
Amazing Products TV How a cyber attack crippled the Colonial Pipeline

Awesome Tips How a cyber attack crippled the Colonial Pipeline

The Colonial Pipeline cyberattack caused a major blow to the gasoline industry in the southern and eastern parts of the United States, but it also showed how vulnerable the US energy grid is to more attacks in the future.

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  1. Can someone please tell me the answer to these questions?
    1. How did this attack affect other industries besides the energy grid?
    2. What impact did this attack have on the U.S. economy?
    It will be helpful, and thank you.

  2. in minute 2:37 what do you think there job title is ? are they an engineer?

  3. The attack didn't shut down fuel delivery. The idiots at the company shut down the fuel delivery because the billing system was compromised by a simple phishing e-mail sent to their employees. They didn't know how to charge the customers for the fuel and decided to shut down as a result.

  4. dont worry biden closed down all piplines gas will be 9 bucks and us love is

  5. fake news

  6. How U.S. will managed the world to bring Peace, if they cant fix the problem in there country about cyber attack….

  7. Sounds like this thread has tons of super smart IT people on hear with suggestions on how to prevent another attack! The question I have, why aren’t these simply “makes sense”’preventive actions taking place! Maybe the goal
    Is to have another attack this time the whole damn country!

  8. Use the Systems against itself

  9. 2:32 1300

    • SRB
    • January 14, 2023

    Useless video the fails to stay focused 😬

  10. Lawd hab musseh, Jeebus he-a comin, yowzah, he-a comin.

  11. Great place to work. Most operators scanned the internet on shift and watched you tube!! 15 year employment

  12. Great place to work but most operators scanned the internet and watched you tube on shift. My coworker did it 11hours a day!! And you wonder why!!
    15 year employment here!!

    • GT
    • January 14, 2023

    good information, but the old guy sounds like he's minutes away from dying



  15. it didn’t cripple the pope-line it attacked the billing software system and the company couldn’t bill the customers, IT HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH THE PIPELINE OPERATIONS SO GET THE STORY RIGHT

  16. Guys, I tell you what .. find the hackers nearest to you and go smash their fingers with hammers… Take my word for it… They are doing ti.. hackers are engaging in battery drain attacks.. find all hackers close to you and pay them a visit with a sledge hammer and smash their fingers with the hammers so they can't operate again. Take my word for it.. no one will do anything… Hackers are doing this.. take my word for it.. if your battery is being drained, kill or badly injure hackers .. and record it.. and post it . Send a message to hackers… Tell them to hack this while you smash their hands and fingers with a hammer. Your battery is being drained because of cyber attacks.. nothing else…

  17. Why are these companies even connected to the internet. Could you imagine if the Nukes were connected to the internet?

  18. Post bounties on the heads of the hackers…BIG ones…let the professionals eliminate the threat…permanently…Mobsters respect risk they can't avoid and will quickly find safer scams…plenty of ex-Spetsnaz and ex-SF operators looking for honest jobs….

  19. Many people here were saying this is fake, well tell that to russia

  20. Have you ever noticed the only cyber attacks are on industries that sell you necessities like, fuel, groceries etc.? Which of course, make the prices go higher. No one ever hacks into any government site and disables them from collecting income tax, property tax, car registration and so forth. No one ever hacks into a military computer and shuts off their communications. Interesting, isn't it?

  21. ——- This must be a propaganda site. ———–

  22. Difficult to understand. An Old Man translator is needed.

  23. It wasn't a cyberattack. The CEO shut the pipeline down. Read between the lines people

  24. U already know the hackers have watched this video.

  25. The system being old fashioned is a good thing that means it is harder for cyber attackers to crack it. The problem is the hybrid main controls integrated to it. Everything that could have direct control to the machines must be off the internet. And the link that will connect the internet and the machines must only be human decision. Actually this is my assumption and the decision to shut it down could be a miscalculated decision out of fear that "false work orders" could be sent via online communications.

