, who worship the beast and his image, and whosoever receiveth the mark of his name.

  25. Practical applications: Hans Niemann

  26. How to stop unwanted intrusive thoughts of the little piggies…

  27. POV: it’s 2059 .. disabled humans, pigs & monkeys w/ neuralink brain chips are stronger, smarter and can perform tasks with their minds compared to the non-nueralinks.

    Continue the story in the comments…

  28. Elon: I could have one right now and you would not know
    Elon's Brain: beginning interface

  29. The neuralink will be amazing, if schizophrenia is a trauma or leading research that the hippocampus is malfunctioning. I believe in neuralinks ability of information to change the brain. All Information we consciously know goes memory, and even long term memory. So the neuralink has the ability to change hippocampus function, and short term memory function. There is a connection. Therapeutic emotions could also be imputed to prove weather schizophrenia is trauma related or not. I will still want neuralink.

  30. Will these be mass produced?

  31. Are you a telepath Mr. musk?

  32. Yo that pig brain song was fire

  33. This is like the Mad Science fair.

  34. Our country's Animal Rights people disagree with Mr. Musk when it comes to testing the neuralink device on animals (which has been constantly ongoing). And unfortunately, Mr. Musk seems unwilling to factor-in the political pressure that Animal Rights groups can impose. He should realize that animal rights groups will fight him in court AND in the arena of public opinion, and his public image could very-well be destroyed.

    Mr. Musk, you must stop killing animals. Rhesus monkeys and other creatures (including lab rats) have rights to life in our society.

  35. What about the materials that this chip is made of? When this chip need to be replaced ?

  36. I am paralyzed on one side and big fan on big mission to to clean up the planet and help human poverty homeless problem and mental health drug rehabilitation were on a mission to help like u wish we could get together on this

  37. Who the heck will put a chip in their brain, a chip created and controlled by a billionaire nutjob 😂😂

  38. I’m sorry. In fkn SANE. I am not comfortable.

  39. Absolute nonsense, Rubbish. How come such an intelligent 🧠 great personality is not thinking widely about the consequences…. It's hard to digest

  40. So the vision of Elon Musk is to put us in cages with a chip in the brain? No thank you

  41. A chip in the brain that helps the body and brain to reunite is indeed possible because it dyill dwells within the physical realm, but talling bout memories, that unfortunately is and will never be possible due to the fact that its not a physical thing in this physical world.

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