
Amazing Products TV Inside Virgin Hyperloop: Airplane speeds in a levitating pod

Awesome Tips Inside Virgin Hyperloop: Airplane speeds in a levitating pod

Virgin Hyperloop wants to revolutionize travel, with airless tubes and high-tech floating pods. Out in the Nevada desert, CNET’s Claire Reilly gets a glimpse of exactly what that future could look like.

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  1. The big question, team: Would you take a ride in the Hyperloop? (It's a yes for me, but even though it could have TV windows, I think I'd miss looking out at the world whizzing by!)

  2. I wonder, where will the passengers get their oxygen to breathe?

  3. Maglev

  4. I am sure that in India there will be people on the top of the cabin.

  5. Not for claustrophobics!

  6. This is like a 10 year long grift to burn rich people's money for the entertainment for dumb people.

  7. 0:32 this didnt age well

  8. Literally a pipe-dream; a giant waste of time and money; anyone with half an engineering brain can see that!!

  9. The very original concept of hyperloop, had NO vacuum realm involved, it was a hoover-train cart, with a massive perpulsion fan in front the craft, which vectored at the bottom of the craft belly to cause levitation. Modernly, magnetics can multi task this, with levitation, rail shimmying and fan to vector air front to back, no vacuum envolving or not at the extreme level implamented.

  10. The biggest Vaporware project available.
    This will end in tears and probably red mist.

  11. Imagine me trying to go from Austin Texas to Japan I would love to go through in the strain if it comes worldwide

    • Mike
    • January 4, 2023

    Anybody else thinks the Hyperloop oddly looks a lot like the tic tac UFO’s 🤨🤔🤔

  12. There isn’t any functioning hyperloop in existence yet. I hope one actually works someday but don’t let that little test track fool you.

  13. Hyperloop at this point just exist to delay or stop any attempt to build HSR. This thing don't even look it is ready for commercial in near future. 90% of all footage is just a CGI and the real thing just look unimpressive. 2020 human test is a joke, it is slow and only carry 2 peoples. On paper, speed is pretty much the only thing hyperloop do better than HSR and its speed is still slower than first bullet train in 1960's. Media only hyping this because Musk is related although Virgin Hyperloop is not even his company.

  14. It would be super scary if it break down while u trapped inside. But great innovation and thx for the review

  15. I would rather not sit in a vacuum

  16. Clair stands in the tube, the door closes suddenly, oxygen pumps start to make a sound.

  17. BS
    Let’s see it go around corners.

  18. Thunderf00t!

  19. How embarrassing. Imagine reporting something that will NEVER happen, as though it will be built next year . Zero credibility c/net, or whover you are. This is tragically stupid and extraordinarily naive.

  20. If the power goes off then your hyper dead

  21. 4:38 Musk’s lack of comprehension that you can’t have a air hockey type ride in a vacuum was laughable. I wish the interviewer at the time had pressed him on HTF he thought that would work. Maglevs are the only way to go, although I’m still highly doubtful we’ll see them in my lifetime.

  22. This is just proof that journalism students and journalists are brain-dead and incapable of thought. Just copy and paste the press release.

  23. At that speed, you will need to travel in an almost perfectly straight line to avoid high lateral G-forces and a straight line will only be possible underground (very expensive), plus one pod every 2 minutes with 28 passengers each is only 840 passengers per hour one way.

  24. 'The Hyperloop can do that all…' Eh, no. It can't. And it never will.

  25. Airline speeds ha! What a joke. Remember originally it was going to be some 4000 MPH. Next!

  26. Hope I live long enough to see this

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