
Amazing Products TV New river trash Interceptors are stopping plastic from reaching the ocean

Awesome Tips New river trash Interceptors are stopping plastic from reaching the ocean

The Ocean Cleanup’s Boyan Slat talks about upgrades and future plans for deploying more Interceptors designed to catch plastic and debris in rivers all around the world.

Read the CNET article: The third-generation Interceptor is ready to stop ocean plastic

Watch the extended ‘Now What’ interview with Boyan Slat on CNET: The Ocean Cleanup’s upgraded Interceptors: A weapon against ocean and river plastic pollution.

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    • CNET
    • January 4, 2023

    Happy Earth Day! 🌎 Check out our video on The Ocean Cleanup System which is cleaning up The Great Pacific Garbage Patch https://youtu.be/nYC4Q-0wcAc

  1. Has anyone studied the affects of the block of nutrients going into the ocean?

  2. Super cool invention, but it was not the "first". The Trash Wheel was invented and installed back in 2008 by John Kellett in Baltimore Maryland.

  3. Having traveled and lived in Central America I would imagine when a solution like this comes to those places the real effect is that everyone's going to look at it be like oh that's cool and then it will only encourage them to dump more s*** in the waterways and rivers because they figure it's going to all be caught and collected up Downstream…

    Better than the usual nothing we can do attitude about it though….

  4. no football fields are a unit of length not volume

  5. Partner with Mr Beast maybe. He seems to care for humans

    • Kim
    • January 4, 2023

    I love this I appreciate all the hard work thanks again

  6. What kind of plastic use to make the sun glass frame? The mixture of PP / HDPE / PET / EPS and others can’t go for pelletised together! It’s too costly to segregate all the different types / grades of plastic. During washing process of the plastic waste (mainly PE and PP) mostly float on water and for sure some of the organic items such as wood, plants also float on water which make the washing process near impossible. Meanwhile PET bottle if without the PE cap…it will sink to the bottom of the river. A lot of thing need to take into consideration after reclamation plastic waste from the river…unless subsidies by local authorities/ organisations/ MNC or govt.

  7. Does it not take fishes also

  8. So badass I love clean with no bumps like trash they are although as I love does intercept oil from its as like a cleanse of our water still stink up the as though lingers specially the secret compartment where we inject our needs. I wonder is a thought gathered though like a normal routine from the norm..❤😂

  9. Wondering if Elon Musk has been approached to purchase a few of these?

  10. Dude needs a little cleanup himself

  11. THIS IS THE MOST INSPIRING STORY/INFORMATION I'VE LEARNED IN DECADES. It must be dusty in here….my eyes are watery. Amazing. I hope these guys make billions.

  12. where to buy one?

  13. So you guys saw one of the Baltimore trash wheels and are now calling the design your own.

  14. why didnt they used that plastic to come up with more stable cleaning builds…???

  15. Wasn't there an old guy that came up with the same thing first with a water wheel attached with solar panels. Also we need to start with thes othere countries that are super nasty

  16. Philippines should have this.

  17. we need more like this amazing person to be found and help inspire more to do their part.

  18. 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👍😍

  19. I know I’m gonna seem like a real moron but something I’ve always wondered how does all that plastic know where to meet up at the same place

  20. This is all great, and it works.But looking at the rivers the plastic rubbish only gets there by humans,education is needed.

  21. Have you thought about teaching kids not to throw trash into rivers? Give all their teachers a UNIT and curriculum on the issue.

  22. Install many more in indian rivers

  23. It's great to get the plastic out of the waters but you probably shouldn't imply that it's being recycled. Only a very small portion of plastic can even possibly be recycled. Also it is much easier and cheaper to make new plastic than try and recycle old plastic so which do you think manufacturers choose. Google (or search youtube for) is recycling plastic a scam.

  24. Nice…but not Nearly as Cool as Mr. Trash wheel in Baltimore MD.

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