
Amazing Products TV Watch the Ingenuity helicopter's first flight on Mars

Awesome Tips Watch the Ingenuity helicopter's first flight on Mars

Humans just made history: flying an autonomous helicopter on another planet, more than 100 million miles away.

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  1. Genuinely excited to see what comes after this! Do we: A) Send these helicopters to new planets to explore even more? or B) Perfect this technology so I can get my own Mars Jetpack?

  2. They should try taht tik tok dance with drone … (Ooo ovoo oooo ovooo I will be fu….. 0000)

  3. Black and white camera 🤣

  4. Why don't they use this for clean the rover solar pannel

  5. Amazing made helicopter for Mars planet,,👏🫡

  6. Russia can do a real Mission to Mars. I am tired about fake news from Elon Mars.

  7. It seems that woman has no control over her mouth movements, my goodness

  8. Why don't they use this to blow the dust off the other piece of equipment that is solar powered? Nasa said it recently stopped functioning because of all the Martian dust covering the panels.

  9. Needs an areal pick up

  10. And turbot jet into outer space

  11. Equals orbit

  12. Need a pick up of the helicopter

  13. Dude. This is on earth. Be smarter, people.

  14. Rumour has it that the footage is of a drone in a desert somewhere in africa

  15. Wow

  16. Mars is made of cheese

    • Sm10
    • January 15, 2023

    The rover is more like the helicopters mom because it stowed away on the belly of the rover for 7 months and nasa call the rover as a she

  17. Těžko uvěřitelný co když to bylo i v tv..ale vrtule jsou stavěné na naši gravitaci a vztlak vzduchu….tak hura bez helem na mars…podvodníci….jde o prestiž….prestiž rovnáse prachy.

  18. Koukaam že tam je atmosfera jako u nas když to s těma klasickejma listama letí…..tak asi fejk že.

  19. Can you fly a helicopter on a so-called planet they call Mars, which flies around in the vacuum of space? Of course you can't!

  20. Wouldn't "drone" a more appropriate phrasing?

  21. Why dont you show a picture of moon buggy sitting on the moon…oh ?..cant find it ?

  22. My life here on Earth is sad and exhausting.
    I feel like a battery hen, working all my energy and time away, renting a small apartment with no space to move.
    A walk outside is full of cars and shops, every inch is owned and exists only to extract something from me.
    I have no real freedom, I feel in prisoned.
    I’m over it. 😢
    The walls are closing in.

  23. dye your roots

  24. fake…

  25. If people live in mars maybe they will adapt to the environment. People on mars could differ from people on earth and maybe even outlive us.

  26. How do they clean the dust off the solar panels?

  27. I think that mars totally looks like it has an atmosphere and that we could breath there

  28. Consider: Kane Tanaka was born Jan 2nd 1903. In December of that same year, The Wright Brothers successfully made the world's first powered flight. 118 Years later, in 2021 the very first powered flight was achieved on another planet, when the ingenuity copter hovered over the surface of mars. On that date, Feb 18, 2021, Kane Tanaka was still alive at the incredible age of 118!

  29. This is a absurd lie as any one who know about helicopter Aviation , the max altitude it can hover is Around 1200 feet at that point the air is so thin it can no longer maintain its own weight , and as the Atmosphere on Mars is 100 times thinner than Earth there is little or no air to push around to get airborne

  30. Fakery from Nasa again

  31. no one cares about NASA anymore

  32. Waw nice


  34. oh man…45 sec really gave me a fright

  35. too big mouth cave

  36. I heard about this and I imagined a military helicopter

  37. This engineering feat is incredible. Drone and multiple ROVERS have been collecting and analyzing data over 1200+ sols. That information could mean life or death for the astronauts who eventually go there. It’s not if… it’s when. Awesome stuff.

  38. I see a old beer can tab at frame 6223.914

    • J.D.
    • January 15, 2023

    Makes me wanna play Endless Space 2 again.

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