    BUT , if it is indeed possible that cyber attackers can control the machines, well that is an enormous wrong design to connect it to the internet. It would be strange that we can lay down miles and miles of dedicated heavy pipelines to transport heavy fuel. But still rely on unsecured internet instead of dedicated cables and intranets to transport virtually weightless data.

  26. OPERATION CYBERPOLYGON ! ! ! (WEF / Schwab / Interpol) > like Event201

  27. Don’t forget healthcare. that don’t need hackers to destroy.

  28. IT infrastructure is separated by OT (operation technology) infrastructure, the hakers may have got into IT section of company but the OT, its proprietary system which is hard to infiltrate. So it may have crippled the data in salse management, not in OT side.
    So if someone in company can pass out blue print of how system work and its key operation points which is WAN network nit connected to internet, may have to manually go to the site and install code. Which is hard and very risky task.

  29. bro ive been getting so many texts on discord talking about cyber attacks and i basically forced myself to watch this-

  30. Imagine a while ago when i was living at my auntis place in western area of kenya at a place called mikuva, some random idiot happen to stumble upon an old secondary school of my auntis kid 2 miles far away from where my aunti use to live, and folks if you dont know kenya there is piles of garbage and old papers everywhere on the street but this particular paper 2 miles away from my aunty Nanditis place, an old school paper that her son had finished attending many yrs ago, the torn old school paper bothered this man that he strangley had to walk over 2 miles just to come and show it to my aunt that he'd picked it up somewhere in the middle of the road, just that i mean WTF?

  31. In the '90s as an IT manager, the automation and controls (SCADA) engineers approached me to tutor them in IP as they were seeing projects that required it. I recall during the classes saying this was not a good idea. I don't care how many firewalls you put in place, the only foolproof security is physical, the control network never connects to the public network. This is too inconvenient for people so they insist on having critical infrastructure exposed to the internet. You'll never stop intrusion and ransomware, the reward for success is too high.

  32. This explains nothing about the Colonial Pipeline attack. It's also very superficial.

  33. They were crippled before, largest pipeline spill in US History. Mainstream news, other than this Fox channel-crickets. I also have heard that Colonial paid someone $40,000 to hack into them so they could get insurance for their massive spill that the oil corporation supported mainstream media kept to themselves. How convenient. Makes me so angry!

  34. The $5000000 Ransom was paid to a Harvard University professor

  35. Follow the money the money will tell you that the colonial pipeline was a Cyber attack committed in permitted by Harvard University looking to the professors who have been studying cyber cybernautic

  36. Funny how the Rockefeller Foundation had a document about using future emergency situations to develop and innovate new technologies to make the world a better place…. even went into detail about potential scenario narratives such as Lockstep… and Hack Attack… These situations both involved possibilities of future pandemics and cyber attacks… Interesting, isn't it? And now Klaus Schwab is saying we must prepare for a Cyber Pandemic, and will be holding a simulation with Cyber Polygon in July 9… And now a gasoline pipeline has been closed due to compromised security… What's really going on here?

  37. Spent most of your time talking about the electric grid. I'm confused..

  38. sound like an inside job now. the people that actually benefit out of this crisis is the big oil corporation to jack up fuel price. and also push the keystone project back online too~~

  39. If the control systems of power plants and other systems would still be analog there won't be much risk of hacking. Digitalization of every thinkable piece of equipment is what makes us vulnerable to cyber attacks.

  40. green energy propaganda

    Windmills can't get hacked?
    How did Texas Windmills fare back in February?

  41. The ransom has been paid. I wonder if the company will pay the ransom from company bonus.
    Will they pay to stop the next attack. Or will they just be to greedy for their bonus.
    What do you think.

    • Sky1
    • January 14, 2023

    It's because many companies do not want to hire people like me to prevent it. I see almost on a daily basis poor and sloppy network designs. Companies want to maximize profits and not make the investments necessary to prevent these kind of attacks. I am convinced that there are several companies already compromised, they just don't know it yet until the actor decides to make his move.

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