
Amazing Products TV Mac Users Deserve Better – 7 Unacceptable Problems with MacOS

Awesome Tips Mac Users Deserve Better – 7 Unacceptable Problems with MacOS

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Apple has a bigger presence at Linus Media Group than ever before: an increasing number of our staff are choosing their excellent M1 and M2 powered laptops as their work machine or use Macintosh systems at home. But this increased usage has led to more annoyances being discussed around the office… so we put together this list of some of the more noticeable omissions!

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Intro: Laszlo – Supernova
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iTunes Download Link:
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Outro: Approaching Nirvana – Sugar High
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Intro animation by MBarek Abdelwassaa
Monitor And Keyboard by vadimmihalkevich / CC BY 4.0
Mechanical RGB Keyboard by BigBrotherECE / CC BY 4.0
Mouse Gamer free Model By Oscar Creativo / CC BY 4.0

0:00 Intro
1:18 Corner Snapping
3:08 Full Screen is Weird
4:03 Traffic Light Inconsistencies
4:48 Scroll Direction Decoupling
5:22 Multi Monitor UI Issues
6:12 Multiple External Monitors
7:21 Volume Mixer MIA
8:05 Rapid Fire Points
8:33 A Difference in Philosophy
9:33 We DO Like macOS!
10:24 Conclusion

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    • Zach
    • December 30, 2022

    In my experience of using my macbook…everything is harder with Apple. So many things require a complicated menagerie of 3rd party software and various hacks to do basic things.

  1. lol I thought that Apple hadn't implemented window snapping due to Microsoft patenting it.

  2. I've been using Windows since v3.1, but only MacOS since 10.5. I really don't like the direction Microsoft is taking Windows by giving the proverbial bird to the power user and administrators so I've been mostly using Linux… but some mainstream stuff just isn't available for Linux so alternatively i'll use MacOS. Generally I like MacOS but Finder is so useless that I just can't get any major file management tasks done without wanting to pull my hair out so I stick to Windows or Linux for that. I really wish Apple would just stop being so damn stubborn and copy the things that are good about Windows, because there are a few. File Explorer being one of them, but as you mentioned multi-app sound volume management and window snapping are also big annoyances for me in MacOS.

  3. the individual apps volume is a thing that bothers me too, but the other things I kinda like it… I hate the magnet window of Windows, I prefer mini windows spreading in my monitor.

    The natural scrooling is the RIGHT WAY to scroll !!!!

  4. My biggest gripe with MacOS is Finder – it has no navigation pane or directory/folder tree view from the left pane. This is a huge inconvenience when trying to sort and organize a large amount of files – forcing me to use multiple windows instead of just having access to all my folders in a folder tree in a navigation pane, like Windows / File Explorer. Nemo and a few Linux based file manager apps also have a navigation pane. I've tried a couple third party managers but still couldn't get this feature. WHY???!?!??!!??! Does no one sort large amounts of files on MacOS?

  5. "Macs are easier to use" they say

  6. Could Apple just move the menu bar to the top of the WINDOW instead of the monitor. On a little tiny Mac Book Air or Pro, it is not too bad, but with multiple apps open on a 4k monitor, worse on multiple 4k monitors, it becomes a liability, not an asset. It never was an asset, it has always been an annoyance, but not a deal breaker on a tiny display.

    I sometimes think Apple does not fix things to see how much they can annoy the user base because they know people are too lazy to try different things.

  7. This whole video, I’m waiting for Alex to pop up

  8. Scanning documents. Why do I have to use an app called preview for it.

  9. Thank you so much for doing this video. I would say you guys barely scratched the pain points.. There are still tons and tons issues that was not covered in this video. MacOS is a million light years behind Windows, Ubuntu and Gnome Based Linux distros, It is not usable for software development with 3 monitor setup.

  10. i just want to transfer files from my PC to my ipad 🙁

  11. Stage manager? It’s Windows Vista all over again

  12. Corner Snapping is, if I recall correctly, patented by Microsoft, so Apple couldn’t as it in even if they wanted to

  13. inus im building a poweredge t410 duel 5675 running turbo mode 3.46ghz each processor Type 1 oracle hypervisor 128gb ram ip vlan l3 kubernetes docker 4 sandisk 2tb ssd's in raid 5 so far so good every things is working its so smoken fast! this is my kids server for gaming with remote access! not sure what else to put in it for vm's probaly throw mac os and a couple others in there too ! the server is plugged into a tplink 12 stream router that im using as a access point that goes into my other tplink main 12 stream router i also have their xbox plugged into the 12 stream access point too so its not running on a single stream crappy 2.4 busy band interference and also the ps4 too now they are very good! perky for sure! mac on a server!!!! on the very very cheap awesome!!!

  14. Mac Os scaling is incorrect, we must spread the word about it! HIDPI resolutions will change "real" pixels resolution according to 2x value of the HIDPI. If anyone needs bigger text everywhere, on Windows it's simply Custom scaling without affecting resolution! On MacOs, lower than native resolutions on macbook is the only way to increase fonts everywhere. It's a mess!!!
    Still Windows has issues with drawing fonts with different colored pixels, while MacOs renders them flawlessly.

  15. Recently moved back from Windows to MacOS, because of m1 of cource, and beside that volume control that you mentioned – i am really missing path information leading to some folder. For example when i’m searching for specific folder or file, finder leads me directly into it, without posibility to go to parent folder.

