
Amazing Products TV Can we cool a PC with this? #SHORTS

Awesome Tips Can we cool a PC with this? #SHORTS

Can you cool a CPU with a VORTEX? We can certainly try! Full video: ▻ GET …

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  1. it's called a peltier device and it's a glorified dehumidifier

  2. Ultra compressed, mini AC

  3. Is ur beard ok?

  4. Machinists use these to cool parts while machining them if they couldn't use coolant on them and have for decades.

  5. Bro, i was with headphones, if you wanted to bursting my eardrums you just need to tell me

  6. That's how ac works it's about pressure and expansion,you a climate crybaby you better not use ac.

  7. mechanics of old used a tool just like that to test thermal chokes on old carburetors

  8. One side for PC one for the hot tub

  9. Isn't this fridge basics with a spin

  10. My 11th grade science fair project – A Hilsch Vortex Tube 😀

  11. it’s a mini turbo…that’s what turbos do

  12. The CNC beamline at work uses this method to cool the computer inside the console.

  13. "Don't forget about the hot side"

    Proceeds to torch his face off 🥵

  14. Its basically how a fridge works,
    Compressing air.

  15. The thermal camera is more interesting.
    Very useful

  16. Please make a pc with this

  17. Wait this genius this could be the solution of overheating part in pc and use that hot for heating in winter

  18. fuck around and be the new Harvey Dent my guy

  19. What’s the point of that

  20. Do not point compressed air at your face. Do not point compressed air at your body. The easiest way to get injured is when you don't respect the tools you are using.

    You are a huge internet celebrity. Please don't do incredibly dangerous things that idiots will hurt themselves or others when they emulate.

    Compressed air can be incredibly dangerous. Especially if that air starts going into your body. You can very easily rupture organs and tissues. There are videos on the internet showing death occuring from misusing compressed air.

    • Zach
    • January 14, 2023

    so what he seen them at intel and was like we got to buy one?

  21. I knew linus was a robot! He didn't get burn!

  22. Vortex house cooling or Vortex PC cooler

  23. News:
    Alex dies of heat and been last seen at the severe emergency room.

  24. Some of the more extreme welding jobs I've been on (submarine pressure hull installations) we had these inside of air vests to keep from falling out.

  25. Have you considered a cryo gun

  26. I think the future of cooling PC's is freezer type boxes that they will sit inside. Almost like a pc case that doubles as a freezer

  27. Can we cool a pc with air? Stick around and find out!

    This channel has gone so bot ish

  28. This is how air conditioning in jet aircraft works, more or less. 😁

  29. I read a white paper from a manufacturer of those that went somewhat in-depth to the physics. Basically, the vortex “turns-in” on itself around the hot end, and somehow because the inside channel has the same rotation as the outlet layer (and whose angular speed is reduced), it dumps the energy that it would otherwise have had out the hot end, cooling down significantly and exiting the opposite end. I don’t have anywhere NEAR the physics knowledge necessary to fully understand it, but cool nonetheless!

    TL;DR – Still black magic

  30. Cool a pc with it

  31. I need that for my pc and when winter comes around so my room doesn’t get cold😂

  32. How hot and cold is it?

  33. Yes and there’s vests that they sell

  34. this seems like a great way to give yourself a pneumatic injection injury…

  35. Least he didn't dropped it…

  36. You didnt tell that this question is not solved…

  37. Can you light a match on it 😕

  38. bro is it 2010? this editing style is horrendous

  39. This feels weirdly like a clickbait or "as seen on TV" clip with all the sudo enthusiasm…

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