  16. My biggest gripe is no file path in the finder, or in application save file windows. I can't just copy the directory form another window, go there, and hit save. I have to manually navigate there EVERY TIME. Bookmarking locations from share drives (NFS/SMB, etc), does not persist when it disconnects. Maddening.

    • sak p
    • December 30, 2022

    what is the mouse at @10:09 ?

  17. Mac users deserve better? just use Linux. it's better than any other OSes. Mac even not good at gaming.

  18. MacOs was once superior to Windows but it's been much worse for the past 20 years. Apple really needs to "think different"

  19. 10:44 "Live Linux Liao"

  20. I'm in the market for a laptop, and thinking hard about getting a Mac. One big benefit I see is the "un-plugged" power of Macs vs windows machines.

    Why do windows machines not perform as well unplugged?

    Battery life is another, but I realize these are hardware advantages, not software, to which the video is referring.

  21. put more ads, not enough guys.

  22. "ifconfig en0" <– out of the box. sorry it's not graphical 🤷‍♂️

  23. If you change your phone number, have fun verifying with a Mac. Windows and Mac drove me to Linux.

  24. Mac is a professional notebook not a gaming laptop

  25. having to use mac os for work sucks after getting used to how easy windows is.
    Windows: it just works!

  26. I switched to a MacBook Pro 14" early this year after almost two decades of avoiding Apple products. My reason was mainly that no Windows manufacturers were offering this level of power in a 14 inch form factor AND the MBP actually had a greater port selection than the Windows competition (ironic since port selection was the first thing that got me to avoid Mac laptops). Since buying it, I find that I love the hardware yet and frequently driven nuts but Mac OS. File management (read: Finder) is the worst offender. I've lost count of all the ways it is less intuitive than Windows Explorer and it continues to be the bane of my existence.

  27. I use MacOS and Windows on a daily basis and Ubuntu desktop at least a couple times a week, and hands down I prefer MacOS over the other two.

  28. Why is there a face on the Mac screen i Black and White for just 2 sec??

  29. I found rubber band scrolling to be annoying on macs, and doubly annoying that the only way to turn it off is with a terminal command.

  30. It would be better if Apple spun out the desktop software team, rehired Avie Tevanian and pushed toward builting more useful software again. NeXT was incredible. From the get-go, Apple with NeXT Software has been y'know… pretty ok, mostly. But not anywhere as good, relative to what NeXT was doing.

  31. The sole advantage that I see of using a Mac is the unified OO copy+paste from the NeXTStep era. Altho' it isn't as good as it was on NeXTStep, it is better than Linux+Windows, who don't really have smart pasteboard buffers and can't do what the Mac does.

    If Linux implements a better pasteboard, I'm gone. Will never buy a Mac again.
    Until then… will have to keep using the damn things coz they are so easy on my workflow+tendonitis, both.

  32. One of my biggest frustrations when I have to use windows is the stupid window snapping. I want my windows where I want them. The thing that frustrates me most about OSX is the lack of cut and paste options. I am sick of opening a new finder window if I want to move something directly to a subfolder.

    The connection of scroll direction on trackpad and mouse is annoying but luckily I also hate natural scrolling (it's only natural on a touchscreen device!!) so I have both in normal mode.

  33. I use Windows, (currently 10 and 11) as well as Macs all day everyday and have been using both since the 1980s. Believe me Windows is chock full of really annoying limitations not found on Macs. One issue is whichever you are most used to, tends to make the other seems less than ideal. Being familiar with both equally I'd say over all, Mac is far better, most times, but yes, room for improvements.

  34. "No way to create a new 'file' through Finder."

    You can of course, create a new folder in Finder or an application but, how on earth would Finder know what kind of 'file' you want since files are application specific.

  35. Probably two worst things about mac is the mouse support. There is not setting for discrete scroll and pointer.

  36. I switched to Mac in 2009 after well over a decade on Windows. And I am still pissed at Apple for a few key issues:

    1. Dialog boxes do not allow you to do file management like in Windows. Example: I'm about to save a file and then realize there is a file I should delete. On Windows I just delete it from the File Save dialog, but on Mac — oh no! — I have to navigate in Finder to the same damn location I already just navigated to just to be able to delete the damn file!! So I usually don't, because its too damn much trouble. 😡

    2. Finder and File Open/Save dialogs do not allow me to cut & paste paths for navigation like Windows Explorer does. WHY OH WHY NOT?!? That would make using Finder so much nicer for power users, and would make it easier to use both finder and terminal together, since in terminal you work with paths all the time. 🤷‍♂

    3. Apple decided that laptops don't need Home, End, PgUp and PgDn keys AND there is zero standardization for those features with key combinations across Mac software. Unlike in Windows where all apps use the EXACT SAME KEYS, on Apple practically every app seems to use a different key combination to perform those actions which makes the editing UX awful!!!. At least Apple could have published standards for software vendors to use for key combos, but they didn't. Arrggghhh. 😫

    There are many other issues, but those three (3) have bothered me for more than a decade. Steve Jobs fanbois say for the first two "But that would be too complicated for most users and they might delete something" or whatever. SO MAKE IT AN OPTION THAT POWER USERS CAN ENABLE Apple!!! Why must you continue to make me pine for Windows?!?

    (At least Apple finally brought back physical function keys. That was a total deal killer for me and I was just about ready to switch back to Windows or Linux.)

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